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Birmingham v Newcastle Pre-Match Thread - rearranged for Tuesday 15th February


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2 mile from the stadium, brummies are puffs end of.


Howay man, the snow was mental up there today.


Begs the question as to why, if it was that bad and the forecast was for worse to follow, it still was going ahead at 9.00 this morning?  ???


Well yeah, definitely.  We were half an hour from Birmingham when we heard at 12 o'clock or whatever it was.


That's my only gripe with calling it off tbh. Obviously the weather is shite down there and everyone has been expecting it for a few days so it's not a surprise that it's called off.


The shitter is the fact they had an inspection at 9.00 this morning, just as wor fans were leaving, and called the game on. To then change their minds totally 3 hours later as the expected snow hit Birmingham leaving wor fans stranded is bang out of order. If the match is off - fine. But at least make the decision early enough to let the travelling fans know before they're too far into their journey. That's the pisser.


The snow wasn't that bad TBH, i went out and about in the car and yeah it was snowing but wasn't life threatening FFS, BCFC knew that snow was coming but chose to do nothing about it, did they grit the concourse around the ground last night before it started, did they fuck, typical Britain, reactive rather then proactive. 

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That's my only gripe with calling it off tbh. Obviously the weather is shite down there and everyone has been expecting it for a few days so it's not a surprise that it's called off.

The shitter is the fact they had an inspection at 9.00 this morning, just as wor fans were leaving, and called the game on. To then change their minds totally 3 hours later as the expected snow hit Birmingham leaving wor fans stranded is bang out of order. If the match is off - fine. But at least make the decision early enough to let the travelling fans know before they're too far into their journey. That's the pisser.

Its very tricky. At 9 this morning, there was no where near enough snow to even consider calling it off. So what do they do? Take the forecast as read and call it off? Weather forecasters are notorious for not getting things right. If they made the decision at 9 to call it off and the snow never appeared, they would probably get as much flak for being too hasty. I guess leaving it until later give the match as much chance as possible to happen.

It is a pisser for the away fans mind - totally agree with that. :(

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That's my only gripe with calling it off tbh. Obviously the weather is shite down there and everyone has been expecting it for a few days so it's not a surprise that it's called off.

The shitter is the fact they had an inspection at 9.00 this morning, just as wor fans were leaving, and called the game on. To then change their minds totally 3 hours later as the expected snow hit Birmingham leaving wor fans stranded is bang out of order. If the match is off - fine. But at least make the decision early enough to let the travelling fans know before they're too far into their journey. That's the pisser.

Its very tricky. At 9 this morning, there was no where near enough snow to even consider calling it off. So what do they do? Take the forecast as read and call it off? Weather forecasters are notorious for not getting things right. If they made the decision at 9 to call it off and the snow never appeared, they would probably get as much flak for being too hasty. I guess leaving it until later give the match as much chance as possible to happen.

It is a pisser for the away fans mind - totally agree with that. :(


Depends how many injuries and suspensions you have.

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Great day out that was.


It was fucking immense.


It was alright actually, my dad was pretty pissed by the end. Class stuff.


My mate from work was starting chants about anything and everything.  He decided to have a kip on the train, but not before chanting "SLEEPY, SLEEPY, SLEEPY" for a bit first.

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Guest magpie99

sitting on the verandah here in Oz, looking out over the sea, nice cold beer, Barbie on with a huge steak and about to watch the poms get annihilated in the cricket.....................31 degrees C here. and got a top HJ from the missus this morning too


Anyone know the score from the Birmingham v Newcastle game?

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Guest magpie99

Actually, Ronaldo, I am heading for the airport in 3 hours to catch a flight to Dubai and then on to Newcastle on the 22nd. So, I will no doubt have to sample some of your beautiful weather.

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If you're spending that kind of money, the match ought to be just one of many reasons for coming over tbh. Lost count of the number of times I've been up where the match has been the shittest part, and that only costs me about £40 in travel etc.

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If you're spending that kind of money, the match ought to be just one of many reasons for coming over tbh. Lost count of the number of times I've been up where the match has been the shittest part, and that only costs me about £40.


Well yeah. :lol: I was gutted that it was cancelled today, but I was still fucking chuffed I didn't see us get beat. :lol:

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If you're spending that kind of money, the match ought to be just one of many reasons for coming over tbh. Lost count of the number of times I've been up where the match has been the shittest part, and that only costs me about £40 in travel etc.


I'm sure I'd have other stuff to do yeah, but still, not getting to go to the match would be just about the worst thing ever. When I'm on these trips I have nightmares starting about a week prior about me oversleeping and missing the match.

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sitting on the verandah here in Oz, looking out over the sea, nice cold beer, Barbie on with a huge steak and about to watch the poms get annihilated in the cricket.....................31 degrees C here. and got a top HJ from the missus this morning too


Anyone know the score from the Birmingham v Newcastle game?


Snap, only I went to the cricket more's the pity.


HJ bit was the killer though, lucky bastard - we've got the out-laws staying with us

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Fucking joke how any game in the top league is called off when the Championship has games going ahead.


Not really, match wasn't called off because a Premier League team's pitch was unplayable, but given the deluge of snow that fell in such a short space of time and it being a stadium right in the middle of England's "second city" (with a very popular city centre shopping complex, the weekend before Xmas) - it was called off for safety reasons.


Was always going to be called off when the volume of snow was so great  this morning. The Chelsea situation is very different and Coventry's stadium is in a shithole and out of town, serviced by major (gritted) roads.


Not strictly correct that.


Nowt he says is.


I'm just miffed that you've not started a thread about me to try and draw attention to yourself yet :(










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