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Sunderland v Newcastle United pre-match thread - Sun 16th Jan at 12!


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Guest Heneage

I'm not even superstitious but people posts like that make me feel uneasy. :lol:


Couldn't agree more. :lol:


We all saw them lot milking it and going on like arrogant sods why anyone would even say 'that won't happen' after the 5-1 is crazy.

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Decades ago then. For what it is worth my prediction is a 2-1 or 2-0 win for the mackems as I think we will stuggle without Tiote. Besides what is the difference in saying we arnt going to get destroyed by 5 goals or more and all the other posts in this thread predicting the result?

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The absence of Tiote is critical and we will struggle to get anything at all out of this game.

Before Tiote was suspended - and I blame Pardew for this as the Cup game was lost long before Tiote was brought on - I was quietly confident that we could get a point at Sunderland. The suspension makes that far less likely and I believe they will win comfortably. We will have little physical presence in M/F now and that is where the game will be lost as the likes of Clattermole will be allowed far more license than at SJP.


Whilst nothing should be ruled out where NUFC are concerned, I will be surprised if Sunderland manage to match or equal the scoreline at SJP.....then again, after the gutless performances at Bolton at Stevenage, maybe I should retract that statement.......

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Anyone who wouldn't play a midfield four of Routledge Barton Nolan Jonas* is a certified idiot. Unfortunately, I don't think too highly of our manager :undecided:


*If fit.




Smith should never play for us again, even at a reserve level.


I'm going to go ahead and say he's the worst player we've ever had in my time supporting the club. Not only does he offer nothing positive to the team, he actually assists the opposition with his constant stupid fouls and destruction of our attacking play.


I genuinely think we'd do better with 10 men on the field against Sunderland than with this amped up tosser snarling his miserable way around the field.


Hope he contracts a very serious illness during the week and is unavaliable for selection, because I have no faith in Pardew leaving him out, even after that horrendous display against Stevenage.

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Still can't get over that isn't on the TV. There are 3 other games on Sunday that are on the TV ahead of it. Scandalous.


On TV in HD over here. :smug:


(means there should be room on the sofa for you to sneak over to your mate Justin and watch it)

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No matter the score in this game the it will always be eclipsed by the 5-1


Unless they win by 4 or more, like. :lol:


More chance in a Houghton return


After all he's done and despite him being in your avatar, your still getting his name wrong... this really f***s me off! pet hate of the decade!  :banghead:

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Guest Geordie jack

Can't believe anybody thinks we won't win. Did you not hear Bruce's comments, they are sh***ing themselves.

It will be tough, especially without Tiote and a lot depends on the ref and whether he can get a grip of Cattermole's kamikaze tackling.

I agree with the comments about Smith - red card a cert if he plays.

If we can take advantage of their nerves early on ther's deffo a 2-1 here.


I'll be watching on telly in Spain as well Kaizero!

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Anyone who wouldn't play a midfield four of Routledge Barton Nolan Jonas* is a certified idiot. Unfortunately, I don't think too highly of our manager :undecided:


*If fit.




Smith should never play for us again, even at a reserve level.


I'm going to go ahead and say he's the worst player we've ever had in my time supporting the club. Not only does he offer nothing positive to the team, he actually assists the opposition with his constant stupid fouls and destruction of our attacking play.


I genuinely think we'd do better with 10 men on the field against Sunderland than with this amped up tosser snarling his miserable way around the field.


Hope he contracts a very serious illness during the week and is unavaliable for selection, because I have no faith in Pardew leaving him out, even after that horrendous display against Stevenage.


It's scandalous that the bloke continues to be picked tbh. I cannot for the life of me fathom why, since he's been here, managers have continued to see him as an 'option'. I know he's not first team any more but I'm flabergasted everytime I see him on the team sheet. For me, that pass to a Stevenage player about 2 metres in front of him epitomised this twat and his lack of ability.


Fucking get rid!

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In Tiote I think our best chance of getting anything has gone down the pan.


I can see an easy defeat which I hope doesn't turn into a rout. I fear the 'Smith Effect'.


Old hat but Pardew has made his biggest fuck up so far allowing Tiote on the pitch at Stevenage.

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