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Season Tickets

Guest BooBoo

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Guest Hong Kong Phooey

Just had a look at the seats available for the Arsenal game to get some sort of idea as to how season ticket sales went.  Not giving a great deal away as level 7 is all greyed out (probably family area not yet available to purchase).  However, South East corner is full apart from a couple of seats dotted about so i guess this is where a lot of ST holders who got moved went.


May give you an idea of the seats around you!


The tickets only went on sale today to ST holders (if you wanted extra) and members.

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:lol:. What I never understand though is how are these footballing bans put in place? Surely every turnstile blokey in the country doesn't know what every banned fan looks like? Is there a tagging system in place or something?

Every Club has a group of Football Intelligence Police Officers affiliated to it. They spend the 2 hours before kick off wandering around towns and cities when there is a match on and enter all pubs in a radius of the stadium looking for known "risk" supporters and those on banning orders. When the match kicks off they go into the stadia and do the same and then help police the away fans return to their transport and train station afterwards before standing down approx and hour or so after kick off.

They then go to The Monkey bar and get pissed.


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Thats quite interesting actually. There must be so many faces they'd have to remember though, how do they go about that? And also how does it work for the away fans. Surely the police officers affiliated to that club only know what that particular clubs group of scumsters look like.

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Say we were playing Barnsley away, an officer from Northumbria police would point out to the local South Yorkshire police who the known instigators are and South Yorkshire police would watch them closely for the entire time.

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Serious hooligans with banning orders have to report to a named police station at a specified time (eg during a game) and also surrender passports before games in Europe.

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Say we were playing Barnsley away, an officer from Northumbria police would point out to the local South Yorkshire police who the known instigators are and South Yorkshire police would watch them closely for the entire time.


I see. Can't imagine it works that well then, sounds like it would be fairly easy for someone with a banning order to get into grounds and watch the games if they behave and don't draw fuck loads of attention to themselves.

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Thats quite interesting actually. There must be so many faces they'd have to remember though, how do they go about that? And also how does it work for the away fans. Surely the police officers affiliated to that club only know what that particular clubs group of scumsters look like.

They always have about 4 away police with them and ours go away and patrol when we play away.
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Say we were playing Barnsley away, an officer from Northumbria police would point out to the local South Yorkshire police who the known instigators are and South Yorkshire police would watch them closely for the entire time.


I see. Can't imagine it works that well then, sounds like it would be fairly easy for someone with a banning order to get into grounds and watch the games if they behave and don't draw fuck loads of attention to themselves.

They are backed up by CCTV don't forget and have books with mugshots in that they carry with them and study. They know all of the main faces (and more) in any case and plenty people have been prosecuted for breaching bans.
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Thats quite interesting actually. There must be so many faces they'd have to remember though, how do they go about that? And also how does it work for the away fans. Surely the police officers affiliated to that club only know what that particular clubs group of scumsters look like.

They always have about 4 away police with them and ours go away and patrol when we play away.


Hmmm but thats 4 police to potentially 5000-6000 fans when we go to places like Blackburn and Wigan?

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Useless fucking cunts, got two letters while away saying they had been unable to collect the first two payments (which I had not been informed about) as my bank had came back and said NO ACCOUNT. So I rang them this morning and apparently they had me down as having and account beginning 314....... even though my account begins 5118... and has done for the last 18 years!!!!! So now I've had to pay the first two payments from my card and have to get a new DD mandate in before the 1st August. All because of their sheer incompetence even though the lad on the phone said it might not have been a clerical error.

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Guest Roger Kint

Some bloke rang TS saying he thinks Ashley has turned round public opinion( ;D) and that he only has to pay £390 a season for the next 10 years, i thought all adult tickets were £500+  ???

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A bit off topic, but I didn't want to start a new thread.


Does anyone know if you can withdraw your NUFC-membership? I signed up (and payed for it) on nufc.co.uk i may or june, but I've changed my mind and no longer want to be a member.

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