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Season Tickets

Guest BooBoo

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If this deal enables more kids and adults who are not so well off (with the current state of unemployment and low income in our area) to be able to afford £500 as aposed to £200 then I'm all for it.


I have to admit it is a bit galling to think the stadium will be getting filled up with folks using their benefits giros to buy bargain basement season tickets off their friends and family. Why should taxpayers subsidise folks' season tickets? ???


I'm on the dole and I can now afford it. HA!



That's just fucking wrong.


:lol: Nah, it's gonna be a Christmas present.


From the unsuspecting British taxpayer, aye. :lol:

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Slightly p*ssed off at the reduction but it's not a biggy. Happens all the time when buying a laptop, coat, TV - you pay full whack and see it reduced in the sales a bit later. Slightly annoying but I don't begrudge people too much for taking advantage of the bargain/saving.


As TT says the problem will be in June when people wait and buy match-to-match for the first couple of months rather than commit early. Pros and cons either way.   


But the people waiting like that won't get one unless a mate or someone who's paid full price gets them one.


Unless they change the deal for next season and offer season tickets at 30% off a month or two into the season? My point is that people will wait and see what they come up with.


I'm not against the deal btw. :thup: 


They will do something like, especially if ST sales fall (because of people waiting to see if they reduce so dramatically again).

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Seem to be a fair few folk I know picking up this deal, should be great for gate numbers (ex-season ticket holders who could no longer afford it because they're buying a house, pub game watchers who'd been coming to the odd away match with us etc)


It's one of the highest rated deals of the week on hotukdeals as well, which is impressive seeing as pretty much all football related deals get downvoted to oblivion by fans of other clubs.  Must seem good PR to outsiders.

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Wonder how many they've sold so far?


Looking at the Everton seats available the whole middle tier of the Gallowagte has gone, and the middle section lower tier behind the goal. Which wasn't the case 2 days ago

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Mate at work used mine this morning, got two seats in the Gallowgate west corner.


On another note you know the 10 year deal, how the price is frozen at this year's price, is that the discounted £508 or the full £558????

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NUFC official twitter said 3 hours ago there was a 40 minute queue at the ground, so they were advising people to ring up instead.  An hour ago they described the demand as "immense" and gave a different number just for home tickets for people struggling to get through.

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