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SSN: Charles N'Zogbia to the mackems off


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Guest VegasToon

In the morning, people will be like "OMG, 10 new pages on the Zoggy thread, he must have signed!"


Yep.  WTF was the last ten pages all about?  :cheesy:

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Not signing according to Sunday Sun. Pardew wants but clubs hierarchy doesnt.


No surprise. Marveaux is an identical player and 10mil is too much for somebody who was on our books a couple of years ago. Jonas, Marveaux, Ben Arfa, Barton, Ferguson is a decent enough pool to choose from

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Not signing according to Sunday Sun. Pardew wants but clubs hierarchy doesnt.


No surprise. Marveaux is an identical player and 10mil is too much for somebody who was on our books a couple of years ago. Jonas, Marveaux, Ben Arfa, Barton, Ferguson is a decent enough pool to choose from



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Not signing according to Sunday Sun. Pardew wants but clubs hierarchy doesnt.


No surprise. Marveaux is an identical player and 10mil is too much for somebody who was on our books a couple of years ago. Jonas, Marveaux, Ben Arfa, Barton, Ferguson is a decent enough pool to choose from




True..I would love a return of the Zog. But on the other hand, there are other departments that needs to be strengthened first. We need one or two  strikers, and a better RB. Imo, Simpson is not good enough. He's had some good games, eg against Arsenal, but he doesn't have the offensive skills needed in todays football. He's not able to dribble at all. And his defending has been suspect too. In all honesty, he should install a reverse lamp on the back of his jersey. He's an ideal squad player though.

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I think we'll sign him if a reasonable price can be agreed. But MA has shown before that he's not the kind of person that surrenders to blackmail. But he  went to Villa for £4-5 mill and I afterwards found out that we didn't even lodge a similar bid, I'll be pissed. He's deffo worth that. But £9-10 mill is too much. because we need strengthening in other areas too..

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I think we'll sign him if a reasonable price can be agreed. But MA has shown before that he's not the kind of person that surrenders to blackmail. But he  went to Villa for £4-5 mill and I afterwards found out that we didn't even lodge a similar bid, I'll be pissed. He's deffo worth that. But £9-10 mill is too much. because we need strengthening in other areas too..


4-5m? Why on earth would he go for 4-5m?

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I think we'll sign him if a reasonable price can be agreed. But MA has shown before that he's not the kind of person that surrenders to blackmail. But he  went to Villa for £4-5 mill and I afterwards found out that we didn't even lodge a similar bid, I'll be p*ssed. He's deffo worth that. But £9-10 mill is too much. because we need strengthening in other areas too..



4-5m? Why on earth would he go for 4-5m?



Because he's free to negotiate with foreign clubs in only five months.

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As fans, I've noticed a lot more comments along the lines recently of "I'd not be happy paying that much for potential incoming player" or "£xmillion for potential outgoing player is a great deal."


Why do we care? Its the clubs money after all, it's affecting none of our wallets. As long as we're not going ridiculous like Jordan Henderson esque deals, frankly I'm not arsed if we would be paying over the odds. Sometimes you have to do it if you want the player and that's something that Ashley has never grasped and will never bend to. Its an overly rigid policy that will more often than not see targets slip through the net whilst we settle for third of forth choices.


As for outgoing deals, it doesn't really matter if we got £2million or £12million for someone like Routledge. It doesnt affect one bit our spending so any incoming money is almost irrelevant.


I've been saying this for yonks, only to be effectively accused of wanting the club to go under.

Did I not see you post in another thread that you would hate to be like Man City or Chelsea?

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All those new pages, I thought he'd signed. Fuck sakes. Once again we have a gamble by the club, getting in Marveaux on the cheap who's unproven vs getting in Insomnia who's proven but costly (in Ashley's eyes). That's how I see it anyway, so just have to see if it's a gamble that works. I'm not overly fussed we haven't/don't appear to be landing Zog tbh.

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Where does it actually say that we won't be going for him? The Sunday Sun article just says that Pardew wants him but the club don't. Two things... who's to say that's true, and who's to say that means we won't go in for him at some point?


Clutching at straws here but it doesn't even say that.


Boss Alan Pardew was keen also to bring Charles N’Zogbia back to Newcastle, but the deal appears not to have suited United’s hierarchy.


That reads to me as if the writer simply thinks he's going elsewhere and therefore we can't have been interested, despite Pardew implying different.

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We go for Marveaux. Marveaux chooses to sign for Liverpool. We go for N'Zogbia, wait a bit because the price is exorbitant (£3m extra for not being in Europe). Marveaux decides he wants to sign for us instead. We sign Marveaux. No more interest in N'Zogbia.

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Yes, and?

Do you not see how it's a tad hypocritical to say that you don't want to spend megamoney like them and then say that we shouldn't care how much we spend on players?


If you read the post I agreed with, it clearly states the caveat that I wouldn't want us to go mental buying mediocre players for stupid money and so on. They go way too far with spending money just for the sake of it.

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