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Why is Mike Ashley still here?


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Are we not forgetting he is the one who signed the likes of Smith, Gutierrez, Coloccini, Xisco, Viduka, to name a few on absolutely ridiculous wages?


Don't know if that was addressed to me or not. But my answer is no I haven't forgotten that and I'm sure Ashley hasn't either. So he signed some high earners? It certainly isn't the only thing he's done that he's decided to change because it wasn't working for him. His whole time here has been littered with inconsistencies.


Just for the record I don't like Ashley or Llambias one bit. I didn't like Shepherd either but there again I  doubt I would like many football club owners if I met them. It has become a spiv's industry sadly. And I think if Ashley sells it could easily be to someone worse.

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Thing is, Ashley has developed as an owner over the course of his time here.  I highly doubt he would make the same mistakes again with the knowledge he has now.


So it is blinkered of Colocho, and rather amusing, to see that the only arguments/issues that he can raise are based on dealings that took place years ago.

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Thing is, Ashley has developed as an owner over the course of his time here.  I highly doubt he would make the same mistakes again with the knowledge he has now.


Could you give me a example of the above statment, because all i can see is history repeating (sung i a shirley bassy voice) it's self.

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The problem with knowing Ashleys intentions right now, are that the same tactics of buying/scouting impressive younger players on the cheap with loads of potential..developing them etc. Can both be used to create a cheaper side full of quality that you want to improve the club, as create a side full of players whos price tags will inevitably go flying up that you can cash in on as people keep saying.


He claims he wants to follow Arsenals model, yet as a side that is far below them & then is apparently likely to sell anyone that starts to look impressive because of our position. It doesnt add up atall. There hasnt been a real sign of ambition since he signed Coloccini. If we start selling off our other players after making 35m on Carroll, i dont see there being much doubt about it that hes simply using our club as a tool to make money on the cheap rather than actually wanting to advance us as a side.

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The problem with knowing Ashleys intentions right now, are that the same tactics of buying/scouting impressive younger players on the cheap with loads of potential..developing them etc. Can both be used to create a cheaper side full of quality that you want to improve the club, as create a side full of players whos price tags will inevitably go flying up that you can cash in on as people keep saying.


He claims he wants to follow Arsenals model, yet as a side that is far below them & then is apparently likely to sell anyone that starts to look impressive because of our position. It doesnt add up atall. There hasnt been a real sign of ambition since he signed Coloccini. If we start selling off our other players after making 35m on Carroll, i dont see there being much doubt about it that hes simply using our club as a tool to make money on the cheap rather than actually wanting to advance us as a side.


To be honest he's got a long way to go before he makes any money out of the club.


I said earlier on here I don't know if he's preparing to sell or not. In some ways the Carroll deal weakens the argument that he is selling. If he does have any sort of desire to do something productive with the club then I'm sure the two clubs he will be looking at are Arsenal and Spurs.  Arsenal for picking out young talented players on the cheap, and Spurs for taking the cash on stellar deals when they come along (Berbatov, Carrick and Keane to Liverpool all went for big money) and using that finance to develope the club. Many are not even prepared to consider that as a possibility and its easy to see why. I'll be quite honest and say I don't know what his intentions with the club are and I never have done really. 

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The problem with knowing Ashleys intentions right now, are that the same tactics of buying/scouting impressive younger players on the cheap with loads of potential..developing them etc. Can both be used to create a cheaper side full of quality that you want to improve the club, as create a side full of players whos price tags will inevitably go flying up that you can cash in on as people keep saying.


He claims he wants to follow Arsenals model, yet as a side that is far below them & then is apparently likely to sell anyone that starts to look impressive because of our position. It doesnt add up atall. There hasnt been a real sign of ambition since he signed Coloccini. If we start selling off our other players after making 35m on Carroll, i dont see there being much doubt about it that hes simply using our club as a tool to make money on the cheap rather than actually wanting to advance us as a side.


To be honest he's got a long way to go before he makes any money out of the club.


I said earlier on here I don't know if he's preparing to sell or not. In some ways the Carroll deal weakens the argument that he is selling. If he does have any sort of desire to do something productive with the club then I'm sure the two clubs he will be looking at are Arsenal and Spurs.  Arsenal for picking out young talented players on the cheap, and Spurs for taking the cash on stellar deals when they come along (Berbatov, Carrick and Keane to Liverpool all went for big money) and using that finance to develope the club. Many are not even prepared to consider that as a possibility and its easy to see why. I'll be quite honest and say I don't know what his intentions with the club are and I never have done really. 


As I understand it this is also one of the operating principles of the people who've bought Liverpool – take the money if someone is paying over the odds.

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Thing is, Ashley has developed as an owner over the course of his time here.  I highly doubt he would make the same mistakes again with the knowledge he has now.


Could you give me a example of the above statment, because all i can see is history repeating (sung i a shirley bassy voice) it's self.


Was referring to paying over the top transfer fees and wages to players.

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Pardew: Football has stitched up Ashley


Alan Pardew has revealed that Mike Ashley is desperate to succeed at Newcastle – because he “feels out-manoeuvred” by football rivals.


The Sports Direct tycoon has spent £285million on United during four turbulent years but has yet to fully win over the Toon Army and manager Pardew admitted:


“If I was a fan at Newcastle I wouldn’t be jumping up and down about Mike Ashley ... and I say that to him!


“He feels out-manoeuvred by the football trade, something he is not used to. He does want to prove to people that he can make this a success."



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Pardew: Football has stitched up Ashley


Alan Pardew has revealed that Mike Ashley is desperate to succeed at Newcastle – because he “feels out-manoeuvred” by football rivals.


The Sports Direct tycoon has spent £285million on United during four turbulent years but has yet to fully win over the Toon Army and manager Pardew admitted:


“If I was a fan at Newcastle I wouldn’t be jumping up and down about Mike Ashley ... and I say that to him!


“He feels out-manoeuvred by the football trade, something he is not used to. He does want to prove to people that he can make this a success."



I wouldn't say he's been out-manoeuvered atall. He's just made some ridiculous decisions. If you appoint your pals into the main positions at a football club, then its likely you will fuck up. Derek Llambais doesnt know anything about football and isnt qualified for the job beyond being Ashleys pal. Its nothing to do with out-manoeuvering. Appointing people like Kinnear and Pardew as managers show this too. He isn't appointing people who are best for the job. He either knows this, and does it anyway, or doesn't know it, meaning he is thick as mince.

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I know we can refer back to Ashley's plans forever but is it not a case of Hughton was pushing for too big changes to quickly for Mike so he was replaced with another low cost solution to match the plan of hitting 10th for the next few years . If we get a few years in Europe his new plan might be to spend more on a manager paid with through the profits Newcastle generate.

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He needs to apologise for the mistakes he's made and spend at least £35m on transfers in the summer and it would go some way for the fans to at least pull in the same direction. I doubt he'll be forgiven, he's left it too long, but at least maybe we can put our differences aside, support the club together and make it something better, even if it is just for him to sell in the future.


No doubt he has been done in deals, the very first one was when he bought the club without proper due diligence, it doesn't detract from the mammoth mistakes since then and the arrogance he's give off during his reign over the fans.


A committed Mashley, a one not being abused by the fans and hated for past sins is better than what we've got now, but he has to make the first move since he did the damage. I doubt it will happen but if it did i'd certainly have a lot more time for him. It's such a shame a man who's spent the best part of £300m on a football club can't enjoy it properly and the fans can't (understandably) appreciate his financial support.



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Guest Chubby Jason

I gave up on the fat dickhead years ago. People need to stop burying their heads in the sand and accept that no matter how many chances he is afforded & how many excuses his lackey's make for him the club will not progress while he is at the helm.

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The redoubtable Karren Brady is once again displaying her penchant for slugging it out with the male heavyweights of the football world.


The outspoken West Ham vice-chair took Newcastle managing director Derek Llambias to task for his recent claim that Newcastle wouldn't exist without owner Mike Ashley.


Brady said: "Rubbing his boss with the embrocation of gross flattery, he says: ‘Quite honestly, Newcastle United would not be here without him.’ Quite honestly, that’s rubbish.


“The club is bigger than him, just as West Ham is bigger than us all. Newcastle United will exist when Mike Ashley has gone to the great casino in the sky.”


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Of course she's right in what she says, but the bint needs to shut the fuck up once in a while. She does nothing but hinder her fellow bints in the business world with the constant tripe she has to trot out to make herself seem big.

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Of course she's right in what she says, but the bint needs to shut the fuck up once in a while. She does nothing but hinder her fellow bints in the business world with the constant tripe she has to trot out to make herself seem big.


Her bosses are going to need quite a bit of rubbing with all kinds of soothing embrocation if she oversees the bubble blowers drop down to the fizzy pop this season.

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I'd rather Have ashley at the club than have Karen Brady here.


Used to like her, buts realised she's just a total gobshite with a huge chip on her shoulder because she doesn't have a penis between her legs.

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