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Football's greatest - where does Lionel Messi rank?


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Guest firetotheworks

Reading his book didn't Inter Milan and Real Madrid both want him and especially Inter Milan nearly got him? This is once he'd moved to Barca, but it was when they were umming and arring about paying for his treatment.

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Reading his book didn't Inter Milan and Real Madrid both want him and especially Inter Milan nearly got him? This is once he'd moved to Barca, but it was when they were umming and arring about paying for his treatment.


No. Inter's interest came in many years later, when he had already played for the first team even. Messi reportedly refused because he thought he owed it to Barça to stick with them.


There was a story about Messi's then manager getting a job at Madrid (the city) while our chief scout was still trying to convince the board to pay for Messi's treatment, but that's all there was to it afaik.

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That's what fascinates me about Messi's story. How do you know at that age that he's worth the investment, time and care? How can you go out of your way, as a scout, to convince moneymen to put their money into this kid who, looking at the odds, may not amount to much? Pretty crazy foresight.

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That's what fascinates me about Messi's story. How do you know at that age that he's worth the investment, time and care? How can you go out of your way, as a scout, to convince moneymen to put their money into this kid who, looking at the odds, may not amount to much? Pretty crazy foresight.


Funnily, the scout that pushed for his signing (Carles Reixach) would later manage Barça and is universally considered our worst manager ever. All is forgiven now.


He tells that during the trial, he put Messi to play against boys two years older than him, and when he ran circles around them he saw that we had to get that little Argie lad.

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That's what fascinates me about Messi's story. How do you know at that age that he's worth the investment, time and care? How can you go out of your way, as a scout, to convince moneymen to put their money into this kid who, looking at the odds, may not amount to much? Pretty crazy foresight.


imagine trying it with ashley :lol:


"ere del, get this little facka cleaning the chimneys"

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That's what fascinates me about Messi's story. How do you know at that age that he's worth the investment, time and care? How can you go out of your way, as a scout, to convince moneymen to put their money into this kid who, looking at the odds, may not amount to much? Pretty crazy foresight.


imagine trying it with ashley :lol:


"ere del, get this little facka cleaning the chimneys"



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One of my best friends got a son the other day. They're naming him Lionel after Messi. I tried to convince them that Obertan is the way to go.


Glad you cleared that bit up.  I would have been thinking it may have been after Richie or Blair, if not. :lol:  :laugh:



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Stuff like what Neymar did last night is what helps the likes of Messi and the real Ronaldo to be so good. They never lost/lose their heads. Neymar did exactly what players such as Zlatan, Zidane, CRonaldo are/were capable off, but can't remember seeing Messi lose it like that (except that kick into the stands against Real but doubt he was aiming at the fans).

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