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Sammy Ameobi released


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Played really well. Hope he keeps it up, we could do with another genuine attacking option. As I said in the match thread, it's great to have two players on the park who can dribble at pace.

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Who would have thought he would be constantly trying to beat his full back, beating players with his gangly unpredictable skill and putting balls into the box.


You would think some have just decided he is shite because of his surname.










:troll:  :bluestar:


It's not like you to play the patronising card.


It's not like some posters to make ridiculous, over the top negative opinions of players and ridicule those who don't feel the same way :)


That's basically this forum though. Over the top negative opinions or over the top positive opinions. Each ridiculing the other.




If you can find an over the top positive opinion of Sammy from myself I will hold my hands up. All I have said is he suits playing a wide position more than Marveaux and he is very positive, always looking to attack. Hardly calling him Cronaldo, Messi or Bale. Just suited to that position and a rare shining light in a usually nervous Pardew line up.

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He's looked like he's progressed and developed his game, improved his decision-maing and shown good delivery every time I've seen him over the last year or so - albeit only in cameos. Advancing well. Forgetting that first half no idea why you'd write him-off (or why he was frozen out in favour of fucking Obertan) on the basis of the evidence of the last year.

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Played really well. Hope he keeps it up, we could do with another genuine attacking option. As I said in the match thread, it's great to have two players on the park who can dribble at pace.


:thup: Him and Benny in the same side is entertaining.

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I certainly wouldn't have started him before the game but he's had a great half like, never put a foot wrong. He'll get an assist if he keeps it up in the second.




Despite your recent hatred of me I did vote you funniest poster so we can call this even, yer bastard.

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More quite second half but what has impressed me during the game is that when he takes a heavy touch he has managed to get his go go gadget legs to stretch long enough and toe poke a ball through to one of our players.

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He looked amazing in the first half and then the second half he was completely useless. Don't know what to think of him..

He should have been subbed off way earlier, every time he had the ball he gave it away whith hollywood tricks when we needed to calm the game down..


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Yeh, I can take him being tired in the 2nd half as tributary to his worse decision making and sloppiness. Keep it up Sammy (1st half!), if we can get a consistent couple of performances he will be a great incomer...

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