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Other clubs' transfers

Guest palnese

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What a pathetic human being Falcao is. He will regret it when he looks back on his career and realise he's achieved pretty much nothing.


Yeah, pathetic man for wanting more money while also being part of an interesting project. I bet you wouldn't leave your job for a better paid one if you got the chance would you?


It's a bit different when leaving a £40k a year job for a £50k a week one.


Falcao could no doubt get an offer where he earns as much a week that most 'normal' people will get in a couple of years working. This argument never works for me.

I really think that people don't appreciate the short length of sporting careers and the high level of expenses that top level athletes incur. Most of these footballers are only earning top wages from ages (18-21) to (32-36). This money has to last them the entirety of their lives, which is 40-50 years if they are fortunate. Footballers as a whole also have very little sense of financial management (uneducated people in their 20's) and often have to rely on others, who end up taking from them. Many of them also are expected to support entire groups of family and friends because they are "millionaires" (95 percent probably aren't).


They should grab as much money as they should.


Sorry I still don't buy this.


As one of the best strikers in the world Falcao would likely get what £100,000 per week at this next club (minimum). So he is going to earn around £3.2m after tax per year.


The average yearly wage after tax in the UK works out around £21,000 a year.


So in ONE year he would earn enough to live 152 years by himself, 76 years as a couple or 38 years if he was completely supporting 2 kids.


Yeah, I'm pretty confident top footballers earn enough money not to just go with who is offering the most :lol: :p

More money is always more comfort. The average UK citizen does not have the expenses of Falcao. The average UK citizen has 30-40 more years of increasing earning potential, while the football well runs dry in the mid 30s. I always judge people's true wealth by how liquid they are, how much money and equity they actually have available to them that isn't tied in debt or expense. Like my family had much more money than most people in my country, but with bills to afford housing, schooling, and things of that nature, we never had much money for frivolities such as clothes, vehicles, and expensive food. Many footballers are the same as there expenses mean any sort of financial shock, such as the abrupt end of a career could see the in trouble. It's why so many end up penniless.


There are obviously diminishing returns to increased wages at the upper echelon of wealth, as you've stated earlier, but this is less relevant when the time to earn is so short. I advise all footballers to be greedy.

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Good assessment, depending on who they buy (and how they settle), I suspect they'll be back among scramble for European places next season unfortunately.


Shame that finances dictate that they couldn't kick on and become a proper 3rd force.


Only got themselves to blame for that, easily one of the worst managed clubs in the major leagues.


However, if they managed to qualify again for the CL next season, things could be on the up financially. They've been ran in a pretty sensible manner these past two years and they have paid off a huge chunk of their debt to the taxman.


:thup: fingers crossed. It'd be good for the league.


IIRC their new stadium is in the arse end of nowhere, will that effect them much? I know attendances are pretty hit and miss anyway.

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I've heard reporters speculating that Falcao is only going to Monaco so that he can move to Real Madrid in a years time.  I guess if there is some truth in that then it might be easier to move on from Monaco than one of the other clubs that have been after him.


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I've heard reporters speculating that Falcao is only going to Monaco so that he can move to Real Madrid in a years time.  I guess if there is some truth in that then it might be easier to move on from Monaco than one of the other clubs that have been after him.



They said the same when Agüero moved. He's been banging the hattricks for Real Madrid like.

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Monaco's latest available accs (2011-12) showed income €21m, exes €48.2m (of which €31.5m wages). Summer 2013 transfer spend already: €121m

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Monaco's latest available accs (2011-12) showed income €21m, exes €48.2m (of which €31.5m wages). Summer 2013 transfer spend already: €121m


Well I can promise you those income won't be accurate come next season, people tend to forget that better players brings more sponsorships and makes the club more attractive for the general fans visiting Monaco. I have no doubt their economy will go backwards for many years just like City, Chelsea, PSG but at the same time it's shown that you can buy success...

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Monaco's latest available accs (2011-12) showed income €21m, exes €48.2m (of which €31.5m wages). Summer 2013 transfer spend already: €121m


Well I can promise you those income won't be accurate come next season, people tend to forget that better players brings more sponsorships and makes the club more attractive for the general fans visiting Monaco. I have no doubt their economy will go backwards for many years just like City, Chelsea, PSG but at the same time it's shown that you can buy success...


Chelsea and ManCity are not even close to break even. Even with sham sponsorships like City's.

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Monaco's latest available accs (2011-12) showed income €21m, exes €48.2m (of which €31.5m wages). Summer 2013 transfer spend already: €121m


Well I can promise you those income won't be accurate come next season, people tend to forget that better players brings more sponsorships and makes the club more attractive for the general fans visiting Monaco. I have no doubt their economy will go backwards for many years just like City, Chelsea, PSG but at the same time it's shown that you can buy success...


Chelsea and ManCity are not even close to break even. Even with sham sponsorships like City's.


Aye, I did make that point though didn't I?


What I said is that their income won't be as bad as they'll get more income. They'll still have a negative turnover for many many years to come, but there's no way they'll have a mere €21m in income.

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So what's this Monaco thing then? They're rich now?


Yep and they don't pay tax where as France has a very high tax rate so if someone like Marseille wanted to 'match' the wages Monaco are giving a player they would have to pay them something like 70% more.

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So what's this Monaco thing then? They're rich now?


Yep and they don't pay tax where as France has a very high tax rate so if someone like Marseille wanted to 'match' the wages Monaco are giving a player they would have to pay them something like 70% more.



That's what I call financial fair play. :thup:

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So what's this Monaco thing then? They're rich now?


Yep and they don't pay tax where as France has a very high tax rate so if someone like Marseille wanted to 'match' the wages Monaco are giving a player they would have to pay them something like 70% more.


If the top tax tier is indeed now over 70%, that means other clubs will roughly have to pay over 3 times as much (gross) to give a player the same nett income, doesn't it?

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So what's this Monaco thing then? They're rich now?


Yep and they don't pay tax where as France has a very high tax rate so if someone like Marseille wanted to 'match' the wages Monaco are giving a player they would have to pay them something like 70% more.


If the top tax tier is indeed now over 70%, that means other clubs will roughly have to pay over 3 times as much (gross) to give a player the same nett income, doesn't it?



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So what's this Monaco thing then? They're rich now?


Yep and they don't pay tax where as France has a very high tax rate so if someone like Marseille wanted to 'match' the wages Monaco are giving a player they would have to pay them something like 70% more.


If the top tax tier is indeed now over 70%, that means other clubs will roughly have to pay over 3 times as much (gross) to give a player the same nett income, doesn't it?




It really is ridiculous when you think about it. Imagine Aubameyang for example on 30k per week at St Etienne, leaving him 10k or so after taxes. They could come in and offer him 12.5k and that would be an attractive offer. You can see why other clubs don't want them in their championship, although I don't think this is a new problem. It just got worse with the ridiculous top tier tax increase. 75% for crying out loud. I would be heading abroad tbh.

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What a pathetic human being Falcao is. He will regret it when he looks back on his career and realise he's achieved pretty much nothing.


Yeah, pathetic man for wanting more money while also being part of an interesting project. I bet you wouldn't leave your job for a better paid one if you got the chance would you?

Yeah I would, then again I'm not doing what I love for my job and getting paid a ridiculous amount to do so.


Falcao's transfer movements are controlled by his agents.

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What a pathetic human being Falcao is. He will regret it when he looks back on his career and realise he's achieved pretty much nothing.


Yeah, pathetic man for wanting more money while also being part of an interesting project. I bet you wouldn't leave your job for a better paid one if you got the chance would you?

Yeah I would, then again I'm not doing what I love for my job and getting paid a ridiculous amount to do so.


Falcao's transfer movements are controlled by his agents owners.



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Guest VanBarduck

Arsenal are set to sign Clément Grenier. Sanogo+Grenier , that remind me of Wenger's brilliant/cheap recruitment back in the days

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By doing a bit of a crude research, based on last season's stats there are at least 392 clubs in UEFA countries with bigger attendances than Monaco.


That includes 33 in France. and 69 (!) in England.

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By doing a bit of a crude research, based on last season's stats there are at least 392 clubs in UEFA countries with bigger attendances than Monaco.


That includes 33 in France. and 69 (!) in England.


Cool, I'll bet some money they'll be close to selling out every game with the signings they've made. Even if that means the Russian president buying half the tickets for himself.

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Oscar Cardozo transfer listed apparently. Such a shame. 261 games, 161 goals, 33 goals in european games.


Hope it's bollocks or nobody offers more than 10M€ for him. Legend.

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