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Other clubs' transfers

Guest palnese

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Modric to City? Croatian media reporting so.


Don't read this rubbish... Few days ago Manchester United offered Tottenham 22M for him, yesterday he was close to sign contract with Chelsea, today he will join City...  :thdn:


City could afford what the Spurs cunts would want, mind.

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We apparently bid for Thiago from Barcelona, but our 4M (ha!) bid was laughed off.


Also, we inquired about Cameron Jerome apparently. Urgh. Birmingham want £8M (:D) for him so we ran away. Fast.


Few journo's on SSN reckon Villa will come after Coyle if Martinez rejects them, you heard owt?

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We apparently bid for Thiago from Barcelona, but our 4M (ha!) bid was laughed off.

Also, we inquired about Cameron Jerome apparently. Urgh. Birmingham want £8M (:D) for him so we ran away. Fast.

£8M :lol:

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We apparently bid for Thiago from Barcelona, but our 4M (ha!) bid was laughed off.


Also, we inquired about Cameron Jerome apparently. Urgh. Birmingham want £8M (:D) for him so we ran away. Fast.


Few journo's on SSN reckon Villa will come after Coyle if Martinez rejects them, you heard owt?


Not really. I think Martinez will join to be honest. Mind you, Coyle would take the job though given the opportunity. If they do approach him, they'd have to pay a hefty compensation fee - we paid roughly 3M for him and his backroom staff from Burnley, and he's on a bigger contract here.

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The price-tags Birmingham have put on their stars suggest they have no need to sell. Think I'll be sticking them in my accumulator of league winners for next season.


Let me know who you go for... mine never wins..

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Why the hell would they want Wickham? Not like they need him and he is quite similar to Carroll. Just getting him so no one else can kind of transfer policy this.


They've got no decent strikers below Suarez & Carroll.


If that's the case, then I don't understand the need for Wickham. £9million is a lot for a relitavely unknown quantity, especially at the top level. If back up for AC/Suarez is a priority, then this just seems like a mega gamble to be fair, especially when the likes of Gameiro/Sturridge are apparently on the market within this price bracket and would probably improve their side anyway.


Liverpool also have Raheem Sterling coming up through the Youth ranks and there are very high hopes for him so if they do get Wickham as well, they probably won't have to worry about strikers for a long time.


Also, heard something yesterday on the radio where they reported that Guardiola had said that outside of Barca, Liverpool now had the best youth set up.  That may well be Rafa's legacy to them as he completely revamped it.


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Liverpool wont get anywhere signing all the best young English talent. The english players coming through at the moment are probably some of the worst in Europe. You could get about 5 Jordan Hendersons for the fee Liverpool paid from spain.

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The thing I don't understand about deals like Henderson (and to a certain extent Carroll) is what is going on with these clubs who think that buying Jordan Henderson for £20m is their best available option?


What about their scouting and youth development networks? These players are basically promising young lads who have achieved nothing, being bought and sold for mega transfer fees.


Not sure what my point is really, but it seems weird. Surely Liverpool should already have 3 or 4 Jordan Hendersons in their development squads.

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Not sure what my point is really, but it seems weird. Surely Liverpool should already have 3 or 4 Jordan Hendersons in their development squads.


I work in Liverpool and was asking the same question.


They've got a young lad Conor Cody, who's supposed to be the next Steven Gerrard.  With Lucas, Meireles, Gerrard, Poulson, Spearing, Shelvey in centre mid, I don't see why they've brought in Henderson.

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The thing I don't understand about deals like Henderson (and to a certain extent Carroll) is what is going on with these clubs who think that buying Jordan Henderson for £20m is their best available option?


What about their scouting and youth development networks? These players are basically promising young lads who have achieved nothing, being bought and sold for mega transfer fees.


Not sure what my point is really, but it seems weird. Surely Liverpool should already have 3 or 4 Jordan Hendersons in their development squads.


More about Damien Comolli changing than Liverpool in my opinion.  He does identify good young talent, no question about it, did it for Arsenal, did it for Spurs and now doing it for Liverpool, he does have misses but he gets a good percentage of hits. 


The difference this time is the fees involved.  The likes of Clichy, Toure, Lennon, Dawson, Huddlestone and Bale cost relatively little (£6m for Bale being the highest), the strategy at Liverpool is completely different.  At Arsenal or Spurs he could afford to have some failures as the club would still probably get their money back.  With Carroll and Henderson he cant afford to get it wrong.  I'm not saying he has picked wrong'uns but I'm not totally convinced he's bought the best possible option at the best possible price either.

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Agree completely Jol. He's a big fan of Clichy which is giving weight to the story of a potential move to Liverpool...


Comolli wanted Spurs to sign Clichy as well, Wenger wouldn't sell so Comolli got Assou-Ekotto for £3m (iirc) instead.  And that really is the point.  He was involved with Henry's signing and was the driving force behind getting Berbatov but' generally speaking, his strength has been getting good, value for money youngsters.  Although they may turn out to be cracking signings, I can't help but think that £35m for Carroll or £20m for Henderson are better deals for the selling clubs than for Liverpool.

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What the f*** is going on with the transfer market?


I wondered if it had something to do with the fair play rules, but iirc they take into account this year's balance.


It's mental, though as you and I know more than most, much of the stuff spouted is just made up.

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