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The other games today - 2011/12


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Regarding the us vs. them comparison, but for an amazing clearance, we would have pegged Liverpool back to 2-2 after whatever it was, 70min? Liverpool's second came from a free kick after a non-foul. We hardly rolled over for them.



Did you actually watch the game? They had one of the worst midfield combinations that Liverpool have put out in years and we didn't try and press them, harry them, try and actually pass the ball between them, we just let them have the ball and do what the hell they wanted with it and every time we got it, we panicked and kicked it long straight back to them.


Against the top teams that is the game that bucks the trend though, we've played well against Man Utd, City and Chelsea and did pressure them. If we'd played like we did at Old Trafford at Anfield we'd have beaten them.


How long is this nonsense about Chelsea still being a top team going to be peddled?


Apart from the fact they're still there or thereabouts, until Abramovich walks away there will always be the potential for them to spunk wads of cash. So, until he walks away. Still wouldn't surprise me if they got top four this year.


Sorry lads, can't be unhappy about the finish to that game. Not that I think anyone will stop City taking the title. I am a little bit more pissed off that we couldn't hold on yesterday though, would have been a cracking outcome.


Arsenal will be happier than anyone.


Oh, and we had the full on "Stevie G" wankfest in the US today as well. Hope the fucker breaks his ankle next game.

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Come off it, like Ben Arfa could of changed the Norwich game man, unless you're telling me he can play at CB too? Pardew sees more of him than I do, but I'd happily see BArfa out wide, in fact I've advocated it (in a few places).


Again I don't quite understand why you seem so surprised. Pardew's success this season has been built on a stern defensive organization, a player like Ben Arfa doesn't conform to that, he's not concentrated or committed, Obertan is. I think there'll come a point where he'll change, and I'd imagine it's soon. But a game at Anfield won't be the one where Pardew abandons what he knows, and what has brought him success this year.


Yes, he should have come on at 3-2 right after Ba scored to try and force the game, keep the ball in their half and pin them back. He brought on Sammy, so presumably you agree with him that Sammy could change the game but Ben Arfa couldn't?


Your sentence about Obertan is one of the most ridiculous things I've read on here in a long time. Concentrated and committed?! :lol:

No I don't rate Sammy tbh.


Ben Arfa floats around, he lacks self discipline and would rarely chase back. The one time he did defend (City away) he gave away a penalty. Obertan for all his inadequacies in attack and actual contribution will at least track back and put effort into the defensive side of the game. Considering we've an absolute liability at RB you need that extra body.


If you look at Ben Arfa's best performance for this club (Everton away) he was ahead of a fantastic fullback in Enrique, who could shoulder the burden of having to do a lot of work. Until we can provide him that solid backup I don't know if I'd like to see him outwide.


We'll have to agree to disagree about Obertan, I think he bottles challenges and puts very little effort in defensively. I can appreciate what Jonas offers defensively even if he's having a s*** game with the ball, I don't see it in the slightest from Obertan.


I also think that's a very negative way to look at the game, exactly the way I absolutely hate managers looking at it, same reason I detested Souness for the Robert situation. You should build your team around your best creative players, not leave them out because they don't do enough graft. If they're not doing it, it's your job as manager to either get them to do it or get the other players to fill in. David Silva's hardly a workhorse, he'd be a poorer player if he was.

No we won't, we'll fight until one of us gives up. FWIW, I think if he's got any sense he'll use him against Man United given what happened yesterday (assuming their side is much the same) because Carrick clearly has a coronary when someone runs at him.


Ben Arfa? I really hope so. Good opportunity to beat them, as the Liverpool game was, and we'll need quality.

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Come off it, like Ben Arfa could of changed the Norwich game man, unless you're telling me he can play at CB too? Pardew sees more of him than I do, but I'd happily see BArfa out wide, in fact I've advocated it (in a few places).


Again I don't quite understand why you seem so surprised. Pardew's success this season has been built on a stern defensive organization, a player like Ben Arfa doesn't conform to that, he's not concentrated or committed, Obertan is. I think there'll come a point where he'll change, and I'd imagine it's soon. But a game at Anfield won't be the one where Pardew abandons what he knows, and what has brought him success this year.


Yes, he should have come on at 3-2 right after Ba scored to try and force the game, keep the ball in their half and pin them back. He brought on Sammy, so presumably you agree with him that Sammy could change the game but Ben Arfa couldn't?


Your sentence about Obertan is one of the most ridiculous things I've read on here in a long time. Concentrated and committed?! :lol:

No I don't rate Sammy tbh.


Ben Arfa floats around, he lacks self discipline and would rarely chase back. The one time he did defend (City away) he gave away a penalty. Obertan for all his inadequacies in attack and actual contribution will at least track back and put effort into the defensive side of the game. Considering we've an absolute liability at RB you need that extra body.


If you look at Ben Arfa's best performance for this club (Everton away) he was ahead of a fantastic fullback in Enrique, who could shoulder the burden of having to do a lot of work. Until we can provide him that solid backup I don't know if I'd like to see him outwide.


We'll have to agree to disagree about Obertan, I think he bottles challenges and puts very little effort in defensively. I can appreciate what Jonas offers defensively even if he's having a shit game with the ball, I don't see it in the slightest from Obertan.


I also think that's a very negative way to look at the game, exactly the way I absolutely hate managers looking at it, same reason I detested Souness for the Robert situation. You should build your team around your best creative players, not leave them out because they don't do enough graft. If they're not doing it, it's your job as manager to either get them to do it or get the other players to fill in. David Silva's hardly a workhorse, he'd be a poorer player if he was.


Play your best players and let the opposition worry about them, instead of worrying about whether Player X will track back all the time.


It's something I hate about Moyes too. Far too willing to pick the "hard working" but less able player. Pisses me right off.

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Lampards goalscoring over the years has been the difference between him being a good player and a distinctly mediocre one.


A 'distinctly mediocre' player who statistically created more chances than anyone else season after season?


If the bloke in your avatar was as 'distinctly mediocre' as Lamaprd has been 'over the years' we'd all be fucking ecstatic.


Is that right? Source/Link?


Because I don't recall that tbh, happy to be proved wrong though. O0


The bloke in my avatar plays for my team, that's why he's in my avatar.

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Chelsea's and Tottenham's futures both hinge on getting a new 60k+ stadium. Abramovich will leave at some point but if they're financially sustainable by that time then they'll be a force for a long time. Spurs need to capitalise on their talent by cementing a place in the top 4 and generating enough revenue to be able to pay obscene wages, which means that they need a new stadium, otherwise this boom in talent that they currently are enjoying will be short-lived.

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Come off it, like Ben Arfa could of changed the Norwich game man, unless you're telling me he can play at CB too? Pardew sees more of him than I do, but I'd happily see BArfa out wide, in fact I've advocated it (in a few places).


Again I don't quite understand why you seem so surprised. Pardew's success this season has been built on a stern defensive organization, a player like Ben Arfa doesn't conform to that, he's not concentrated or committed, Obertan is. I think there'll come a point where he'll change, and I'd imagine it's soon. But a game at Anfield won't be the one where Pardew abandons what he knows, and what has brought him success this year.


Yes, he should have come on at 3-2 right after Ba scored to try and force the game, keep the ball in their half and pin them back. He brought on Sammy, so presumably you agree with him that Sammy could change the game but Ben Arfa couldn't?


Your sentence about Obertan is one of the most ridiculous things I've read on here in a long time. Concentrated and committed?! :lol:

No I don't rate Sammy tbh.


Ben Arfa floats around, he lacks self discipline and would rarely chase back. The one time he did defend (City away) he gave away a penalty. Obertan for all his inadequacies in attack and actual contribution will at least track back and put effort into the defensive side of the game. Considering we've an absolute liability at RB you need that extra body.


If you look at Ben Arfa's best performance for this club (Everton away) he was ahead of a fantastic fullback in Enrique, who could shoulder the burden of having to do a lot of work. Until we can provide him that solid backup I don't know if I'd like to see him outwide.


Ben Arfa's just as effective tracking back as Obertan imo, and I say that without a hint of bias due to how much better he is offensively.

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