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Guest BooBoo

Not a single seat will be used in the away end next weekend.

You never know. Could see a couple hoyed at the soap dodgers.


:lol: True. I hope we're better behaved this year though, last season the toilets were completely trashed.

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I've yet to see a a real argument safety wise for terracing and they do it in Germany isn't a valid argument. Crystal Palace have wooden seats, doesn't mean to say they are very safe especially if theirs a fire.

You're wrong on several levels. Firstly people aren't arguing for terracing, they want safe standing (which is what they have in Germany, not terraces). The argument is overwhelmingly in favour of safe standing, it is safe, cheaper and is what people want. If you don't agree I suggest you pay attention next time you watch MOTD and see how many people stand in the premier league. We're talking about full stands as well, not just a few blocks. Not to mention most away crowds will stand all game. Search on Youtube for safe standing if you want to learn more.

So I'm supposed to look at a video on youtube thats biased in the fact that it wants to bring back safe standing made by supporters of safe standing and not actually take into account the other facts around safe standing that is ignored by these youtube videos and has not been carried out by an independent survey?

Well there's a documentary on there which I helped to make, interviewing an employee of Sunderland council who was behind cutting away allocations for fans standing, Don Foster MP, a police officer from Northumbria police and a representative from the Football Supporters Federation. None have any reason to be bias towards standing. The FSF are in favour of safe standing because it has been used in Germany for many years without any problems, they are a group that represent fans so why would they endorse something that could put fans in any danger? You can read their in depth report on safe standing here which includes their survey of fans opinions on standing.


Safe standing is safe, so are terraces infact. Over how many years of their use (still seen in league 1 and below to this day) have we seen any accidents as a direct result of them? Very little, hillsborough had nothing todo with terraces, it was fences and too many people in an area not built to hold them all. People would get crushed to death at sjp if there was way too many people inside and fences at the front of the stand, it's not a direct link to terraces/standing at all. Like I said watch the video on youtube, it's impartial and will let you make your own mind up.

and you think the right way to go about it is standing regardless and deliberatly obscuring the view of others ?


just smacks of childish,spoiltbratted selfishness to me.


fwiw i think standing areas should be allowed, but your way of going about this and attempting to justify the actions of the spoiltbrats is pathetic.

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and you think the right way to go about it is standing regardless and deliberatly obscuring the view of others ?


just smacks of childish,spoiltbratted selfishness to me.


fwiw i think standing areas should be allowed, but your way of going about this and attempting to justify the actions of the spoiltbrats is pathetic.

No, the right way to go about it was having the singing section, which we got. That got closed so fans went the right way about things by spreading the word to move down to the least populated section of the stadium ST wise to Level 4. That then got closed. So fans organised to move down to an area where a couple of rows already stand. In the process what sounds like a couple of people have had their view obscured, which is of course not ideal but it's not as if they can't move a couple rows down/anywhere the fuck they want. Don't know why you're so mad.

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and you think the right way to go about it is standing regardless and deliberatly obscuring the view of others ?


just smacks of childish,spoiltbratted selfishness to me.


fwiw i think standing areas should be allowed, but your way of going about this and attempting to justify the actions of the spoiltbrats is pathetic.

No, the right way to go about it was having the singing section, which we got. That got closed so fans went the right way about things by spreading the word to move down to the least populated section of the stadium ST wise to Level 4. That then got closed. So fans organised to move down to an area where a couple of rows already stand. In the process what sounds like a couple of people have had their view obscured, which is of course not ideal but it's not as if they can't move a couple rows down/anywhere the f*** they want. Don't know why you're so mad.

wrong, even in the singing section you weren't allowed to stand but it was tolerated and quite possibly why it got shut.


i'll tell you why it pisses me off, it's because it's symptomatic of a wider "couldn't give a shit about anyone else" attitude that was also brought on here with ,i think, heza's attitude about swearing at the match when it's obvious you are next to kids.

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Most stands these days are too steep for standing as they have been made for seating. Level 7 is a good example of that. Maybe newer stadiums where the stands arn't so steep or lower level stands can be used for standing but not in most stadiums. The oly true way to have safe standing would be on a none steep stand with rows like they use for seating where it one person on each row then a full length stand stopping people from going into the row below. With that in mind I can't see how it's cheaper than seats as all your doing is replacing the seats with a safety fence. That's probably a good solution for stadiums that don't have steep stands like Wembley.


Dortmund's Die Südtribüne is very steep and the largest safe standing area in European football.





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Not taking the piss in the slightest - would Mavis like to swap seats with one of the front row standers in her section? No big deal for either surely.


I hope this can be arranged if people are happy to do so, but I don't feel particularly comfortable about people being forced to do this.

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wrong, even in the singing section you weren't allowed to stand but it was tolerated and quite possibly why it got shut.


Um, how's it wrong? You claimed my idea of going about having a standing section was going and standing infront of people on purpose so they can't see:


and you think the right way to go about it is standing regardless and deliberatly obscuring the view of others ?


To which I replied the move to the SE corner was 3rd choice on the list of actions made to organise fans to stand. So how am I 'wrong'? Standing could be a reason why it was shut, I don't dispute that, although you would hope the club would have been able to predict people would stand in a singing section, especially since 1,000 or so standers from the Leazes L7 were being moved into it, non? That plus it took 3 seasons of 3,000 people standing for them to eventually close it, in my mind if they were closing it because of standing then they'd have made it clear in order to send a strong message out that they won't tolerate it again.



i'll tell you why it pisses me off, it's because it's symptomatic of a wider "couldn't give a shit about anyone else" attitude that was also brought on here with ,i think, heza's attitude about swearing at the match when it's obvious you are next to kids.

Couldn't give a shit about anyone else? OK. You're coming to your own conclusions and you're welcome to your own opinion. But look at the facts that people were happy to stay in the LC, they then attempted to move down to an unpopulated section (in other words giving as much as a shit as they could about other fans) and it's clear that those who want to stand have been backed into a corner to the point where they're now having to argue with fellow fans. Like I said before, I feel for those who want to move because they want to sit, but their numbers pale in comparison to the amount who've been forced to move 3 times: from Leazes L7 to the LC, LC to Level 4 and then eventually to the Gallowgate.


I don't want to have a go, but you're not being at all reasonable mate  :no:

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wrong, even in the singing section you weren't allowed to stand but it was tolerated and quite possibly why it got shut.


Um, how's it wrong? You claimed my idea of going about having a standing section was going and standing infront of people on purpose so they can't see:


and you think the right way to go about it is standing regardless and deliberatly obscuring the view of others ?


To which I replied the move to the SE corner was 3rd choice on the list of actions made to organise fans to stand. So how am I 'wrong'? Standing could be a reason why it was shut, I don't dispute that, although you would hope the club would have been able to predict people would stand in a singing section, especially since 1,000 or so standers from the Leazes L7 were being moved into it, non? That plus it took 3 seasons of 3,000 people standing for them to eventually close it, in my mind if they were closing it because of standing then they'd have made it clear in order to send a strong message out that they won't tolerate it again.



i'll tell you why it pisses me off, it's because it's symptomatic of a wider "couldn't give a s*** about anyone else" attitude that was also brought on here with ,i think, heza's attitude about swearing at the match when it's obvious you are next to kids.

Couldn't give a s*** about anyone else? OK. You're coming to your own conclusions and you're welcome to your own opinion. But look at the facts that people were happy to stay in the LC, they then attempted to move down to an unpopulated section (in other words giving as much as a s*** as they could about other fans) and it's clear that those who want to stand have been backed into a corner to the point where they're now having to argue with fellow fans. Like I said before, I feel for those who want to move because they want to sit, but their numbers pale in comparison to the amount who've been forced to move 3 times: from Leazes L7 to the LC, LC to Level 4 and then eventually to the Gallowgate.


I don't want to have a go, but you're not being at all reasonable mate  :no:

don't you understand ? there is no standing section, nor has there ever been one since the new regulations came in, thats how you are wrong.


you are trying to defend the actions of people standing, deliberatly blocking the view of others, the deliberate part of it is what gives me the view that they couldn't give a shit about anyone else, if they were bothered they'd sit, let others see and find another way of trying to change the law. standing in the ground isn't going to make any change to the law and like i said before, just smacks of people not giving a toss about others.

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you are trying to defend the actions of people standing, deliberatly blocking the view of others, the deliberate part of it is what gives me the view that they couldn't give a shit about anyone else, if they were bothered they'd sit, let others see and find another way of trying to change the law. standing in the ground isn't going to make any change to the law and like i said before, just smacks of people not giving a toss about others.

I'm just going to stop replying, because not only are you devoid of being reasonable enough to take any of the points I make on board, you also just completely ignore them and continue spouting shite. Literally having a go at people you've never met and basing your opinion on nothing other than the fact you can't understand why people are standing. You've somehow come to the ridiculous conclusion that they're doing it to deliberatly ruin peoples matchday experience  :lol: :lol: :lol:


Your post is complete bullshit, btw. I'd take it apart just like I just did before, but there's no point as you can't admit when you're wrong, I actually seriously question whether you even read what I wrote. It's not even against the law to stand in a football ground, btw :iamatwat:

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Guest mickcee

Whats the obsession with standing lads, we have had some cracking atmospheres in St James park over the years since it became a all seater stadium, even better then when i used to stand in the old corner.The obvious ones like Barcelona, Man Utd, some of the derbies spring to mind, its good crack all stood up away and will be next Saturday.


I know quite a lot of the lads who wernt happy with the standing going on in front of them and were not happy during our half time pint. I honestly dont think its right to just say im going to stand up anyway and there will never be an outcome to suit everybody and will continue to be a power struggle and fighting. Its been a disasterby the club, its nice to hear you lot as we couldnt hear you over here and dont think the signing corner added much to the atmosphere in the ground if im honest

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Another note on the L7 movers.


The leg space in the lower bowl is horrible. We were spoilt in the LC. Being 6ft 5 i would struggle to sit all game with my dodgey knees so i'm very gald i bought a back row seat.


Even though standing did seem to be an issue with some people, at least most people in that section were singing :thup:

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Another note on the L7 movers.


The leg space in the lower bowl is horrible. We were spoilt in the LC. Being 6ft 5 i would struggle to sit all game with my dodgey knees so i'm very gald i bought a back row seat.


Even though standing did seem to be an issue with some people, at least most people in that section were singing :thup:


I noticed this when I tried to sit down at half time. I'm only 6ft and it was very, very uncomfortable.

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Guest Blackandwhitearmy

Those who've had there season tickets for 20-30 years should remember the way The Corner was before it was all seater therefore a few lads standing singing shouldn't really bother them.

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I love the irony of the fact people on here claim the level 7 lot think they're better than everyone, yet we have people from other parts of the ground claiming for some reason the amount of years you've had a season ticket somehow makes your opinion more important. Why don't they get stick? I couldn't give a fuck if you've had a season ticket since St James' was built, tbh.


I'm delighted to hear a more people were standing, hopefully it continues to grow over the following seasons. Nobody is to blame other than the cunts that shut off L7, while I sympathise with those who are forced to stand against their will this only makes it evident how much a standing section is required. Plus if you're forced to stand then that means you're in the minority of people wanting to sit in that section, there's still 50,000 or so seats you could move to if you can't cope with standing, god forbid, at a football match.

You can't fucking move you stupid cunt.

The ground is all seater and you pay a lot of money for a SEAT on which to sit. fair enough stand up when you get excited about something or we score but why stand the whole game???

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Problem is, most of the people standing defiantly are just kids tbh. Turning round not bothered about the match to see if they are impressing their mates and fellow peers, and winding up the stewards.


It would be different if they stood more often and sang and supported the team, rather then standing and shouting abuse at fellow fans and police.


Oh, and I'm not against standing at all, and I truly sympathise with the situation of the displaced L7, but taking it out on fellow fans is not the way to go about things. And when I said those around me who were unable to stand for long periods of time, I don't mean those who are elderly, but those who have medical conditions.

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