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St James' Park


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Guest neesy111

Still expecting Wongaworld or some such bollocks further down the line anyway. Why pay out £6m for a week of good PR?


Because Wonga badly need good PR?


The other week they did. Why in a year's time, when nobody gives a shite about the sponsor any more?


Not sure why they even need it in the first place actually. They're making a forture aren't they?


I was wondering why they are advertising so much in football.

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Still expecting Wongaworld or some such bollocks further down the line anyway. Why pay out £6m for a week of good PR?


Because Wonga badly need good PR?


The other week they did. Why in a year's time, when nobody gives a shite about the sponsor any more?


Not sure why they even need it in the first place actually. They're making a forture aren't they?


I don't see what profit has to do with the wish for positive PR or better advertising.

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So let me get this right. Some of the same people who were throwing a fit with the stadium renaming fiasco are now criticizing the decision to accept 1.5M from Wonga that gets us SJP back. What sad life they must lead

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Still expecting Wongaworld or some such bollocks further down the line anyway. Why pay out £6m for a week of good PR?


Yep, the fact that the ground is called St James Park for the next four years does not sit comfortably with me at all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone notice that the Tyne Tees Television regional weather bulletin - that's the same TTTV who lead their news programme with the Shock! Horror! NUFC/Wonga story, ran it for days and milked it as long as they could - is now sponsored by QuickQuid.com who's business is...errr... instant pay day loans.


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Anyone notice that the Tyne Tees Television regional weather bulletin - that's the same TTTV who lead their news programme with the Shock! Horror! NUFC/Wonga story, ran it for days and milked it as long as they could - is now sponsored by QuickQuid.com who's business is...errr... instant pay day loans.




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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest malandro

I appreciate Arsenal have a higher profile than NUFC but their new £30m a year shirt plus stadium naming right deal puts some perspective on how crap our £7m a year deal with W***** is.


Apparently Arsenal get £27m a year for the shirt deal and £3m for the stadium naming rights. It's says a lot about how NUFC's profile has declined in recent yeas that our shirt deal is worth something like £20m a year less.


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comparing us to Arsenal Man U or Liverpool in that regard is an exercise in futility, they're global profile is huge and advertisers will pay vast sums to get their name connected with them, NUFC's global profile is tiny by comparison, hell Man U have a separate sponsor for their training kit (and I've seen people wearing said training kit out and about)

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Guest malandro

£20m a year is a huge difference. We were nowhere near this far behind the 'big four' in terms of status before Ashely turned up with his SD stickers. He's absolutely ruined the NUFC brand.


£7m a year is garbage.


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comparing us to Arsenal Man U or Liverpool in that regard is an exercise in futility, they're global profile is huge and advertisers will pay vast sums to get their name connected with them, NUFC's global profile is tiny by comparison, hell Man U have a separate sponsor for their training kit (and I've seen people wearing said training kit out and about)


We had the chance twice in recent history to really catch up...once under KK and one with SBR.  Turned to shit really quickly once they left.


Again down to wanky chairmen not seeing potential.



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£20m a year is a huge difference. We were nowhere near this far behind the 'big four' in terms of status before Ashely turned up with his SD stickers. He's absolutely ruined the NUFC brand.


£7m a year is garbage.



Remind me how many consecutive seasons NUFC qualified for Europe's premier club competition? Of those seasons, how many times (in a row, no less) did we qualify for the KO stages?


Or to compare against Man Utd, how many times have we made the semi-finals of said competition?


Don't underestimate what the Champs League has done for Arsenal, Man Utd and Chelsea and their global appeal - it's watched all over the world.

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Guest malandro

It's nearly 8 years since AFC won a trophy yet the value of their shirt sponsorship deal has just gone through the roof. The Telegraph is reporting that it was gone from £6m to £30m a year. I'm not sure how accurate that is but the value of sponsorship deals is rocketing.


Villa signed a £8m a year deal nearly two years ago which is worth more than the value of the shirt plus stadium naming rights deal we signed with w******!


How do you explain Spurs £20m shirt deal with autonomy? And that's just for league games and doesn't include any stadium naming rights. They're not exactly CL regulars are they. Could our paltry deal with w***** be because NUFC has become a third tier brand? Or perhaps its because any sponsorship at SJP is dwarfed by SD's presence? Or perhaps it's because an association with MA and his cheap and cheerful shell suit empire is putting off image conscious blue chip business.


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It's nearly 8 years since AFC won a trophy yet the value of their shirt sponsorship deal has just gone through the roof. The Telegraph is reporting that it was gone from £6m to £30m a year. I'm not sure how accurate that is but the value of sponsorship deals is rocketing.


Villa signed a £8m a year deal nearly two years ago which is worth more than the value of the shirt plus stadium naming rights deal we signed with w******!


How do you explain Spurs £20m shirt deal with autonomy? And that's just for league games and doesn't include any stadium naming rights. They're not exactly CL regulars are they. Could our paltry deal with w***** be because NUFC has become a third tier brand? Or perhaps its because any sponsorship at SJP is dwarfed by SD's presence? Or perhaps it's because an association with MA and his cheap and cheerful shell suit empire is putting off image conscious blue chip business.


1. Arsenal play great stuff, have built a better worldwide brand, have been consistently in the top 4, have stuck by Wenger, are london based - which, whether it irks some on here or not, is a more fashionable city for the world at large - and have phenomenal players.  Their trophy drought is literally nothing compared to most clubs'.  I don't think your objections to them getting a phenomenal deal hold much water.

2. There's no excusing Villa getting a better deal than us really. 

3. Levy is a goddamn wizard-hypnotist-vampire who pulls ludicrous financial deals out of thin air.  Also, london based. 

4. Brand is tough to talk about tbqh.  There's a lot of factors in the decline dating back to, imo, the sacking of SBR.  Ashley & co will need to shoulder most of that blame though. 

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Newcastle United have announced plans to expand their family enclosure for the second half of this season.


Additional seating has been released in a bid to accommodate the current family enclosure waiting list and other fans wishing to bring their family along to St. James' Park.


In addition to providing a great day out for adults and children alike, the tickets offer fantastic value, with an adult and child combined ticket costing just £222.


The tickets, which run for the remainder of this season and next, will be located in a newly-opened section in the Leazes Stand for the final nine games of this campaign, with a move to the current family enclosure for the 2013/14 season.


The offer is open to all season ticket holders, Members and their friends and family. Supporters just need to include a valid Membership number in their application to take advantage of this offer.

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I started my first business as a teenager, so entrepreneurship, particularly in young people, has always been something close to my heart.


Going into business for yourself is a really exciting and rewarding career option, especially in tough economic times like today.


And that's why we are proud to support the UK Government's new Start-Up Loans scheme. So proud in fact that we are willing to put it in black and white.


If you're aged between 18-24 and you live in the North East, Virgin Money is giving you the opportunity to pitch your new business to the public for the chance to sponsor Newcastle United against Liverpool at St James' Park in April.


If you’re sitting on a great business idea now could be the perfect time to do something about it. The North East needs more young entrepreneurs. So sign up for Start-Up.


The North East is the community that gave the world the lightbulb, the steam engine, Newcastle Brown Ale and much else besides. We can't wait to see what it's businesses of the future look like.


By Richard Branson. Founder of Virgin Group



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The North East is the community that gave the world the lightbulb, the steam engine, Newcastle Brown Ale and much else besides. We can't wait to see what it's businesses of the future look like.





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I started my first business as a teenager, so entrepreneurship, particularly in young people, has always been something close to my heart.


Going into business for yourself is a really exciting and rewarding career option, especially in tough economic times like today.


And that's why we are proud to support the UK Government's new Start-Up Loans scheme. So proud in fact that we are willing to put it in black and white.


If you're aged between 18-24 and you live in the North East, Virgin Money is giving you the opportunity to pitch your new business to the public for the chance to sponsor Newcastle United against Liverpool at St James' Park in April.


If you’re sitting on a great business idea now could be the perfect time to do something about it. The North East needs more young entrepreneurs. So sign up for Start-Up.


The North East is the community that gave the world the lightbulb, the steam engine, Newcastle Brown Ale and much else besides. We can't wait to see what it's businesses of the future look like.


By Richard Branson. Founder of Virgin Group

It's good of Virgin Money to be still working with the club after how they ditched them without prior warning, it's also great to see them putting back into the local community and encouraging people to work and start their own businesses.


Plenty of big company are only out for themselves, and yes Virgin too has had it's controversies but with it's various different causes it does a lot of good, it will be sad day when Richard Branson stops being their leader because once he does it goes from being a well respected company doing good causes to just another company out there to stifle competition and make the money without investing in good causes.

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I started my first business as a teenager, so entrepreneurship, particularly in young people, has always been something close to my heart.


Going into business for yourself is a really exciting and rewarding career option, especially in tough economic times like today.


And that's why we are proud to support the UK Government's new Start-Up Loans scheme. So proud in fact that we are willing to put it in black and white.


If you're aged between 18-24 and you live in the North East, Virgin Money is giving you the opportunity to pitch your new business to the public for the chance to sponsor Newcastle United against Liverpool at St James' Park in April.


If you’re sitting on a great business idea now could be the perfect time to do something about it. The North East needs more young entrepreneurs. So sign up for Start-Up.


The North East is the community that gave the world the lightbulb, the steam engine, Newcastle Brown Ale and much else besides. We can't wait to see what it's businesses of the future look like.


By Richard Branson. Founder of Virgin Group

It's good of Virgin Money to be still working with the club after how they ditched them without prior warning, it's also great to see them putting back into the local community and encouraging people to work and start their own businesses.


Plenty of big company are only out for themselves, and yes Virgin too has had it's controversies but with it's various different causes it does a lot of good, it will be sad day when Richard Branson stops being their leader because once he does it goes from being a well respected company doing good causes to just another company out there to stifle competition and make the money without investing in good causes.


I thought the contract included the possibility of the sponsorship ending early so it's not like the club did anything untoward

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Guest malandro


The North East is the community that gave the world the lightbulb, the steam engine, Newcastle Brown Ale and much else besides. We can't wait to see what it's businesses of the future look


So apart from a variety of beer we are the community the hasn't gave the world anything of note for 140 years?


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