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Newcastle United 3 - 0 Man Utd - 04/01/12 - Post-match reaction from page 43


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Guest BlacknWhiteArmy

Good drive and energy. :thup:


Cabaye, Colo, Ba and Santon impressing. Jonas sloppy.


And Tiote and credit where credit's due, Simpson.


Aye. They were just the standouts.

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Guest kingdawson

Really want HBA on at half time for Ameobi, put these c***s to the sword we can rip them a new one if we go for it


That would be moronic. From a neutral viewpoint it's clear as day they (man united) are not coping at all well with the physicality of your 2 front man. Ameobi gets stick on here but Ferdinand is a getting molested out there so why change things?


Ferdinand is marking Ba..... in the main Jones is having a cakewalk against Ameobi.


Yes i'm well aware Ferdinand's man is Ba but neither cb is coping and Rio is fairing worse (simply because Jones is slightly better coping with a physical player). As a pairing they are not coping so why in God's name would you change tactics? it doesn't make sense.

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Delighted with the score line but it has been a bit like watching Newstoke Unicity at times. You can see Pardew's decided for a few games now that it has to go to the big lads upfront as quick as possible and see what happens.

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Guest bimpy474

Dwight yorke shut the fuck up you dumb cunt


Tbf Webb has let some of ours go to.


Bias as owt with his dodgy sperm


Oh yeah all the 50/50's have gone their way, it was just he let some of our tackles go to.

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Really want HBA on at half time for Ameobi, put these c***s to the sword we can rip them a new one if we go for it


That would be moronic. From a neutral viewpoint it's clear as day they (man united) are not coping at all well with the physicality of your 2 front man. Ameobi gets stick on here but Ferdinand is a getting molested out there so why change things?


Ferdinand is marking Ba..... in the main Jones is having a cakewalk against Ameobi.


Exactly. HBA's explosiveness and unpredictability might be what we need because I can see us being pegged back a bit so it's going to be about counter attacking this half I think.


Or you know, because he's our most talented player by a mile, even including Ba.




Put your cock away Ronaldo!

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From redcafe...


They're hassling the shit out of Carrick, he has no room to work and as a result the result of our play is suffering.


Sol, your right, but its not Carricks fault tonight, their midfield has so much more legs and aggression than ours.


Cabaye and Tiote were dynamite in the first half. Hope they can keep it up.

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Really want HBA on at half time for Ameobi, put these c***s to the sword we can rip them a new one if we go for it


That would be moronic. From a neutral viewpoint it's clear as day they (man united) are not coping at all well with the physicality of your 2 front man. Ameobi gets stick on here but Ferdinand is a getting molested out there so why change things?


Ferdinand is marking Ba..... in the main Jones is having a cakewalk against Ameobi.


Yes i'm well aware Ferdinand's man is Ba but neither cb is coping and Rio is fairing worse (simply because Jones is slightly better coping with a physical player). As a pairing they are not coping so why in God's name would you change tactics? it doesn't make sense.


You're right, there's absolutely no reason why we should change it round just yet, possibly later on, but not yet.

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Delighted with the score line but it has been a bit like watching Newstoke Unicity at times. You can see Pardew's decided for a few games now that it has to go to the big lads upfront as quick as possible and see what happens.


Really hasn't been that direct imo.

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Really want HBA on at half time for Ameobi, put these c***s to the sword we can rip them a new one if we go for it


That would be moronic. From a neutral viewpoint it's clear as day they (man united) are not coping at all well with the physicality of your 2 front man. Ameobi gets stick on here but Ferdinand is a getting molested out there so why change things?


Ferdinand is marking Ba..... in the main Jones is having a cakewalk against Ameobi.


Yes i'm well aware Ferdinand's man is Ba but neither cb is coping and Rio is fairing worse (simply because Jones is slightly better coping with a physical player). As a pairing they are not coping so why in God's name would you change tactics? it doesn't make sense.



Well I'd guess Man United will play higher up the pitch now as they're behind and HBA would take advantage of that better than Ameobi.

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Guest bimpy474

So i had a powercut at 7.40 and so im listening to this in a candlelit room. Romantic. Was ba's goal as good as mick lowes made out?


Nah it was shit like :D

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Guest Slarth

So i had a powercut at 7.40 and so im listening to this in a candlelit room. Romantic. Was ba's goal as good as mick lowes made out?


Yes, awesome finish.

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Delighted with the score line but it has been a bit like watching Newstoke Unicity at times. You can see Pardew's decided for a few games now that it has to go to the big lads upfront as quick as possible and see what happens.


Really hasn't been that direct imo.

yep... wasnt just hoffing around this first... but shola is always been awful with his feet....zzzzzzz

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