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The other games today - 2011/12


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How many times have we been mentioned, he can't even praise them buying Sessagnon without mentioning who we've bought as well, the mackems with Niall in the pub will be livid.

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Guest neesy111

Sandro is f***ing s****.. :lol:


A better team than the mackems would be ripping Spurs apart on their current form.


I think you've been getting the wrong end of the stick all game, Neesy. A better team than Sunderland would not use the tactics they have, and I think that would suit us. I think we were pretty good against Swansea; it's just that today's game is really awkward and most teams would struggle to look good. It's MON's speciality, and you just end up having to grit out a result.


Nah, your passing today has been dreadful and that has very little to do with Sunderland.

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Merson :lol:


On about Dempsey possibly leaving Fulham, "Fulham's a lovely place to live, that will be a factor"


Stelling: "there are other nice places to live in Britain, you know"


Merson "well he won't be going to sunderland, put it that way"

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