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At least he's honest:



I'd be interested in your thoughts on him claiming O'Neill left Villa in a better position than when he joined btw.


It really depends how you view it.


When he came, Ellis still owned the club, we were utterly, utterly skint, and heading for relegation sooner or later, but we were also days away from being bought by a US billionaire, so, in that sense, he had a lot of help, and i think anyone would have struggled not to leave us in a better place.


I am not going to rewrite history and pretend finishing 6th three times wasn't nice. It was.


The flip side is that MON arrived in 2006, 14 years since the start of the PL. In those 14 years, we'd finished top six in 6 of the years. David O'Leary got us a sixth placed finish, with way less money. Brian Little had us 4th and 5th. Ron Atkinson has us 2nd. Sixth place wasn't special to us, it was good, but not stratospheric, so it was nothing like the sort of achievement it would be, say, to finish sixth with Sunderland, who have been a yo-yo club for most of those years.


The problem with MON is that it was all achieved at such a high cost, and on such a short term basis, and with such a limitation to how far it could be stretched.


The fact we reached Wembley twice, a CCF and a FAC semi, looks good on paper, and I had two magnificent days out, but the most telling fact of that is that over 180 minutes of football, I think we had at most four shots on goal. We'd peaked, we were never going to get better.


re the short term basis, he spent a lot of money. You could say it wasn't "that much" in the wider picture, but that misses the point that so much of what he spent was spent badly. Yes, we did well from Milner, Young and Downing, who he signed, but we also did abysmally on other fronts, like the purchase of two entire defences in successive seasons, 50m on defenders.


It was all so scattergun, but he spent enough that it worked. The problem was that, he left us with all those players still on big money deals, and still with years on their contracts. You have to wonder, who would think Emile Heskey on 65k a week on a 3.5 year deal when he's almost 32 is a good idea. Or Beye on 40k a week for three years, aged 32.


I think the best way to look at the MON years is to think of it like renting a really opulent house for a few years, spending a fortune, having a bit of luxury, and enjoying yourself. When you move out, you've got nothing left, it was expensive and fun at the time, but it was the building block for nothing. What you should have done was buy a house and give yourself a platform for the future.


That was what MON left us with - a massive bill, a lopsided squad replete with players who weren't good enough, but were on big wages. He left because he wouldn't do what managers have to do - wheel and deal, manage their squad.


Was that a better place than when he came? well, yes, but look at the state of us before he came. The biggest impact on how we improved over that time was not MON, it was Randy Lerner pumping enormous sums into the club.


I look at clubs we competed with over that period, like Tottenham and Everton, and I think how cannily they were / are run, and it reflects terribly on MON's legacy. Spurs spend money, they sell their best players, but they have an overview of what they are trying to do, and they make sure there is some ongoing value to the money they spend. There was none of this in the way MON managed my club, none.


The ultimate example of this is that, after four years of spending Champions League transfer money, paying Champions League wages, we now have a squad that looks more Championship.

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Guest bimpy474

All lovely an all but i'm just enjoying the mess the dopey leprechaun is getting himself and them into.


Sod the past, loving the now to be honest. A 4-4-2 dinosaur dying on his arse........lovely to see.

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..this will take time to change...o'neills players are the only ones performing......aj over last few...if he buys quality replacements at 3 per window then its the season after next where we will be where we all want


Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=747269#ixzz2EUkuO2dN



hahahahahaha!!!!!11111one ha :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



fking hell, always next season has progressed :lol:

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Loved this one


http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=747124&page=3 - Reply numbers 24-26


Stupid Mackem #1



Originally Posted by carlitos66 View Post

hyped as a saviour....will deliver fuck all.....we need an up and coming manager....none of these relics




I've said a few times now we need Lee Clark in


The only man capable of turning us around


Just hope we haven't burnt our bridges with him.



Stupid Mackem #2


Originally Posted by Boo Boy View Post


He will be wearing that T-shirt at the press conference


Was only a daft joke.


I'd forgive it for the chance of having a top top gaffer in charge.



(Forgive the rubbish quoting, but I'm not a member there!)


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How long until Ellis Short gives up? Surely he'll be doubting whether it's advisable to hand the little troll another £20 million to spend in January?


not long judging by his head in hands shot on tv today :lol:

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How long until Ellis Short gives up? Surely he'll be doubting whether it's advisable to hand the little troll another £20 million to spend in January?


Why is he even involved? He have mackem heritage or something?

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How long until Ellis Short gives up? Surely he'll be doubting whether it's advisable to hand the little troll another £20 million to spend in January?


not long judging by his head in hands shot on tv today :lol:


Oh my :lol:



yep- camera panned the directors box, short was leaning forward hand over face- no shit.




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How long until Ellis Short gives up? Surely he'll be doubting whether it's advisable to hand the little troll another £20 million to spend in January?


Why is he even involved? He have mackem heritage or something?


When the economy crashed all the Irish property tycoons involved in Drumaville weren't in a position to bankroll the club so Quinn and the board went on a roadshow around the US to attract investors. The only person who showed an interest was Short.

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Guest bimpy474

Right you load of fuckers. while watching Reading i've had an epiphany.


If God/Allah/Beelzebub/Dale Winton let Reading win on Tuesday i will ask Mrs Bimpy to marry me on Christmas morning, sacrificing myself at the alter of a lard bucketed temptress.


A life of eternal misery just so you lot can have a laugh at the Mackems.

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