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Is that the same Ellis Short who recently appointed a self confessed fascist sympathiser to be manager of his soccerball club ?

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The Express and the mag media are stirring things up as usual before their home game, by printing stuff that's six months old and asking Di Canio if we'll become bigger than them. Of course there'll be bravado on our side but it serves to get their fans going and they'll enjoy it all the more if they rub our noses in it.


Hopefully we'll do our talking on the pitch.



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From the Swiss Ramble


Sunderland 2012 detailed accounts have been published: £32.3m loss is significantly worse than 2011 £7.8m loss #SAFC pic.twitter.com/Ghr13ozSbf


Thats gotta hurt.

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Guest palnese

Seen all the threads from folk asking where to watch it in Timbuktu etc and it got me thinking that no matter where you are in the world, if you're a Mackem you'll be trying to watch the game.

My daughter lives in Cyprus. She'll be watching it with Polski Mackem's sister and a couple of other girls in a village pub outside of Limassol.

There'll be 6 other Mackems in there and they'll all be wearing the colours.

I've met up with a German guy follows Cologne, on holiday the past couple of years.

Haven't heard from him since Xmas.

Got in from work, opened my e mails and there's one from him......

"Good Luck on Sunday beat the Newcastle scum "

Best Wishes from your friends in Germany.

We're global we are.





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Comercially sunderland make more than us. :anguish:


That's embarrassing from our point of view.


Spot on.I've never understood why Mike hasn't pushed us more commercially, its pretty much his strong point


Im sure he will.


He knows how to rebuild a business.

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So much rage over a Buzzfeed article  :lol:


Jesus, 5 pages of "Actually, he's from Cramlington, actually, which isnt in Newcastle actually"...Weapons grade bitterness!



They're trying to claim Catherine Cookson as one of 'thiers' in that thread.  I'm sorry like but South Shields may not be the prettiest of towns with a massive unemployment percentage but we've nothing to do with that fucking hell hole.  Does the fact that she was born and lived in TYNE Dock not drop a hint to her origins.


With regard to Noble, saw him on the Things tour when he was getting heckled by some mackems so went into a ten minute tirade against them - As he said he was approached to play the Child Catcher at the Empire. He thought about it and then remembered he actually had a career.

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Guest strongbow69

Comercially sunderland make more than us. :anguish:


That's embarrassing from our point of view.


Spot on.I've never understood why Mike hasn't pushed us more commercially, its pretty much his strong point

nufc are a commercial vehicle for sports direct which has seen massive profits in the last couple of years so he,s been pretty succesful on that front too


Im sure he will.


He knows how to rebuild a business.

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PDC quoted as saying Sunderland can be bigger than Newcastle.


I think every single manager theyve had has said that for as long as I can remember :lol:



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