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Rangers Newco


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Guess if they went out of business nothing to stop Rangers coming in at the bottom of the English league as well :)

Just out of interest what is the bottom of the english league? Do you mean league 2 - cant see conference clubs being kean to give up a promotion place or would they have to go further down?

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Guess if they went out of business nothing to stop Rangers coming in at the bottom of the English league as well :)

Just out of interest what is the bottom of the english league? Do you mean league 2 - cant see conference clubs being kean to give up a promotion place or would they have to go further down?


Nope, right at the start. Bottom of the conference.

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Guess if they went out of business nothing to stop Rangers coming in at the bottom of the English league as well :)

Just out of interest what is the bottom of the english league? Do you mean league 2 - cant see conference clubs being kean to give up a promotion place or would they have to go further down?


Nope, right at the start. Bottom of the conference.


But the conference isnt the bottom of the football league either is it?  Other clubs would have to give up a promotion place. Dont know how it would work in practice

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But the conference isnt the bottom of the football league either is it?  Other clubs would have to give up a promotion place. Dont know how it would work in practice


In reality it's usually a fudge by the FA. In the past 'phoenix clubs' have started three divisions below where they last finished (four if they were also relegated) but that's not been tested with a football league club. An entirely new club would in theory need to apply to the Northern League for admission to Division 2.

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Guest Roy the Irish Magpie

Roy doing a fine job representing the views of some of my thicker fellow countrymen on the matter.


Keep it up mate. :thup:


fuck you ,im right celtic dont need rangers and they'll be more than happy dominating  league every year and it is karma for the 90s because rangers laughed at celtic's debt and now karma has struck and they're the ones in debt ;).

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Roy doing a fine job representing the views of some of my thicker fellow countrymen on the matter.


Keep it up mate. :thup:


fuck you ,im right celtic dont need rangers and they'll be more than happy dominating  league every year and it is karma for the 90s because rangers laughed at celtic's debt and now karma has struck and they're the ones in debt ;).


I'm with you Roy.



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I blame David Murray, he let Advocaat run up those wages and transfer debts knowing that they'd never recoup their outgoings. In so doing, he's left Rangers Football Club (much like himself) without a leg to stand on.


:lol: Brilliant.

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The administrators running Rangers have said they do not know the whereabouts of £24m which was lent to the club.



"Our understanding is that the funds from Ticketus didn't come through the company's account, they went through a parent company account so we haven't got visibility on that.


Have a guess lads, come on.


In theory this could have happened: Ticketus get a a contract with Rangers FC through their new owner, who sends them the account details for the cash. Only thing is that the account is actually in the name of the parent. Say adios to your £24m, cash is at the parent co and liability is at the operating company in administration.


A nifty move and one which has some precedent for Whyte: http://scotslawthoughts.wordpress.com/category/one-stop-roofing-supplies-ltd-v-tixway-uk-ltd/

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Roy doing a fine job representing the views of some of my thicker fellow countrymen on the matter.


Keep it up mate. :thup:


fuck you ,im right celtic dont need rangers and they'll be more than happy dominating  league every year and it is karma for the 90s because rangers laughed at celtic's debt and now karma has struck and they're the ones in debt ;).


What about the other clubs in the league that might go under through losing out on tv money and the money that they receive from travelling Rangers fans? Ive never heard anyone slag celtic for being in debt and staying in glasgow surely thats where it would be heard most? Maybe you should take the green tinted specks off, stop being so bitter and admit the old firm are nothing, especially in the SPL, without eachother.

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How the fuck can £33,000,000 just 'go missing'? What the fuck is going on if the administrators come in, look at the books and find a £33m black hole? It's not a packet of fucking peanuts for fucks sake. 

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Guest Roy the Irish Magpie

Oh but rangers fans were only too happy to rip the p*ss ouuta celtic for it even though it wasn't even that much debt, not as bad as rangers anyhow. I asked my geordie cousin(a rangers c*** as well) on facebook if he could recall it and he admitted there was some stick for celtic because of it and he can remember chanting "shall we pay your bills for you". They also branded us "you poor fenian bastards" too which they still do today but not for football reason and lets not get into that.


Anyway to be perfectly honest even though I'm a Celtic fan I  really do feel sorry for the boys in blue going into administration. They are a massive club with a wonderful history full of great players, managers and fans alike. I would hate to see them fold. So lets all get behind them!

C'mon Portsmouth!!!


What you thought I was on about rangers? Bahahahaha, f*ck them.

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Oh but rangers fans were only too happy to rip the p*ss ouuta celtic for it even though it wasn't even that much debt, not as bad as rangers anyhow. I asked my geordie cousin(a rangers c*** as well) on facebook if he could recall it and he admitted there was some stick for celtic because of it and he can remember chanting "shall we pay your bills for you". They also branded us "you poor fenian bastards" too which they still do today but not for football reason and lets not get into that.


Anyway to be perfectly honest even though I'm a Celtic fan I  really do feel sorry for the boys in blue going into administration. They are a massive club with a wonderful history full of great players, managers and fans alike. I would hate to see them fold. So lets all get behind them!

C'mon Portsmouth!!!


What you thought I was on about rangers? Bahahahaha, f*ck them.


If you're not getting the exposure that Sky offers, do you think you'll be getting the same amount of cash from shirt sponsors, billboard advertisers and the like? The celtic board are telling the fans what they want them to hear when really its not reality at all and the fans are lapping it up because they think all the board are doing are having a dig at Rangers.


The way some of your posts are its no wonder people see old firm fans as bigoted arseholes, well done.

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Interesting statement from Celtic's website:




(Sorry, don't know how to quote the text like everybody else does)


Club statement on Alex Salmond comments


By: on 16 Feb, 2012 14:45


IN response to comments made by First Minister Alex Salmond, the club have released the following statement:


“We are very disappointed with the First Minister’s claims that Celtic ‘need’ Rangers and that Celtic ‘can't prosper unless Rangers are there’”.


"This is simply not true. In a series of interviews given just three days ago, we made it abundantly clear that Celtic has a well-defined strategy and a business plan independent of the fortunes of any other club. That remains absolutely the case.


“The predicament of Rangers is clearly a serious and complex matter with a whole range of possible outcomes.


“However, we are extremely well-qualified to make our own position clear and have no wish to see this being misrepresented for political reasons .”

while he has to say it, thats a load of shit, who the fuck would want to watch a title procession for Celtic year after year? they have a hard enough time getting people to watch the SPL with Rangers competitive. Who would want to play for them with absolutely no game resembling competitiveness in the season. If Rangers vanish then they may as well just end the SPL because it will have descended fully into utter pointlessness

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How the fuck can £33,000,000 just 'go missing'? What the fuck is going on if the administrators come in, look at the books and find a £33m black hole? It's not a packet of fucking peanuts for fucks sake.


If Whyte escapes prison over all this he's a lucky man. Every last detail is just shady, £33m missing, not paying £9m tax bill, forced administration, not keeping with buyout promises, the list is endless and im sure there are more serious legal and financial matters going on my tiny mind cannot even comprehend.



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Guest Roy the Irish Magpie

Oh but rangers fans were only too happy to rip the p*ss ouuta celtic for it even though it wasn't even that much debt, not as bad as rangers anyhow. I asked my geordie cousin(a rangers c*** as well) on facebook if he could recall it and he admitted there was some stick for celtic because of it and he can remember chanting "shall we pay your bills for you". They also branded us "you poor fenian bastards" too which they still do today but not for football reason and lets not get into that.


Anyway to be perfectly honest even though I'm a Celtic fan I  really do feel sorry for the boys in blue going into administration. They are a massive club with a wonderful history full of great players, managers and fans alike. I would hate to see them fold. So lets all get behind them!

C'mon Portsmouth!!!


What you thought I was on about rangers? Bahahahaha, f*ck them.


If you're not getting the exposure that Sky offers, do you think you'll be getting the same amount of cash from shirt sponsors, billboard advertisers and the like? The celtic board are telling the fans what they want them to hear when really its not reality at all and the fans are lapping it up because they think all the board are doing are having a dig at Rangers.


The way some of your posts are its no wonder people see old firm fans as bigoted arseholes, well done.


Look Celtic are in no trouble sky deal or no sky deal they're in the best financial position in the league. And Celtic are still a massive club with huge fan base so it would still be good to advertise with them because you'll be reaching that big fan base.

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How the fuck can £33,000,000 just 'go missing'? What the fuck is going on if the administrators come in, look at the books and find a £33m black hole? It's not a packet of fucking peanuts for fucks sake.


If Whyte escapes prison over all this he's a lucky man. Every last detail is just shady, £33m missing, not paying £9m tax bill, forced administration, not keeping with buyout promises, the list is endless and im sure there are more serious legal and financial matters going on my tiny mind cannot even comprehend.


I hear he writes like a two year old and can't work a computer. He'll have no problems.

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