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A very mediocre premiership season.

Guest thenorthumbrian

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Guest thenorthumbrian

I am not trying to downgrade the achievements of Newcastle this season, United have done very well under Pardew but does anyone else think that it has been a pretty average premiership season overall.

If Man u win the title as is looking likely it will be with the poorest team they have had for a while.


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I think the strength of the league overall has improved but as you say, the top sides aren't what they were. However, it's the cycle of life, soon we will be talking about how good the top few teams are again.

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I don't know, just because the tradition teams haven't destroyed anyone it doesn't mean it has been a bad season.


Spurs have done really well, City have been class for the most part, we've been a surprise package, so have the likes of Swansea and Norwich.

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Guest Phil K

The Premier League has been mediocre for ages now. I struggle to think of the last classic season.

Newcastle 4 Arsenal 4 Newcastle 5 Sunderland 1 Man U 1; Man City 6 Man U 8; Arsenal 2 aren't classic ?

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Excitement wise, it's been great..... some great games, especially between the bigger clubs.


The quality has been quite poor in my opinion, though. Arsenal, Liverpool, Chelsea, Man Utd and Tottenham... all of those sides aren't as good as they used to be in previous seasons, imo.


CL has been very boring, btw.



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Newly promoted teams doing well, one of them with a wonderful passing game, the other with the most energetic and enthusiastic approach in the league.


Tottenham pushing for the title then imploding, Arsenal doing the opposite. Chelsea rising from nowhere when everyone had them down and out after their result in Naples.


Newcastle mixing it with the Champions League hopfuls in what has now turned into a four team race for two spots. In addition to that we've had games finishing 8-2, 1-6, 5-3, 1-5 and 5-2 between the top sides.


Liverpool spending shitloads but failing miserably in the league, being overtaken by an Everton side that hasn't spent a penny and ourselves.


That's entertainment enough for me.

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Guest Phil K

Excitement wise, it's been great..... some great games, especially between the bigger clubs.

The quality has been quite poor in my opinion, though. Arsenal, Liverpool, Chelsea, Man Utd and Tottenham... all of those sides aren't as good as they used to be in previous seasons, imo.

CL has been very boring, btw.

What do you remember from the "classic seasons" ?

The classic games. Most of ANY season are poor games.

I know this "poor season" thing started in the media just after Christmas, and built

I think it's mainly because the usual suspects didn't do well in europe, ergo it's been a "poor quality" season.

Theres been the same number of great games and great goals. Its been no different, no worse no better

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Guest thenorthumbrian

Excitement wise, it's been great..... some great games, especially between the bigger clubs.


The quality has been quite poor in my opinion, though. Arsenal, Liverpool, Chelsea, Man Utd and Tottenham... all of those sides aren't as good as they used to be in previous seasons, imo.


CL has been very boring, btw.




I think that probably sums it up, every season you will be able to point at certain games which are exciting but the high level of quality hasn't been there for me.

And that is reflected in the poor performances in Europe by our clubs (notwithstanding Chelsea result)

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the only mediocre is see... is liverpool picking LOL manager which is dalglish or chelsea gambling on AVB. That why they dropping points.. its not premiership fault.... its their own fault. Expecting consistency from Arry Redknapp? :yao: or persistance of wenger arsenal for not buying top player.. it's been years like that IMO

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Guest Phil K

A load of arse.


Compare the points tallies for the top clubs last season to this. It's a total myth that we're only doing well because others are underperforming.

I think it's the usual suspects in the press, mainly the Liverpool supporters among the press (Ive heard a few trying to push this guff on Talk Sport) spreading this s*** because their team hasn't done well (possible 2 trophies and they STILL whine), therefore its a bad season, and it's the reason Newcastle are doing well, as we HAVEN'T imploded like they confidently predicted we would. Being proved wrong YET AGAIN by NUFC must be a REAL bunch of thorns in their underpants.

Easier to say "Its been a poor quality season, Man U have been crap, thats why 2 promoted sides have done well, and (bone in throat here) why Newcastle are doing well"

A bigger, more steaming pile of sh*te you could not find.

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It has been good because the so called top four has suddenly looked fallible and keeps needing to be redefined. Outside of Man Utd it is unpredictable.


However the top clubs are maybe lacking those wizards from past times and the media and these clubs remain hyping about players that are now past their prime.


I am excited for the future though as the current climate is ripe for us to challenge for the league within two seasons.

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Mediocre by what measure?


Entertainment value? No.

Quality of football (overall) compared to years gone by? Certainly.


Nail on head.


Even though Man City/United are liable to get a ridiculous points tally the top teams are nowhere near as good as those of years gone by IMO hence the complete lack of showing in Europe bar Chelsea who I think all football fans would admit are nowhere near the powerhouse they used to be.

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Guest neesy111

The Premier League has been mediocre for ages now. I struggle to think of the last classic season.


Agreed.  2001/02 was the best season for me.

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People seem to say the quality of the league has declined every season, it must be well shite by now  :hmm:


As with pretty much every league in the history of football, there are a few quality teams and a mixture of mediocrity and bollocks.

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