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The 2011-2012 Season - The best moments


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Shola against Spurs was one of my highlights, cracking finish to a brilliant game.


Shola Ameobi ‏ @Sholameobi  16 Oct





Pards knas. :snod:

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F&ck me, what a head wrecker of a thread  :D Way too many good memories this season, crazy.


Yo Cab's free kick against ManUre, absolutely top class strike at the perfect time, lethally brilliant (nearly took the "big light" out in the living room)  :snod:

Stoke away for reasons mentioned, difficult place to go etc, and totally shat on them, was a watershed result for me.

Lolerpool at home was epic, some of our passing in the first half was superb, and a great result (not forgetting Joke in goal and Carllol's) "dive"  :indi:

Shola's goal against the Mackems, Chelsea away, all of Cisse's goals, Ben Arfa becoming the "complete" player and his outrageous goals, Perchinio filling in, Colo being so, so good,    Pards (and his glasses) :cheesy: big Demba's first half of the season, Since Ramadan song  :indi: and probably a hundred other things I can't even remember right now.


So many truly great memories this season, beginning to well up thinking about it  :'( :cool:


Also, now that I think about it, getting a "positive" response (from most people) when football talk comes around and I mention that I support Newcastle.


There aren't that many of us over here (mostly, ManUre & Lolerpool "fans") so for years declaring yourself as an honorary "Geordie" was usually met with howls of laughter etc.


Have been able to troll the sh1t out of sooooo many people this season it's been unreal.


Make hay while the sun shines I say


Howay the Lads  :indi: :indi: :indi: :indi: :indi:

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Skirge winning on Ba 3-0 vs Man U was pretty funny. Mainly because about twenty minutes after I read about it on here, my dad told me about 'some auld gadgie who was in front of us in the Ladbrokes queue who won over £500 on Ba 3-0' :lol:

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Skirge winning on Ba 3-0 vs Man U was pretty funny. Mainly because about twenty minutes after I read about it on here, my dad told me about 'some auld gadgie who was in front of us in the Ladbrokes queue who won over £500 on Ba 3-0' :lol:


:lol: Best bit about that was that he inexplicably changed from his usual Ba 3-1 bet when we were playing against the champions and most expected us to lose.

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Guest Phil K

Just a great season with maybe half a dozen lunatic bad games to spoil it (Spuds, Fulham, Norwich, Brighton away) the baffling - Wolves at home, the mystifyingly wonderful v Man U 3-0, v Liverpool 2-0, at Chelsea 0-2. A worthy successor to the highs of 2010-11, with more good stuff than bad (unlike 2010-11)

Is it too much to hope for same again, or....dare I say it....a similar improvement that saw us improve on 2010-11 to 2011-12, to improve YET AGAIN in 2012-13 ?

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Man Utd was the best, absolute despise that bunch of horrible cunts.


Most important moment of the season is easily Shola's equaliser v Sunderland, if we lose that, we finish mid table, that goal was a momentum starter for a fantastic end to the season.

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Just watching bits of the Man U game again. What a brilliant performance that was.


First two goals are awesome and the crowd reaction.  :love:


funnily enough just watched the whole thing again this morning as well ... colo and tiotes little 'flicks' when running the clock down at the end........ commentator: 'entertainers again?'  :smitten:

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Guest magpie99

A great season, some superb results, great goals, fabulous memories and too many highlights to record on here. However, as a viewer of most games on TV from OZ, some of my personal highlights other than the obvious were:


1.  The crowd reaction when Carroll got substituted and his reaction to Dalglish.

2.  The pass from Cabaye for Cisse;s goal against Stoke...................pass of the season

3.  The improvement of players such as Raylor and Perch.

4.  The atmosphere at SJP in big games against the lokes of Man Utd, Maakems and Liverpool..................MAGPIENIFICENT


and finally and probably more importantly, the lack of interference and troublemaking by the board. I know people will say the renaming of the ground is a lowlight but if it gets us a sponsor who will spend 10 million a year and bring a half decent player in (like the Virgin shirt sponsor), then I dont see how we can complain especially as everyone still calls the ground SJP.


Ohh,and one final highlight, Pardew's reaction to our equaliser against the Makems.....................pure [assion and sums up the man's love pf the club. Long may it ;ast.

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ET winner away at Forest


When did we sign Defoe?




Can't see the likeness in any other photos but that is him there. :lol:


yeah. :lol:

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Of all the absolute magical moments this season, this just tops it. Somehow, I wasn't even surprised at first, it was just one of those things that would happen this season, especially with Cissé playing. Then it started to sink in what a completley insane and mad moment I had just seen. The most outrageous strike and decision I've ever seen.


Also, a personal favourite moment was when Perch tackled the shit out of Suarez and Flanagan within the space of five seconds and had the two of them form a pile of Perched Liverpool players. Superb.

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Guest Tyson

Lee Ryder @lee_ryder

Thanx to everyone who have so far taken part in The Chronicle's online #nufc fans' survey. Alot of time and thought went into producing it. Surprised that neither Simpson or Obertan featured prominently when discussing the players of the season. When they featured in the first eleven both guys scored highly, and consistently in my match analysis and player ratings. Maybe the Boo Boys & The Twitterazi had too much of a voice. I suppose there's a reason as to why only a select few a paid to live & breathe football, and to provide informed commentary.

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