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Vurnon Anita (now playing for RKC Waalwijk)


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I don't see how you grow up playing football and don't see what i'm talking about. You don't let players bring the ball down in front of your defence - without a challenge. SOMEBODY HAS TO CHALLENGE HIM. It should be the DM not the CB.


This is moments before the first goal and highlights the problem. A long ball is pumped up. Dummett's come way out to challenge for it despite it being in a CM/DM zone. If Tiote or Abeid is on the pitch - they would challenge for that ball. Anita has zero interest and seems to be picking up Ward-Prowse anyway which while not ideal is okay - because ward-prowse is the danger if Pelle wins the ball.


According to people here - Dummett would be at fault if  we conceded.





1. Look at how far away from the goal this is.

2. Anita is meant to be picking up Ward-Prowse, he should be able to see where WP wants the ball and anticipate it. Anita is ball-watching.

3. Janmaat should be closing that gap between himself and Dummett





Anita you had 1 job. How has WP been allowed to do this?

Janmaat's positioning is horrible.

Krul should save it anyway.



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The goal was Colo's fault, not sure how anyone could argue against that.


Honestly - some of you are clueless about football.


For the first goal, Colo loses a header about 40 yards away from goal. As a result two passes that could have been easily intervened happen. How can it primarily be Colo's fault?


Because he went challenging for a ball that he couldn't win.?


That might have had something to do with us refusing to sign a proper big centre half who would do that by default. Colo ends up being midfield playmaker, auxiliary left back, sweeper and John Terry all in the same 90 mins. There again, we could always play the towering 6ft midget Willo.

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Because of the type of player he is I don't think he's ever going to win over some of his doubters. I'd still have him in above Colback but that is probably more just because I hate the little ginger scrote. Ideally I'd play neither.

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At the risk of agreeing with TCD, Colo does have to go for that ball. The problem is that Pelle has managed to get away from whichever CB should have been on him, so has got a 5 yard headstart. Anita has then let JWP wander off him and Janmaat has let Elia run off him.


It's a combination of 4/5 players all making small mistakes, probably down to Carver not looking at the small details.

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At the risk of agreeing with TCD, Colo does have to go for that ball. The problem is that Pelle has managed to get away from whichever CB should have been on him, so has got a 5 yard headstart. Anita has then let JWP wander off him and Janmaat has let Elia run off him.


It's a combination of 4/5 players all making small mistakes, probably down to Carver not looking at the small details.


All evening Pelle came tremendously deep to win long-balls and the CB's where uncomfortable coming out so far. Anita was always close by but was seemingly picking up WP. Normally, Tiote would go for those long-balls.


Around the 21 minute mark Dummett wins the first header against Pelle, gets scared that he's so deep he runs back towards goal and Pelle has the second ball to himself. The 2 hiding midgets nowhere in sight.

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At the risk of agreeing with TCD, Colo does have to go for that ball. The problem is that Pelle has managed to get away from whichever CB should have been on him, so has got a 5 yard headstart. Anita has then let JWP wander off him and Janmaat has let Elia run off him.


It's a combination of 4/5 players all making small mistakes, probably down to Carver not looking at the small details.

No he doesn't. The ball is 40 yards from goal. It's as simple as that. Pelle is no threat there with his back to goal and the ball in the air. It only becomes dangerous once Coloccini neglects the back line that he should be marshalling, and attempts to win a ball he has no chance of winning, thus leaving us one short at the back. Seriously it's a schoolboy error to the nth degree.

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At the risk of agreeing with TCD, Colo does have to go for that ball. The problem is that Pelle has managed to get away from whichever CB should have been on him, so has got a 5 yard headstart. Anita has then let JWP wander off him and Janmaat has let Elia run off him.


It's a combination of 4/5 players all making small mistakes, probably down to Carver not looking at the small details.

No he doesn't. The ball is 40 yards from goal. It's as simple as that. Pelle is no threat there with his back to goal and the ball in the air. It only becomes dangerous once Coloccini neglects the back line that he should be marshalling, and attempts to win a ball he has no chance of winning, thus leaving us one short at the back. Seriously it's a schoolboy error to the nth degree.


Colo (Or Dummett) should be touch tight with Pelle when he comes deep, simple. That's the mistake there. But you cannot left a centre forward bring the ball down on his chest surrounded by no-one, under no pressure within 40 yards of our goal. Also, we weren't one short at the back as they only had Elia there?

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At the risk of agreeing with TCD, Colo does have to go for that ball. The problem is that Pelle has managed to get away from whichever CB should have been on him, so has got a 5 yard headstart. Anita has then let JWP wander off him and Janmaat has let Elia run off him.


It's a combination of 4/5 players all making small mistakes, probably down to Carver not looking at the small details.

No he doesn't. The ball is 40 yards from goal. It's as simple as that. Pelle is no threat there with his back to goal and the ball in the air. It only becomes dangerous once Coloccini neglects the back line that he should be marshalling, and attempts to win a ball he has no chance of winning, thus leaving us one short at the back. Seriously it's a schoolboy error to the nth degree.


Exactly. Further errors were made but they all stemmed from Colo's misjudgement.

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There shouldn't be any danger no matter what happens in that 2nd picture I posted. It's 40 yards away from goal. There would be danger if Pelle was unchallenged.


There's only danger in the 3rd picture because 2 lads have gone to sleep.


Anyone saying Pelle should go unchallenged is deluded. Colo makes a mistake by not winning the challenge but it's not crucial or dangerous until Anita & Janmaat fall asleep.


For every long-ball played to Pelle, Anita is right next to WP - what is his purpose?

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I don't see how you grow up playing football and don't see what i'm talking about. You don't let players bring the ball down in front of your defence - without a challenge. SOMEBODY HAS TO CHALLENGE HIM. It should be the DM not the CB.


This is moments before the first goal and highlights the problem. A long ball is pumped up. Dummett's come way out to challenge for it despite it being in a CM/DM zone. If Tiote or Abeid is on the pitch - they would challenge for that ball. Anita has zero interest and seems to be picking up Ward-Prowse anyway which while not ideal is okay - because ward-prowse is the danger if Pelle wins the ball.


According to people here - Dummett would be at fault if  we conceded.





1. Look at how far away from the goal this is.

2. Anita is meant to be picking up Ward-Prowse, he should be able to see where WP wants the ball and anticipate it. Anita is ball-watching.

3. Janmaat should be closing that gap between himself and Dummett





Anita you had 1 job. How has WP been allowed to do this?

Janmaat's positioning is horrible.

Krul should save it anyway.




Erm...what? Dummet was right to challenge for that ball. Yes, Anita should be ready to defend the second ball. However, the backline should have dropped off deeper, especially knowing the threat of a diagonal run inside behind onto any flick on's- if we knew anything about Southampton we would know that they can go direct and cause problems with Pelle's physical and aerial presence. If Dummet or Colo steps out then the remaining back 3 have got to drop off to defend the space in behind. Anita cannot effect that. Maybe he should just drop into the back line or cover the CB challenging, but there's obviously a lack of tactical instruction and organisation there.


And as for the last picture, what on earth is the matter with you? Honestly, has Vurn been texting your missus or something? Look at that back 3, it's in a staggered formation. Dummett stepped out too soon, whilst Haidara is totally ineffective. They should have retreated to the edge of the area and tried to delay it before confronting Warde-Prowse.


Anita will never win headers against someone like Pelle, we should have planned for those direct balls. But we didn't. We should have got the ball into Anita more instead of hoofing it up to Ayoze vs 4 Southampton defenders, but, we didn't.


Honestly, criticism and posts like above of Anita are ridiculous. He's a very good player, not world class or cutting edge, but he's capable of being a very good player for us. It'll be hard for him when Colback is worshiped by all and sundry in charge though.





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Mistle - you're clueless.


Anita has decided or been instructed to ignore Pelle and concentrate on picking uo the man closest to him WP - who is the danger man. Anita gets attracted to the ball and WP has the time in the world to pick his pass. The second ball is crucial.




Ok :lol:


Edit- And as I said, Vurn should have been ready to challenge for the second ball and he can be held accountable for that. But to say that goal was his fault is slightly depressing.

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Anita cost NUFC around £6.27M. We wouldn't get anywhere near that fee for him now. Even at the time we bought him we didn't really need him (unless Tiote was sold and Anita is hardly a like for like replacement). He was also the only player we bought in that transfer window. His transfer never really made any sense.


If we could sell Anita and put that money toward a creative, attacking midfielder I'd do that now. For some bizarre reason NUFC play two defensive midfielders. Tiote, Anita, Colback, Abeid and Bigirimana can play that role. We can afford to sell at least one of them as long as the money is spent elsewhere on the team.

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There's honestly very little between Colback and Anita, having them both in the same team is a recipe for failure.


Agree with that, though I believe Anita has more ability. Together there's fuck all there.

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