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Vurnon Anita (now playing for RKC Waalwijk)


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I'll admit i don't like Anita much but i thought he was ok at worst and often good. Always showed for the ball, got around well, tackled, nice control when he gets the ball and passes it confidently.

I do think Colback's alright actually but i thought he was the complete opposite. Often hid behind Hull players, was rarely in a position to defend effectively and rarely did anything useful with the ball. Looked like a player from a couple of divisions below being carried by his team mates.

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Carver's making good decisions regarding those players who've been stifled by Pardew's shiteness. Very curious to see how he deals with the options when Anita, Sissoko, Abeid, De Jong, Colback and Tiote are all available. Moussa is undroppable - everyone's got a shout to occupy them other two spots.

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Abeid, Sissoko and De Jong is the only and best way forward. One strong holder with pace, Sissoko breaking forward and De Jong's leadership and intelligence. Hopefully he supplants Colo and rightfully shows his captain abilities like he did at Ajax.


By the way Moussa was very controlled and composed today in his positional sense.

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It'll be Colback though, we all know that.


Not necessarily - we know Pardew loved him like a son but there's always a chance Carver might have a different opinion.


I doubt it. Colback didn't have a good game yesterday, but of our midfield players, he is the best distributor of the ball.


The competition for that isn't great, but there it is.

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It should be Abeid and sissoko central with Abeid deeper and Moussa playing more box to box with De Jong advanced. We actually have a decent front 6 and fullbacks I am happy with. Front three with Cisse through the middle and Cabella and Aarons out wide. Possibly Ayoze roaring with Aarons but I think Ayoze would be best playing as a second striker with cisse and us going 442 but I think what we have available suits 433 even if it means Ayoze getting a bit less playing time. I don't think it will hamper his development if he doesn't start every game.

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It should be Abeid and sissoko central with Abeid deeper and Moussa playing more box to box with De Jong advanced. We actually have a decent front 6 and fullbacks I am happy with. Front three with Cisse through the middle and Cabella and Aarons out wide. Possibly Ayoze roaring with Aarons but I think Ayoze would be best playing as a second striker with cisse and us going 442 but I think what we have available suits 433 even if it means Ayoze getting a bit less playing time. I don't think it will hamper his development if he doesn't start every game.


An on-form Aarons + Cabella + De Jong would be perfect ammo for Perez and Cisse.

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Invisible. Didn't notice he was on the pitch. Off the ball he is atrocious. Really looks like he vodnt give a fuck, or he is clueless about football.

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Invisible. Didn't notice he was on the pitch. Off the ball he is atrocious. Really looks like he vodnt give a f***, or he is clueless about football.


You clearly just follow the football then, try watching how he occupies space and intercepts play. He regularly was the one who cut the ball out right on or even in the box and cleared the ball away, or started a move down the pitch.


Again, I would rather Abeid started over him and Colback, but what you have just posted is absolutely nonsensical.

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Guest Rent-A-Quote

Just back in from the match. I love the trolls/mackems like Recoba and Rustin Cohle who clearly don't understand football.. All you have to do is watch him live and you will appreciate what he does. But they clearly don't go to matches or they wouldn't slag him off.


Oh, and he went off and we collapsed in midfield...coincidence?

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