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The 2012/13 Betting Thread


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Chelsea and Hamburg both winning as things stand. Good. Things are shaping up nicely for the Big Super Sunday tomorrow with us and Madrid both playing.


You're five minutes away from staying alive until tomorrow. If you are alive, you better hedge the fuck out of it. There's no point in being super greedy if you can guarantee yourself something like 500 Euros.

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Chelsea and Hamburg both winning as things stand. Good. Things are shaping up nicely for the Big Super Sunday tomorrow with us and Madrid both playing.


You're five minutes away from staying alive until tomorrow. If you are alive, you better hedge the fuck out of it. There's no point in being super greedy if you can guarantee yourself something like 500 Euros.


No point laying this time. Barca and Man Utd both have quite low odds. Added to that, never would I bet against us and never ever in my life would I bet against Mr. Mourinho in an El Clasico.


As things stand the winnings only around 170€ anyway...

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17.17€ on


- Today -

Real Madrid


Man City (dnb) push


- Thursday -

Newcastle (dnb)



- Saturday -




- Sunday -

Newcastle (dnb)

Real Madrid (dnb)


Returns over 1,800€. 1,300€


Would love it. Not just for the money, but even more so for us beating Man Utd and then for Real to beat Barca. Do it.


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If Carroll starts I'll be very tempted to put my money on him FGS + West Ham win.


He is starting


Just seen it. :thup:


10€ on Carroll FGS West Ham win

10€ on Carroll FGS West Ham 1-0

20€ on West Ham HT / FT

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Having a good day today had a couple of horses and Man City result which turned a fiver into 14 quid, then put that on Chelsea to score next which took it up to 23 quid. Have but 11 quid on both Carroll and Podolski to score anytime.

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Why so much confidence in West Ham? Length of odds too tempting?


West Ham at home with Carroll back in the side are hard to beat  - especially by a side like Arsenal.


Having said that, Arsenal looked very strong normally this season so we'll see.

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