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The other games today - 2012/13


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Because our manager has done enough to earn him a bit of time?


I know it's not allowed to mention Pardew winning Manager of the season for some reason but since O'Neill went there they were going to make up the 10 points etc... but he has consistently failed and fallen further and further behind. He was their absolute dream appointment, most Newcastle fans were annoyed with Pardew's appointment. Pardew actually went on to prove people wrong who thought he would fail massively, MON went on to prove people wrong who thought he was going to turn them around.


See no comparison at all between the two apart from proving people wrong for vastly different reasons, sorry.


Pardew hasn't proved anyone wrong, he is failing massively and his predecessor is totally showing him up, as he was always going to in time.


He 'fluked' 5th with our biggest points total in god knows how long, he certainly proved me wrong. If you or anyone else assumed he would do that I completely apologise for suggesting he proved you wrong.


To be proved wrong in this instance the people you refer to would have to have stated "Alan Pardew cannot manage a side that finishes fifth". That is only thing that actually finishing fifth "proves wrong".




People (and I include myself) claimed we would be relegated, does staying up then finishing 5th prove that wrong?


Not being relegated proves that we were not relegated. .


Makes no sense.

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RDM was sacked after winning two trophies, not sure what your point is. Do we accept that football is fickle and managers should go as soon as things turn a bit sour? That Moyes bloke would have long been in the dole queue if we all acted like that.


You emphasised that Pardew had 'fluked' 5th and that he'd won manager of the year.


I know it's not allowed to mention Pardew winning Manager of the season for some reason


He 'fluked' 5th with our biggest points total in god knows how long


I've given two managers who won the same award that Pardew won last year.  One of them took his team down the season after winning it and should have been sacked sooner than he was for the good of the club.


How long do managers have before you sack them then? Is there anything they can do to deserve a little breathing space?


Stability makes a massive difference imo, I have seen plenty of managers go through poor spells but given chances to turn things around and been successful, seen other managers who apparently aren't getting the best out of their sides so get booted then the teams drop like a stone.

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How long do managers have before you sack them then? Is there anything they can do to deserve a little breathing space?


Stability makes a massive difference imo, I have seen plenty of managers go through poor spells but given chances to turn things around and been successful, seen other managers who apparently aren't getting the best out of their sides so get booted then the teams drop like a stone.


How long a manager should get depends on results, performances and to a certain degree the games that are coming up.  In that respect, Pardew needs a defeat tomorrow like I need a hole in the head.  A defeat and he should go, to be honest I hope that we win and he stays but that doesn’t change the importance of the game to both him and us.


Stability didn't help Ipswich when they went down with a manager of the year that they'd had for 7 or 8 years.

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Guest neesy111



RDM was sacked after winning two trophies, not sure what your point is. Do we accept that football is fickle and managers should go as soon as things turn a bit sour? That Moyes bloke would have long been in the dole queue if we all acted like that.


You emphasised that Pardew had 'fluked' 5th and that he'd won manager of the year.


I know it's not allowed to mention Pardew winning Manager of the season for some reason


He 'fluked' 5th with our biggest points total in god knows how long


I've given two managers who won the same award that Pardew won last year.  One of them took his team down the season after winning it and should have been sacked sooner than he was for the good of the club.


How long do managers have before you sack them then? Is there anything they can do to deserve a little breathing space?


Stability makes a massive difference imo, I have seen plenty of managers go through poor spells but given chances to turn things around and been successful, seen other managers who apparently aren't getting the best out of their sides so get booted then the teams drop like a stone.


Half a season of dire performances can't be ignored as well.  The biggest issue for me is that we are actually getting worse not better with only a very dim light at the end of the tunnel as things stand.

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How long do managers have before you sack them then? Is there anything they can do to deserve a little breathing space?


Err yeah, win games and look to be on course to qualify for Europe. What an odd question.


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How long do managers have before you sack them then? Is there anything they can do to deserve a little breathing space?


Err yeah, win games and look to be on course to qualify for Europe. What an odd question.



I meant prior, pretty sure you realised that anyway.


Anyway I'm out of this thread, lasted less than a day :lol:

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How long do managers have before you sack them then? Is there anything they can do to deserve a little breathing space?


Err yeah, win games and look to be on course to qualify for Europe. What an odd question.



I think a manager should be given some slack if you can see he is trying to implement something that takes time and that there is some actual progress being made.


Our results have been awful but our performances have been even worse - if our tactics, style and performances started to come together and the fans could see that then Pardew would get more time imo.


Even after the Stoke defeat plenty on here like me and Mick were more charitable as the performance was a bit more controlled and, while i wouldn't say that we impressed or pulled up any trees, it looked like we at least had a definable game-plan. But you honestly look at this team and can't see any progress being made - he's been in charge for 2 years and this season we look like a collection of individuals who can't play alongside one another, the tactics don't make sense, we're not learning from mistakes and so on.


Not saying last season doesn't count for anything - it does and imo it is why even on here the 'pardew out' calls are minimal. Lose to Wigan however and that will change.

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Agreed Johnny. I didn't want Hughton for a long time but he completely turned me round with his management, particularly the way he learned from his mistakes and changed his style of play depending on players.


People seem to think he's a long ball man for some reason. That period from January in the Championship, we were sensational on the ground then mixed it up in the Premier League based on what we needed to do to win games and score goals.


I don't see any progression from Pardew. From day one it's been the same old story, to keep it tight and nick a goal. Folk love to cite that Pardew has got the best out of players like Perch and Ryan Taylor, turning £1m players into, erm £3m players if we're lucky. Nobody ever gives credit to Chris Hughton for turning a player we all had down as a no-hope clogger into a £35m man. What's happened to him since he left Hughton's management again?


Nobody will ever convince me that sacking him was not one of the biggest mistakes we've made in my time supporting NUFC.

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Sacking him wasn't the problem, the problem was the side-step appointment. If the board had a coach/manager who could take us to the next level and happy to work in the boundaries that come with our owner then sacking Hughton would have been understandable.


Pardew wasn't wanted but won us round with results and some sweet talk, problem is now that sweet talk just pisses people off when the results are going the other way. We had no choice to accept him, it was either get behind him or divide the club, and last time that happened we went down as Ashley did what he could to make us the biggest joke in premiership history. No one wanted that, and sensibly over time we just had to keep supporting the team, see the positives in our strategy and hope Pardew had progressed himself while learning something from his past mistakes. For a time it seemed he had, but stubbornness reared its ugly head and as the excuses rolled off his once silver tongue like dodgy electronics made in a Chinese sweat shop, the fans and I think the players have just had enough of the talk and want to see some of this great game he keeps talking about.


This is his first really bad sticky patch, and while he should be given some leeway, we should be seeing some turn around, but he's not providing it and everyone is concerned. He does deserve time but we deserve not to be treated like mugs while he protects his ego at all costs.

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Norwich pass the ball so well even though they've got a perfectly good target man upfront and only play it long when they have to,  we don't have one other than Shola yet we keep punting it long at every chance, shows the value of having players in the back who can actually play football.

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