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Financial Fair Play


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It's not been widely reported, but there was an article in the Times, saying that the Premier League are thinking of bringing in their own Financial Fair Play rules, seeing that so many clubs seem to be ignoring the UEFA rules, which look quite toothless.


Platini's enthusiasm for FFP seems to have declined following the takeover of PSG by the Qataris - a step that also seemed to coincide with his voting for Qatar for the 2022 World Cup, despite his belief that the timing needed to be changed to the winter.


From the point of view of our club's future prospects, it's vital that some kind of financial control is exercised by the powers that be. Let's hope this story has some substance.

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Isn't it too early to say if people are ignoring UEFA's rules? They aren't even fully in force yet, are they?


Even so, the problem with Uefa's rules is there is far too many loopholes which allows teams to still spend by the bucket load regardless if spending far exceeds their income.

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the problem is what would be the sanctions the prem could inflict? Automatic relegation? As if they'd dare do that and any fines will be laughed at by City or Chelsea


Bans from European competetions were the sanctions that were talked about when FFP was drawn up.  As UEFA gets plenty of it's money from advertising they aren't going to be too keen on kicking some of the biggest teams in Europe out of the Champions League and lowering its income from advertising.

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Guest neesy111

Could make a difference but needs revising.  Leagues need to enact their own rules for it to work properly, I think Spain are due to the massive issues with clubs being in admin.

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Guest firetotheworks

Far too late to do anything now, should have been a transfer/wage cap on clubs yonks ago.


The big teams have become too big to be bossed around by FIFA/UEFA.


I think it's more that it's being implemented by organisations that are dripping in corruption. It wouldn't surprise me if they'd come up with FFP as a means to be bribed by PSG, Chelsea and Man City etc.

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Could make a difference but needs revising.  Leagues need to enact their own rules for it to work properly, I think Spain are due to the massive issues with clubs being in admin.



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the problem is what would be the sanctions the prem could inflict? Automatic relegation? As if they'd dare do that and any fines will be laughed at by City or Chelsea


Bans from European competetions were the sanctions that were talked about when FFP was drawn up.  As UEFA gets plenty of it's money from advertising they aren't going to be too keen on kicking some of the biggest teams in Europe out of the Champions League and lowering its income from advertising.

thats UEFA ones, not sure the premier league (if they set it up) could pull the same trick or would the clubs allow them to

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the problem is what would be the sanctions the prem could inflict? Automatic relegation? As if they'd dare do that and any fines will be laughed at by City or Chelsea


Bans from European competetions were the sanctions that were talked about when FFP was drawn up.  As UEFA gets plenty of it's money from advertising they aren't going to be too keen on kicking some of the biggest teams in Europe out of the Champions League and lowering its income from advertising.

thats UEFA ones, not sure the premier league (if they set it up) could pull the same trick or would the clubs allow them to


From 2013-14 UEFA will be able to ban clubs from playing in European competitions the following season if the rules have not been met but it is not until 2018 that clubs will be expected to bring their annual losses below £8.8 million (based on 2010 exchange rates)



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Financial Fair Play will make a difference as long as they really follow through with the plan, its only the extent of the difference that's up in the air.  Clubs will always find a way to spend beyond their true revenues (inflating revenues with dodgy sponsorships ect) but this will at least impose some limits.  For instance under the new rules there's no way something anywhere near the scale of Man City can happen again (a club with a revenue somewhere around £70m a year that managed to spend as if they're revenue was £500m a year).


No idea if the Premier League will also impose their own rules, if they do they'd need to use severe points deductions as the deterrent.  Because obviously fines are completely pointless.

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The main problem is that UEFA have destroyed the credibility of the regulations by saying that providing a club is on the right lines or appears to be trying to get spending under control, then they might not face a sanction, even if technically they are in breach. Regulations that would be difficult to enforce then become impossible. Clubs can then say that if one club has been granted some leniency, the same should apply all around. The lawyers would demolish any decision that came to Court.


UEFA are effectively putting themselves in the position of advisers rather than enforcers. TBH, European institutions seem to have a habit of putting out regulations that they then don’t bother to enforce. Hence the mess that is the Euro.


You can’t have a situation where some clubs are taking the regs seriously while the richer ones, with legal and financial muscle, decide they don’t need to. That will only widen the gap between rich and poor, and is worse than no regulation at all.


It really is vital that the Premiership tries to take a stand here.


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The main problem is that UEFA have destroyed the credibility of the regulations by saying that providing a club is on the right lines or appears to be trying to get spending under control, then they might not face a sanction, even if technically they are in breach. Regulations that would be difficult to enforce then become impossible. Clubs can then say that if one club has been granted some leniency, the same should apply all around. The lawyers would demolish any decision that came to Court.


UEFA are effectively putting themselves in the position of advisers rather than enforcers. TBH, European institutions seem to have a habit of putting out regulations that they then don’t bother to enforce. Hence the mess that is the Euro.


You can’t have a situation where some clubs are taking the regs seriously while the richer ones, with legal and financial muscle, decide they don’t need to. That will only widen the gap between rich and poor, and is worse than no regulation at all.


It really is vital that the Premiership tries to take a stand here.


That's one of the reasons it won't completely stop overspending.  It'll only stop the more obvious examples IMO, for instance no more Man City/Chelsea's in future.


The likes of Chelsea/Man City ect will still find ways to spend more than they really earn but at least they'll have limits imposed on them (right now Man City have limitless resources) while clubs that already spend close to their means won't be effected (very good for us).  For smaller clubs that currently spend well above their means this could effect them most as they may find it harder to find ways around the rules, but that could be for their own good in the long run (see Rangers/Portsmouth).

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  • 5 months later...
Guest ObiChrisKenobi

Government have gave the FA another year to sort this shit out. Probably having a meeting to all laugh loudly together some more. Room full of Dr. Evils.

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Guest neesy111

I see the Premier League chairmen are meeting over this today.


Would you believe that by all accounts Man City are against it?  :rolleyes:


It's a flawed plan as it allows owners to put in their own cash into a club, hence what happends now at City, Stoke, Chelsea etc ffs.

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Let them spend as they will then deduct points relevant to the size of the debt. Although FFP will be like manna from heaven for MUFC who will absolutely dominate the PL and rank almost permanantly in Europes top 3.


It will also lead to the bigger Clubs looking to do there own TV deals and we'll have a Spanish scenario of certain clubs just moving away from the rest.

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Isn't it too early to say if people are ignoring UEFA's rules? They aren't even fully in force yet, are they?

...and they won't be as long as it suits people like Platini to have things the way they are.


Its a bit like EU rules...some countries(France, anyone..!?) ignore them at will whilst UK Civil Servant Mandarins gold-plate them and ensure the UK gets fined if it ignores them.


Why would UEFA be any different..?

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