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Alan Pardew


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Will have to see the full quotes, but that from Gouffran is pretty f***ing worrying. You could argue that it's a good thing that they're seemingly still in harmony with the manager at this point, but it feels like there's a culture of negativity and excuses that is in danger of spiralling out of control. Or perhaps he's simply having a go at the coaching, which is bad in a different way.


I've said before - the players go along with Pardew because he probably gives them an easy time and doesn't let them take any flack ...look at how he gave them Monday off after the Mackem debacle last week ; they should have been called in at 7 a.m. Monday for a 10 mile run etc....


Reckon that's spot on.

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Will have to see the full quotes, but that from Gouffran is pretty f***ing worrying. You could argue that it's a good thing that they're seemingly still in harmony with the manager at this point, but it feels like there's a culture of negativity and excuses that is in danger of spiralling out of control. Or perhaps he's simply having a go at the coaching, which is bad in a different way.


I've said before - the players go along with Pardew because he probably gives them an easy time and doesn't let them take any flack ...look at how he gave them Monday off after the Mackem debacle last week ; they should have been called in at 7 a.m. Monday for a 10 mile run etc....


Good point. Could have set him up for a new excuse.."We were tired I've had them doing 10m runs all week"...:lol:

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Macdonald's comments were spot on, regardless of what some think of him. People forget that he also did a decent job at Fulham as manager until his personal life intervened.

Everything he pinpointed as being wrong with the team in the Derby last week was correct ; I've seen people writing off Tiote and as Macdonald says, he used to be excellent. Likewise, the way Cabaye is playing far too deep is on the button and as for Gutierrez, well we all knew that.


As he says, top players will be disillusioned after this season and I can see at least one and maybe 2, departures unless there is a change of manager - I am also convinced that the players that leave will go on to show that they are much better than they look under Pardew's managment.


I just read that article today for the first time. You are right, Supermac has hit the nail squarely on the head in that piece, just about every point he makes echoes the concerns that people have been raising on this thread. Excellent piece.

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Macdonald's comments were spot on, regardless of what some think of him. People forget that he also did a decent job at Fulham as manager until his personal life intervened.

Everything he pinpointed as being wrong with the team in the Derby last week was correct ; I've seen people writing off Tiote and as Macdonald says, he used to be excellent. Likewise, the way Cabaye is playing far too deep is on the button and as for Gutierrez, well we all knew that.


As he says, top players will be disillusioned after this season and I can see at least one and maybe 2, departures unless there is a change of manager - I am also convinced that the players that leave will go on to show that they are much better than they look under Pardew's managment.


I just read that article today for the first time. You are right, Supermac has hit the nail squarely on the head in that piece, just about every point he makes echoes the concerns that people have been raising on this thread. Excellent piece.


Can't believe all that came from smac, good stuff and totally spot on.


I'm hoping results go our way in the next week, we beat Liverpool and the board sack him straight afterwards effectively being safe, put a temp in charge till the end of the season and start looking for a manager.


Dream stuff probably, but him going is the only hope I've got right now, so sooner the better.

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Unless Pardew is prepared to change his footballing ethos completely there's no point in him listening to us.

It's not little things that need to change, it the fundamentals - training, tactics, half time team talks, approach to the game when we're leading, approach to the game when we're behind, set pieces, passing style etc.


We're more likely to see a repeat of this season than we are a repeat of last because Pardew has quite simply run out of luck. He now needs to motivate the players during the summer and apply a winning formation, mentality and style of play, none of which i believe he is capable of doing.


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Macdonald's comments were spot on, regardless of what some think of him. People forget that he also did a decent job at Fulham as manager until his personal life intervened.

Everything he pinpointed as being wrong with the team in the Derby last week was correct ; I've seen people writing off Tiote and as Macdonald says, he used to be excellent. Likewise, the way Cabaye is playing far too deep is on the button and as for Gutierrez, well we all knew that.


As he says, top players will be disillusioned after this season and I can see at least one and maybe 2, departures unless there is a change of manager - I am also convinced that the players that leave will go on to show that they are much better than they look under Pardew's managment.



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Warning: Turbo post, don't read if easily bored.


Over the past few days, I've seen Pardew getting the blame for everything. Some of it justified, some of it no more than speculation as means to meet the agenda. I get it, Pardew is public enemy number 1. And rightly so - last week was a sour one for us all, it's going to take some getting over. But beyond last week, we haven't been up to it all season. We've barely won games by more than 1 goal, and some of them have been last minute goals. Without being bothered to do the maths, I think we've probably spent the least minutes in front in games this season. It's been turgid to watch pretty much all of the time, we've gone out of cups at the first round and other than a couple of 1-0 wins in the KO rounds of the Europa, there's been nothing good to say. So why are we so much shitter than last season?


Firstly, let's not kid ourselves. Last season we didn't play well in a lot of games but we found a way to win. There's a lot to be said for momentum - the pre-season plans were disrupted, but the majority of the squad still got away. Those that didn't played for the reserves, which wasn't a disaster. This meant players were, for the most part, fit, with the exception of Ben Arfa who got destroyed in the USA. The new lads were incorporated and everything was rosey. This season, there were no new lads to incorporate bar a few kids, and Anita signed shortly before the Spurs game. Cabaye & Ben Arfa were away at the Euros and got minimal pre-season action, as a result both have had fragmented seasons. Beating the mackems early on last year gave us a big boost and we managed to muddle our way past Fulham & Scunthorpe. Without going through the whole fixture list, great peformances at home to Blackburn and away at Stoke were our only wins by more than 1 goal as we relied on a great defensive resistance, particularly Steven Taylor. The back 4 was pretty much unchanged - something we haven't been able to replicate this season. Once Taylor got his injury we started to ship goals left right and centre leading to a very lean December.


In the games at Wolves, home to Everton, home to Fulham, home to QPR..I could go on, we held on for 3 points after withstanding heavy pressure as we sat back after getting the goal(s). This is not a new thing, and as we found out away to Fulham, the opposition making a big change left Pardew flat footed and we got fucked over, conceding 5 second half goals to average opposition. Once we reached 40 points, we finally started to relax and play a bit, which came in March and lasted a month. In this spell, Cabaye was played pretty much behind Cisse with devestating results, which can be best summed up by the goals against Swansea and Stoke. When Ba was sold this season, Pardew spoke of his will to play Cabaye in the "number 10" role, but we have yet to see it. As a result there is nobody feeding Cisse, and we're relying on lumps into the box. Cabaye is playing in front of the back 4, but from there is he doing anything that Anita cannot do? I doubt it.


There's also no doubt we had players in a real purple patch last season who played well above themselves. Perch & Williamson kept a couple of cleansheets, somehow, whereas this year Williamson has looked every inch a total waste of space. Players like Ryan Taylor came in and played multiple positions to good effect. This season, players have been badly out of form, Tiote, Cisse for the most part, Cabaye to an extent, the usual candidates like Obertan & Shola, Colo's obvious problems. We've also missed a Leon Best type character, scoring a handful of goals and occupying defences - although who knows if his injury would have happened had he stayed. We have had a lot of injuries, especially compared to last season. Whilst we should be able to deal with standard injuries, you can't deny we've had more than the average. This is a failing of the club though - why is the conditioning so poor? Especially when it was pretty good last season. It's definitely something the club needs to look at as we can't go on like this.


Even in Pardew's first season, when he took over from Hughton, we were better at everything then than we are now. Set pieces? Easily one of our biggest threats, Steven Taylor got 3 in 3 ffs. Winning well? We fucked Wolves 4-1, beat Liverpool 3-1, Birmingham 2-0..there was plenty to be optimistic about although there were horror shows like Stoke & Fulham away, but with the loss of Carroll it could be forgiven a little. That is without mentioning the 4-4.


So, so far we've got a poor pre-season, bad "luck" with injuries and out of form players. There's reasons for all of them but the next thing to consider is the Europa league. The first thing is that being away for another game during the week obviously gives you less time to prepare for a game, you can't deny that. But how do other clubs manage? How have we managed previously? Typically, clubs competing in the Europa league will come close to getting back into it - or better - the next season. Liverpool, Spurs and latterly Chelsea are pretty close. We're nowhere near. So whilst our squad isn't as strong as those teams, you'd have to question why that is. The lack of investment in the summer really left us under prepared, but many of the first teamers didn't play in the EL group games, so I don't buy tiredness as an excuse. Hopefully without the Europa League Pardew can do some proper preparation, and we'll see some well executed game plans, such as Stoke & WBA last season.


The quality of football has been heavily criticised too - it wasn't brilliant for most of last season until the spell I touched upon earlier, but it was effective. We scored a lot of "ridiculous" goals, something we've rarely seen this season. Ryan Taylor against Everton and Jonas down at Wolves being decent examples before even going to Cisse territory. We have generally tried to play from the back at home since January, the only problem is it gets to the final third and a hopeless cross is fired in. This is where we'd benefit from Cabaye being 20 yards further forward. I'm not sure Pardew knows how to get the best out of what he's got - the problem is we don't know if Sissoko can play deeper, but he certainly isn't a number 10 and his ball carrying skills could be pretty useful still from a bit deeper. I'm fairly sure Coloccini will leave and I wouldn't be surprised to see Jonas follow him as we move to an even more French line up.


The more you consider it, the more you have to say last season was  the fluke rather than this season being a one-off. You can't fluke your way to 5th place though, there were some very well thought out game plans and the shape of the team in "that" run of games was great. I hope Pardew has plans to replicate it but it's going to rely on players being fit and on form. Looking back on these 2 and a half seasons under Pardew there are some things that he has only done this season, but also some worrying traits. It seems to me that his main aim is to get us "safe" and then expand a bit, but until then we'll see more of what we've seen this season. Nervous football where we sit back on 1 goal advantages. It's no surprise we've come back from behind so much at home recently, as we have to attack more and show some flair, which otherwise we wouldn't see I bet.


I'm not in the Pardew out crew just yet, for some reason the players seem to quite like him and the structure of the club is based around him. I think we need some more staff, as we seem light on those numbers compared to a lot of clubs, and the conditioning needs a serious overhaul. But the recruitment structure we have is decent, we've got good calibre players and the optimist in me hopes that we can get a settled team over the summer and build a team that can finish where it deserves, which is about 8 places higher than where we are now. If you look at how we played in the first half yesterday - that's more like it, we need to do it for a whole game though. What I do fear is that we'll get off to a bad start and he'll be canned in October, and we're thrown into another transition season. I hope Pardew turns it round - I have no hope of us being brilliant in these remaining 4 games, but we must stay up by any means necessary and get back to "normal" next season. I just hope normal is last season rather than this.


Pardew out.

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Cabaye is the one that can change things. If people like him, Krul and Jonas turn on him, he'll be under pressure.


Jonas  :lol: he won't turn on him, no other manager would play him, he's on a good thing with Pardew, same as Ameobi.

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Ba has nothing to do with it. We were on something like 20 points from 20 games with him an ever-present.


He has quite a bit to do with it but from the opposite end of the spectrum. Pardew should have told him he'd play where he was told before the season even started, he bottled it and the team suffered for it.

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Guest Slippery Sam


"Pardew deliberately hooked his captain Yohan Cabaye".  FFS. New depths of abysmal journalism. "Hooked" "Deliberately hooked" as opposed to mistakenly 'hooked', Lee, you fucking numbskull?


As for Pardew, the man is just full of bullshit. No need to meet the fans, Parsnip, just get the fucking team playing to their potential. Sorted.

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He's just hoping to get us to do his job.


He's just looking for someone to blame. Well I listened to the fans, and were still shit so it's their fault as much as mine.


Tbh I'm hoping he doesn't even get the chance to speak to the fans, as soon as we're safe we need to be looking to move him on.

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Unless Pardew is prepared to change his footballing ethos completely there's no point in him listening to us.

It's not little things that need to change, it the fundamentals - training, tactics, half time team talks, approach to the game when we're leading, approach to the game when we're behind, set pieces, passing style etc.


We're more likely to see a repeat of this season than we are a repeat of last because Pardew has quite simply run out of luck. He now needs to motivate the players during the summer and apply a winning formation, mentality and style of play, none of which i believe he is capable of doing.



Pardew simply wants to try to head off criticism and appear to be listening to supporters - in truth, he doesn't give 2 stuffs what the fans think('they're just fans, and thick with it, we are the pros, they don't understand the game but we have to humour them because of Season Ticket renewals, blah-di-blah..' etc etc)and neither do the board as long as STs continue to be sold.


Any fool can see that Supermac has him worked out...and so have many of us.


He has to go.

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Cabaye is the one that can change things. If people like him, Krul and Jonas turn on him, he'll be under pressure.


Jonas  :lol: he won't turn on him, no other manager would play him, he's on a good thing with Pardew, same as Ameobi.


True. What I meant was that the locker room 'leaders' need to turn, which I assume Jonas is by now.

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Cabaye is the one that can change things. If people like him, Krul and Jonas turn on him, he'll be under pressure.


Jonas  :lol: he won't turn on him, no other manager would play him, he's on a good thing with Pardew, same as Ameobi.


True. What I meant was that the locker room 'leaders' need to turn, which I assume Jonas is by now.


I genuinely think Cabaye has turned. Looks pissed off.


This is from that guys  Twitter.


@nufcfans prepare to be VERY disappointed by the team we field tonight. Pards has bottled it. Hba, Marv and cab all on bench #nufc


11 Apr

@nufcfans Williamson possibly starting too #nufc


The Cabaye tweet


@nufcfans Did you know several top toon player tore into that  inept manager we have in the players meeting this week? #pardewout #nufc




Ashley has to sack him once this season is out. It's unthinkable to let this continue.

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It's just a point of discussion tbf. Most called bollocks on the Team line up when it came out. On Twitter and on here. Like I said in my post you obviously can't verify or validate the claims in any way. The only thing to do is judge past claims and make your own mind up.




I don't really need to know whether his claims are legit or not, it's pretty obvious to me that some players must be pissed off. People have mentioned Cabaye looking angry for a couple of weeks now, and I can't imagine the likes of Anita are too impressed either.

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