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Rotten behaviour from Mags down the years

Big Geordie

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I've heard monkey chants from behind both goals and seen bananas being thrown on to the pitch in the 70’s and 80’s.  The monkey chants weren't 1 or 2 people, they were made by almost everybody in the Leazes and Gallowgate.  Our fans would sing "He's a wog, a wog, it's plain to see, to see, he's blacker than you and me, he's a wog a wog."  I remember a programme on TV about black slaves in America that brought about a chant of "Roots" which was the name of the programme, another was "Chicken George" who was a fictional character in Roots.  They would also chant "You black bastard." 


Strangely, we didn't really have a problem with racism away from the football match.  I went to matches with a black lad and it was embarrassing having to stand next to my mate and he was having to listen to and put up with that shit. Luckily, I haven’t heard anything in years.


The racism was a step up from what normally happened in those days with chants against anybody who stood out.  If a player was losing his hair that was picked on, if somebody was looking over weight then chants of “You fat bastard” were used against them.


No matter what people think, things have changed for the better, even if this sort of shit hasn’t gone completely.



I can also remember the entire crowd singing "The referee's a puff".


still here the word puff a few times now actually, when an opposition player goes down easily its not rare to hear someone shout something along the lines of "gerr' up, ya big puff".


shame really.

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Even some of the stuff that gets song on the bus I go on to the away games is awful like. It's usually sung by your usual charva teenagers who think they are clever, or older blokes who are ignorant as fuck. (You will all know the type that I mean)


Fugazi can vouch for it and sometimes we're both sat there cringing like fuck.

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There's still quite a lot of jingoist nonsense gets trooped out at away games like. In addition to the "no surrender to the IRA" crap, you still hear embarrassing stuff in pubs prior to games, which is one if the reason's I tend to avoid pubs in the shadow of stadiums. There's still a lot of knobs who travel with us who are only concerned with slagging the locals and gesturing to them when the game is on. Man City the last two years has been bad for it, with seats and fireworks being thrown last year. Year before (when HBA git crocked) was a right dickheads day out from start to finish.


Nottm Forest a few years bak was the roughest I've seen it recently. It was a cup final for them and I saw quite a few rucks pre and post game.

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There was that game against West Ham in 1980 (I think) when a petrol bomb was hoyed into the away fans' enclosure.


Before my time (just) and legend has it that it landed at the feet of Tony Cottee and John Cornwell (ex Newcastle) The lad that thew it, ended up at Northgate Hospital (I think)


There's a picture here among some great old images of SJP in the '80s:




That old corrugated Iron stand.  Absolute death trap.


The old wooden west stand, dating from the turn of the century, was probably a bit of a death trap, too.


It was (not good) The thing I remember back then was the rumble of 'thunder' as those in the seats stamped their feet when we got a corner or throw-in close to goal. It's amazing what you remember from back then!

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There's still quite a lot of jingoist nonsense gets trooped out at away games like. In addition to the "no surrender to the IRA" crap, you still hear embarrassing stuff in pubs prior to games, which is one if the reason's I tend to avoid pubs in the shadow of stadiums. There's still a lot of knobs who travel with us who are only concerned with slagging the locals and gesturing to them when the game is on. Man City the last two years has been bad for it, with seats and fireworks being thrown last year. Year before (when HBA git crocked) was a right dickheads day out from start to finish.


Nottm Forest a few years bak was the roughest I've seen it recently. It was a cup final for them and I saw quite a few rucks pre and post game.


Same with the German Bombers crap too.


Not condoning any behavior like what happened against Man City, but if there's a group of supporters I detest it's those arseholes, they're a bunch of troglodytes. Total chips on their shoulders about how great Manchester is, and it's a fucking dive where they stadium is. They're even more insufferable now they've bought the league too and done one over on "Yaaaaaaaniiiiiiiitttteeeeeed."


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There was that game against West Ham in 1980 (I think) when a petrol bomb was hoyed into the away fans' enclosure.


Before my time (just) and legend has it that it landed at the feet of Tony Cottee and John Cornwell (ex Newcastle) The lad that thew it, ended up at Northgate Hospital (I think)


There's a picture here among some great old images of SJP in the '80s:




That old corrugated Iron stand.  Absolute death trap.


The old wooden west stand, dating from the turn of the century, was probably a bit of a death trap, too.


It was (not good) The thing I remember back then was the rumble of 'thunder' as those in the seats stamped their feet when we got a corner or throw-in close to goal. It's amazing what you remember from back then!


I think I had sat in there once, we were sat at the back.  Pushed a panel back which was loose, you could see the car park  :yikes:

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Going to Villa for the relegation game was one of the poorest examples I've ever seen from our fans. A group of lads in their 40s got on at Durham and chanted fairly unpleasant racist songs for a good hour, bizarrely mainly about Emmanuel Adebayor who we've never really had a problem with. I was amazed there wasn't any pro NUFC stuff, just this continual racist stuff. Train conductor came over the PA to apologise in behalf of the train company.

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1985, I was in the 'A' wing paddock, Luton Town, black chap came to take corner and the bananas came coupled with the 'monkey' chants. It was awful. I was a bairn with some lads of about 15 years of age. I thought it was the norm even though i'd never experienced such vile behaviour...Shocking when i look back...


Ricky Hill?

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when I had my ST in the Milburn Paddock (01-07) another ST holder in front and along a bit used to make his mouth go quite regularly.  Seem to remember we played Villa circa 2003 and he kept referring to Dion Dublin as a "black cunt".  After the third time someone tapped him on the shoulder and said if he used those words one more time he'd knock him out.


The bloke that made the threat was twice the size of the racist and so he barely uttered another word after that.

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There's still quite a lot of jingoist nonsense gets trooped out at away games like. In addition to the "no surrender to the IRA" crap, you still hear embarrassing stuff in pubs prior to games, which is one if the reason's I tend to avoid pubs in the shadow of stadiums. There's still a lot of knobs who travel with us who are only concerned with slagging the locals and gesturing to them when the game is on. Man City the last two years has been bad for it, with seats and fireworks being thrown last year. Year before (when HBA git crocked) was a right dickheads day out from start to finish.


Nottm Forest a few years bak was the roughest I've seen it recently. It was a cup final for them and I saw quite a few rucks pre and post game.


Same with the German Bombers crap too.


Not condoning any behavior like what happened against Man City, but if there's a group of supporters I detest it's those arseholes, they're a bunch of troglodytes. Total chips on their shoulders about how great Manchester is, and it's a fucking dive where they stadium is. They're even more insufferable now they've bought the league too and done one over on "Yaaaaaaaniiiiiiiitttteeeeeed."



Walking from Manchester city centre to the Etihad is Manchester at its roughest. Bloody awful.


They are without doubt the worst dressed people in the country with a good 70% convinced they are the hybrid offspring of Ian Brown and Liam Gallagher. Replica tops pulled over hoodies with "rock star" hair. Tits.

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Also what really irritates me and I find this quite often if I'm drinking in the club and you get a bunch of 40/50 year old blokes coming out with the most ignorant racist bile you've ever encountered. Really annoys me how in this day and age people can still have such a small minded mentality.

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There was that game against West Ham in 1980 (I think) when a petrol bomb was hoyed into the away fans' enclosure.


Before my time (just) and legend has it that it landed at the feet of Tony Cottee and John Cornwell (ex Newcastle) The lad that thew it, ended up at Northgate Hospital (I think)


There's a picture here among some great old images of SJP in the '80s:




That old corrugated Iron stand.  Absolute death trap.


The old wooden west stand, dating from the turn of the century, was probably a bit of a death trap, too.


It was (not good) The thing I remember back then was the rumble of 'thunder' as those in the seats stamped their feet when we got a corner or throw-in close to goal. It's amazing what you remember from back then!


When I first started going to games, as a kid in the late '60s, I couldn't believe the unwashed smell of the crowd. This was before they'd demolished the old terraces in Scotswood and Byker. I guess a lot of those houses didn't have proper bathrooms.

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Also what really irritates me and I find this quite often if I'm drinking in the club and you get a bunch of 40/50 year old blokes coming out with the most ignorant racist bile you've ever encountered. Really annoys me how in this day and age people can still have such a small minded mentality.


So tedious. Depressing the amount of times you have to hear something along the lines of 'I'm not racist but' from middle-aged blokes who come in for a drink during the day.

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Dave will confirm this, remember that old bloke without any teeth that was behind us at West Ham away a few years ago? That was probably the worst case of racism I've ever encountered from an individual at any football match.

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Wouldn't surprise me if it was Mick that threw the petrol bomb.


:lol:  To be honest, I was brought up better than that.  I had to even get out of my seat on a bus if a female or older person was standing, if I didn't my dad would clip me.

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Also what really irritates me and I find this quite often if I'm drinking in the club and you get a bunch of 40/50 year old blokes coming out with the most ignorant racist bile you've ever encountered. Really annoys me how in this day and age people can still have such a small minded mentality.


So tedious. Depressing the amount of times you have to hear something along the lines of 'I'm not racist but' from middle-aged blokes who come in for a drink during the day.


It really pisses me off man, but what's even worse is it you call them out on this you're in the minority.

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Wouldn't surprise me if it was Mick that threw the petrol bomb.


:lol:  To be honest, I was brought up better than that.  I had to even get out of my seat on a bus if a female or older person was standing, if I didn't my dad would clip me.


Didn't he clip you because you ran on the pitch in that Forest Cup game? :lol:

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1985, I was in the 'A' wing paddock, Luton Town, black chap came to take corner and the bananas came coupled with the 'monkey' chants. It was awful. I was a bairn with some lads of about 15 years of age. I thought it was the norm even though i'd never experienced such vile behaviour...Shocking when i look back...


Ricky Hill?


Possibly chap but the name Vince Hilaire (sp?) springs to mind, though, you could be right.

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I fucking hate "ten German bombers".  I also hate the crappy "Shola from Fenham shot one down" adaptation that appears to have arisen.  Mate at uni spent the entirety of Euro 2012 pretty much putting Kraut/Two world wars and one world cup/10 German bomber status' on facebook and slagging Germany off on the whole.  Ended up biting and saying he was from Walsall and didn't really have much of a right to boast.

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