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How highly do you rate... Robert Pires?


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Think we should do Rio Ferdinand next. Maybe John Terry too.


For me, Rio has been ever so slightly under-rated by fans and the media. While I think Terry has had the fortune of having a few managers/teams play to his strengths for Chelsea, he's a brilliant defender, a true leader and a better ball-player than he's given credit for.


Moscow though LOL. I had money on Chelsea to win on penalties and I was shocked when he stepped up to take the 5th penalty. But he looked so confident, so assured after initially thinking he would miss because he's John Terry, I was certain he would score. Players with that level of assuredness don't miss the penalty. Well we know what happened next.... he was the opposite of Anelka who very obviously didn't fancy it at all.

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Think we should do Rio Ferdinand next. Maybe John Terry too.


For me, Rio has been ever so slightly under-rated by fans and the media. While I think Terry has had the fortune of having a few managers/teams play to his strengths for Chelsea, he's a brilliant defender, a true leader and a better ball-player than he's given credit for.


Moscow though LOL. I had money on Chelsea to win on penalties and I was shocked when he stepped up to take the 5th penalty. But he looked so confident, so assured after initially thinking he would miss because he's John Terry, I was certain he would score. Players with that level of assuredness don't miss the penalty. Well we know what happened next.... he was the opposite of Anelka who very obviously didn't fancy it at all.


To the contrary, he looked shit scared.

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Disagree. If he were scared he wouldn't take the 5th penalty.. in fact he wouldn't take a penalty at all - nobody would expect him to. "Captain JT, to score the winning penalty" was all that was in his mind. All ego and brazen confidence.


How do you know there were any volunteers left and that, as captain, he sensed responsibility to step forward?


Fifth penalty could because he was hoping it will be all over by then.

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Don't think any player would want to take the 5th penalty in the hope it would be over by then. More often than not, the biggest pressure is on the last penalty taker.


And yeah, Terry was as cocky as could be taking that penalty. Makes it all the more priceless that he missed it. :lol:

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At their best and in terms of talent, absolutely. If I had to sign one of them 10 years ago the answer would be different, though. Terry's a much better player to have in your team and even at 33/34 is an absolute colossus defensively.

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At their best and in terms of talent, absolutely. If I had to sign one of them 10 years ago the answer would be different, though. Terry's a much better player to have in your team and even at 33/34 is an absolute colossus defensively.


I think Rio's extra class really helped Manchester United in Europe and he was a much better player for England than Terry was. The last 5 or so years he's been really been hampered by injury and even then he's been an important part of their side.


John Terry's younger than I thought. Only just turned 33. I do think he's been fortunate that the majority of the successful Chelsea managers prefer dedicated DM (or two) and a deeper line. It was particularly hilarious watching Terry in AVB's insanely high line. Almost as funny as Dawson.

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Guest firetotheworks

To quote Frankie Boyle, if I was desperate for a piss and I ran to the toilet and John Terry was in the urinal on fire, I'd piss in the sink. Good player, though.

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How have I just noticed it's said 'How highly do you date... Roberto Baggio?' all this time. Complacent eyes!


Disco the only one with good eyes. :lol:


Is he a gentle lover?


Disco just wonders that about all the athletic fellas.

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Not a massive Baggio fan. Didn't really get to see much of him at the time and when I've gone back and seen his old games he was a good dribbler of the ball but a little bit underwhelming. Don't get me wrong, still a very good player, but I can't put him up there with the legends.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Not a massive Baggio fan. Didn't really get to see much of him at the time and when I've gone back and seen his old games he was a good dribbler of the ball but a little bit underwhelming. Don't get me wrong, still a very good player, but I can't put him up there with the legends.


He was like a forward version of Zidane for me, very svelte on the ball, dreamy like almost.


Italy have produced some top forwards over the years, forwards of differing styles. The early to mid 90s was boom time in that department throughout the world. Italy had Baggio, Vialli, Ravenelli, Signori, Zola, Del Pierro, Mancini and I'm sure I've missed off others. Baggio was the cream of the crop for me.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Rio Ferdinand was a much much better player than Terry. Terry is a centre-back and that's it, Ferdinand is a footballer full stop. I wouldn't even say he was or is a great leader, Drogba was by far and away the true leader at Chelsea. Terry is or has been one of the best CB's in the Premier League era, but as a footballer others, especially Ferdinand rank way ahead of him or should do. Carvalho was better than Terry and Woodgate when fit, easily as well.

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How have I just noticed it's said 'How highly do you date... Roberto Baggio?' all this time. Complacent eyes!


Disco the only one with good eyes. :lol:


Is he a gentle lover?


Disco just wonders that about all the athletic fellas.


Stop your flirting Ronny.

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Rio was light years ahead of Terry.


He wasn't and definitely isn't now. Both should have been more than they are though, could have been a truly great partnership for England, naturally they weren't.

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Rio was light years ahead of Terry.


He wasn't and definitely isn't now. Both should have been more than they are though, could have been a truly great partnership for England, naturally they weren't.


Have to agree to disagree, well I agree Rio has fallen to bits now but in their prime Rio was infinitely better than Terry. Rio could do it at all levels, very rarely impressed with Terry at international level due to his lack of pace and technical ability.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Rio was light years ahead of Terry.


He wasn't and definitely isn't now. Both should have been more than they are though, could have been a truly great partnership for England, naturally they weren't.


Have to agree to disagree, well I agree Rio has fallen to bits now but in their prime Rio was infinitely better than Terry. Rio could do it at all levels, very rarely impressed with Terry at international level due to his lack of pace and technical ability.


Agreed. Terry is the uber PL centre-back, but at international level was often found out and that's because that level is much more technical, slower and more about ability. Terry stands out in our league because he is great at the basics, heading, clearing his lines, winning important last ditch tackles etc. At international level such acts are rarely asked of a centre-back, however. Terry is the Andy Carroll of centre-backs, Rio the Rooney.

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