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We would be ripping it to bits if it was ours I reckon. White patch on arms, cut out collar bit, badge too low, sponsor in a box, thin red lines, adidas stripes stop half way, the list is endless.


Of course we would. We rip ours to bits every year :lol:

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S'equally as bad as our attempt. Their proper badge is negated by the fact if Cattermole stays it'll be tucked into his shorts.


Absolutely no need for that Sponsor to be in a box, just like WBA's boxed effort for no reason.

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dat stick-on sponsor...




Dat crest positioning




Yeah, similar to the Rangers/Celtic thing I guess.


That's gone now though isn't it. 1) I doubt Rangers would be able to attract the same sponsors anymore and 2) I doubt Rangers would be sponsored by an Irish Cider.


EDIT: They are actually still sponsored by the same company.  Celtic are Magners and Rangers are Black Thorn Cider but they are both still owned by C&C (and Irish company).

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dat stick-on sponsor...




as lespaul has said whp comes up with this positioning shit?  i'm becoming more and more convinced that it's left to robots or computers


no way a real human being, a binman or a fucking street sweeper looks at that and doesn't think it's shit....if it was me and they gave me 10,000 pre-printed shirts like this i'd be scraping around ASAP looking for a sponsor to stick a 4th logo on there for so e balance at least


one of the worst i've ever seen, and that includes our own shoddy efforts

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Guest reefatoon

What's going on with Oshea's top? It looks like a couple of saggy old lady chebs hanging in the shirt under the sponsor.

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How the 3rd kit looks on Stevie.












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dat stick-on sponsor...




Adidas badge in the middle has forced the club crest down a bit to compensate (which looks shit IMO) and looks like a fairly uninspiring template.


A poor effort from Adidas (which has been pretty much their form thus far)

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Weird thing is that although both them and the mackems have their badge in the same position (top of badge in line with adidas logo), the mackems one seem to be much lower.


Suspect it's either due to the bigger size or a closer/boxed sponsor logo.


Edit: On second look, pushing it a couple of cms up will bring the badge to a decent placement. Aye, shit shirt then.

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