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Norwich City 0 - 0 Newcastle United - 12/01/13 - post-match reaction from pg 37


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Guest firetotheworks

Just arrived back to Northampton after being at Norwich and I'm still not sure what to think of the game.


Both teams were horrendous so the draw was probably the fair result. Glad we managed to hold on for the point but at the same time gutted that we didn't offer more in front of goal. Last season this would have been one of those games we would have won but 4 points off a normally strong Norwich side this season can still be drawn as a positive. We didn't lose and as long as we build on it next week, it was a good (if not a frustrating) result.


Performance wise, we didn't help ourselves at times, Norwich didn't help us at times and our lack of confidence really didn't help us at times. Their front 2/3/4 sat very high up the pitch and not only did this stop our back 4 moving forward, it also pulled half our midfield back with them. Our wide men generally stayed wide on the flanks with Cisse and Marveaux somewhere in between, and this meant there was a large void in the centre of the pitch that Norwich consistently used and built chances from. Once Cabaye came on this situation improved but was Obertan really the sub to make? Fair enough him and Jonas had been poor but both were making unassisted runs that would have only improved had it been for a rock in the middle to help take away some pressure. I lost count the number of times we had the ball level with the 18yrd box with our nearest players either being Cisse/Marveaux hiding in amongst the defenders or our defence/rest of midfield way back on the halfway line. The end product and simple passes were poor all day.


I said it during the first half and the scenes at full time only, unfortunately, confirmed that today was probably Colo's last performance. He was a man on a mission on several attacks and came very close with his overhead kick. He seemed to be in tears at FT and was really needing the support of both the Newcastle and Norwich players as he left the pitch. We don't really know the situation but if that was his last game, I'm glad we managed to keep the clean sheet for him. Only time will tell on the situation but it doesn't look good.


Results else where didn't go our way and the premier league table doesn't make pretty reading, but we must look at ourselves before others. The next game is huge, huger than any other huge game this season. We must get 3 points ....


Oh man, that's a knife through my heart.

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I said it during the first half and the scenes at full time only, unfortunately, confirmed that today was probably Colo's last performance. He was a man on a mission on several attacks and came very close with his overhead kick. He seemed to be in tears at FT and was really needing the support of both the Newcastle and Norwich players as he left the pitch. We don't really know the situation but if that was his last game, I'm glad we managed to keep the clean sheet for him. Only time will tell on the situation but it doesn't look good.



That doesn't make for good reading at all. Fuck...

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Everyone looking forward to MOTD tonight? :lol:


What is this MOTD you speak of? :whistle:

I've just seen WBA and Lukaku in particular waste a hatful of chances. He should have scored 6 and reading should have been dead and buried long before their 1st goal.


canny- Ive just seen a guy try to claim he doesnt need his car taxed as he was being towed and the rope snapped- on Road Wars.

Now i've just seen Jonathan Walters score 2 OG's for Chelsea!!!!!!!!!!
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Everyone looking forward to MOTD tonight? :lol:


What is this MOTD you speak of? :whistle:

I've just seen WBA and Lukaku in particular waste a hatful of chances. He should have scored 6 and reading should have been dead and buried long before their 1st goal.


canny- Ive just seen a guy try to claim he doesnt need his car taxed as he was being towed and the rope snapped- on Road Wars.

Now i've just seen Jonathan Walters score 2 OG's for Chelsea!!!!!!!!!!

Marvelous, he's just skied a penalty as well.
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I said it during the first half and the scenes at full time only, unfortunately, confirmed that today was probably Colo's last performance. He was a man on a mission on several attacks and came very close with his overhead kick. He seemed to be in tears at FT and was really needing the support of both the Newcastle and Norwich players as he left the pitch. We don't really know the situation but if that was his last game, I'm glad we managed to keep the clean sheet for him. Only time will tell on the situation but it doesn't look good.


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Weird thing with Collocini at the end was that he didnt even head over to us, he just sorta clapped a little in the centre circle and wandered off, he did look like he was wiping tears as wl. Dunno if it was Carver but one of our lot came on the pitch and had his arm round him as he came off.


Would of hoped if it was his last game that he'd of headed over to the away fans for a goodbye of sorts. We'll see what this week brings i guess

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Weird thing with Collocini at the end was that he didnt even head over to us, he just sorta clapped a little in the centre circle and wandered off, he did look like he was wiping tears as wl. Dunno if it was Carver but one of our lot came on the pitch and had his arm round him as he came off.


Would of hoped if it was his last game that he'd of headed over to the away fans for a goodbye of sorts. We'll see what this week brings i guess


MIght have been to hard for him to walk over.

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Guest firetotheworks

I am entirely likely to cry over this. Cole was shock, Ginola was misery, Carroll was anger, but this is just upsetting.

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That photo is clearly of an individual who looks like he's saying goodbye :weep:


Clearly :lol:


Well, probably not clearly but the signs do not look good, it has to be said.


Btw, your avatar's stop moving for me...

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A poor performance of which the best product was that we didn't lose.


Anita gave a good all round performance, def starting to look a good player, worth the fee.

Jonas, apart from a couple of first half runs, was dire and Williamson gave his usual hoof performance. Cisse was isolated and he is as bad a Ba was at keeping the ball when it is played up to him - doesn't look anything like the player of last season.

Debuchy had a reasonable debut given the circumstances and was obviously surprised a couple of times by the intensity of PL pace...he got left for dead twice but he looks to be an intelligent player and will adjust. His

crossing and support play is a vast improvement on Simpson.


Cabaye brought some much-needed craft and graft to the m/f when he came on but it wasn't enough.


The team was obviously set up to primarily obtain a point which they did, but were fortunate in the end - Pardew seems to have a knack of turning good players into mediocre ones and his general tactics/approach to the game are not going to provide either winning or entertaining football.


Reading's result yesterday after being 2 goals down will be a huge fillip for their morale - would anyone here bet their house on NUFC coming back from even 1 goal down under Pardew to win a game..?

The only positive is that Villa lost - even 'Arry Boy got a point so the Reading game is crucial - lose that and we become one of the faves for the drop..even a draw is no good.


If we lose to Reading, Pardew should go.

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