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Moussa Sissoko

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Would love to see a central midfield 3 of Sissoko, Anita and Cabaye, Ben Arfa on the right, Remy on the left with a proper striker linking things.


I would agree but i'm a believer of the best performers should keep the shirt and right now i'd say Tiote, Anita and Cabaye have all been better.


I would also rather see Ben Arfa start as i feel we have enough defensive solidity in those 3, playing Sissoko-Anita-Tiote-Cabaye-Gouffran as a 5 is massive defensive overkill IMO.


I do like Moussa though and until the last couple of games i felt he's been one of our better players since the Sunderland debacle, he's a good player without a doubt but i'd rather have Hatem there for more offensive potential and i can't ignore the performances of the likes of Tiote recently.


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Would love to see a central midfield 3 of Sissoko, Anita and Cabaye, Ben Arfa on the right, Remy on the left with a proper striker linking things.

You can't honestly want Tiote out of the team on present form.

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Would love to see a central midfield 3 of Sissoko, Anita and Cabaye, Ben Arfa on the right, Remy on the left with a proper striker linking things.

You can't honestly want Tiote out of the team on present form.

dare we have a squad thing ?
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He should be totally suited for the premiership with his height and strength but he looks like a fish out of the water 90% of the time and you can count on one hand the outstanding games he has. He can't play on the wing, he can't play in midfield and he doesn't score enough to be in a number 10 role. His passing, control, heading and dribbling are poor to terrible on most occasions and he gives the ball away more than any other player in the team. Tin hat on but I think in the summer we should possibly be looking to sell.


I think giving Sissoko a box-to-box role would help to mask his technical deficiencies somewhat (kind of like Ramires), and make full use of his ridiculous athleticism. Not that this is anything that hasn't been discussed a million times over by now...

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He's a good player - not understanding all this vitriol


Totally. This place is crazy.


Amen. He is far from perfect but far from deserving of the hiding he is getting. He is no winger, but he offers us a lot imo. Hardly Jonas/Obertan territory. Id also wager Ben Arfa has looked worse at times coming on. Today included.


I dispute the jumping comment too. He jumped a mile in the air towards the end and also completely mistimed the jump as Kruls long pass went over his head on his way down.  :D


Edit: Just remembered what my avatar is.. no bias honest.

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Guest BenArfa10

I honestly think Pardew tells him and Gouffran to focus first and foremost on their defensive work, only telling them to get forward every now and again. I imagine the plan is to just give the ball to Cabaye or Ben Arfa (when playing) to create everything for us. Sissoko and Gouffran can't get forward so much because it exposes us. This is basically why when Cabaye doesn't perform neither does the team because everything in the final third is designed to come from him.

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Guest BenArfa10

Wha? Did you not see his cross for Remy's goal?



Well he got his head up for that and picked Remy out well


The point still stands.


He does need to get his head up more I agree but for that one cross today he actually did just that. Just needs to do it more though

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