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Alan Pardew


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Man, this thread. :lol: Struggling so much to hold my tongue.  f***ing massive WUM.  Goodbye.




:lol: Just can't believe what I'm reading, from him and others responding.  This forum is f***ing stupid.


Care to give me a quick summary?

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Man, this thread. :lol: Struggling so much to hold my tongue.  Fucking massive WUM.  Goodbye.




You make your point eloquently once again Jack. Even by holding your tongue, that gif is so educational and constructive. Thanks.

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Man, this thread. :lol: Struggling so much to hold my tongue.  Fucking massive WUM.  Goodbye.




You make your point eloquently once again Jack. Even by holding your tongue, that gif is so educational and constructive. Thanks.


Jack's one of the (relatively) few people on the forum that knows the craic in terms of the daft shite that's happening in every single thread every single day.


So yeah, he offers more to the forum than most.

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Man, this thread. :lol: Struggling so much to hold my tongue.  Fucking massive WUM.  Goodbye.




You make your point eloquently once again Jack. Even by holding your tongue, that gif is so educational and constructive. Thanks.


And completely over your head  :aww:

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Man, this thread. :lol: Struggling so much to hold my tongue.  Fucking massive WUM.  Goodbye.




You make your point eloquently once again Jack. Even by holding your tongue, that gif is so educational and constructive. Thanks.


Jack's one of the (relatively) few people on the forum that knows the craic in terms of the daft shite that's happening in every single thread every single day.


So yeah, he offers more to the forum than most.


So he's a forum expert, good for him. I like the forum but I'm far more interested in the team itself.

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Man, this thread. :lol: Struggling so much to hold my tongue.  Fucking massive WUM.  Goodbye.




You make your point eloquently once again Jack. Even by holding your tongue, that gif is so educational and constructive. Thanks.


And completely over your head  :aww:


Well done. You did well once again. Fantastic.

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If Tiote is to come good again then he needs to know his limitations. Win the ball fairly and give a simple pass to someone who is able to do more with the ball, ie Cabaye. Not win the ball and then fiddle and fart about doing 360's left right and centre Parker stylee and lose the ball in front of our defence. I'm hoping Pardew has drummed into him what he needs to be doing and what he mustn't do. I'm not confident though.


He should watch Jack Wilshere play. The kid is going to be phenomenal if he progresses in the right way.

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If Tiote is to come good again then he needs to know his limitations. Win the ball fairly and give a simple pass to someone who is able to do more with the ball, ie Cabaye. Not win the ball and then fiddle and fart about doing 360's left right and centre Parker stylee and lose the ball in front of our defence. I'm hoping Pardew has drummed into him what he needs to be doing and what he mustn't do. I'm not confident though.


He should watch Jack Wilshere play. The kid is going to be phenomenal if he progresses in the right way.


Different type of player. Wilshere is a footballer for starters who is up and down the pitch and can pick a pass. Tiote attempts these things and makes a total mess of it usually.


Tiote needs to go back to doing what he did when he looked an excellent player. Sitting in front of his defence, winning possession in a strong and aggressive fashion and then distributing possession in a sensible and tidy manner. He did it so well and it worked in it's simplicity. It's since he's attempted to be something he isn't his game has gone totally pear shaped.

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I referring to the speed with which Wilshere releases the ball in and around the center circle. Simple, effective, and at times lethal. No hollywood ball bollocks.


Agreed he hangs on to the ball far to long, doing these stupid swivels and then losing it. His confidence seemed shot all of last season.

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If Tiote tries to emulate Wilshere in any way we'll be done for. Chalk and cheese technically.


Nowt wrong with watching and learning vital nuances of midfield play from a superior player like. Tiote is not some kind of defective robot. He has the physical attributes, he just needs to understand his role in the team.

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If Tiote tries to emulate Wilshere in any way we'll be done for. Chalk and cheese technically.


Nowt wrong with watching and learning vital nuances of midfield play from a superior player like. Tiote is not some kind of defective robot. He has the physical attributes, he just needs to understand his role in the team.

understanding what you need to do is different to being able to do it. I just think tiote has been sussed, not his fault but everyone now knows he cant protect the ball when put under minimal pressure.
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If Tiote tries to emulate Wilshere in any way we'll be done for. Chalk and cheese technically.


Nowt wrong with watching and learning vital nuances of midfield play from a superior player like. Tiote is not some kind of defective robot. He has the physical attributes, he just needs to understand his role in the team.

understanding what you need to do is different to being able to do it. I just think tiote has been sussed, not his fault but everyone now knows he cant protect the ball when put under minimal pressure.



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If Tiote tries to emulate Wilshere in any way we'll be done for. Chalk and cheese technically.


Nowt wrong with watching and learning vital nuances of midfield play from a superior player like. Tiote is not some kind of defective robot. He has the physical attributes, he just needs to understand his role in the team.

understanding what you need to do is different to being able to do it. I just think tiote has been sussed, not his fault but everyone now knows he cant protect the ball when put under minimal pressure.


In fantastical hindsight he should've peddled asap before he looked like the player who was a semi-regular for Twente.

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If Tiote tries to emulate Wilshere in any way we'll be done for. Chalk and cheese technically.


Nowt wrong with watching and learning vital nuances of midfield play from a superior player like. Tiote is not some kind of defective robot. He has the physical attributes, he just needs to understand his role in the team.

understanding what you need to do is different to being able to do it. I just think tiote has been sussed, not his fault but everyone now knows he cant protect the ball when put under minimal pressure.


In fantastical hindsight he should've peddled asap before he looked like the player who was a semi-regular for Twente.

maybe, maybe not. some players can progress but i think cheik has reached his limit.
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"Still no praise for Pardew, canny. 'Clogging style' had other managers stumped for a full season. Aye sounds legit" Brett.


Can't quote properly atm. Anyhow on this, Pardew deserves credit for what he did, and he's been given it tbf. When you boil that season down though his main successes were organisation and player management. He did nothing clever tactically which he paid the price for last season.


As for 'stumping' other managers are you truly that clueless? We were outplayed for a lot of games that season, we just had 2 very in form strikers scoring goals often of their own creation. Plus Ben Arfa came back at a great time to add another dimension to the team, the same dimension Pardew has gone out of his way to abandon I might add.


So if he is taking the credit for 5th and assuming that being outplayed and relying on goals from nothing from ba and Cisse was his tactical masterplan then I'm more than welcome to credit the guy.


Unlike you however I could see through it when it was working, therefore he deserves the full extent of the criticism he's had for being a poor, one dimensional and outdated coach since he was found out.


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Guest Dontooner

If Tiote tries to emulate Wilshere in any way we'll be done for. Chalk and cheese technically.


Nowt wrong with watching and learning vital nuances of midfield play from a superior player like. Tiote is not some kind of defective robot. He has the physical attributes, he just needs to understand his role in the team.

understanding what you need to do is different to being able to do it. I just think tiote has been sussed, not his fault but everyone now knows he cant protect the ball when put under minimal pressure.



I actually slightly disagree on Tiote, he could be a good player but he needs clear instructions(good manager). Some players like HBA need less instructions to shine in a team and the rest of the average/good players like Cabaye still needs good coaching and passing instructions for them to shine.


Unfortunately we have a long ball merchant that is depressingly defensive with more attacking players.

Just look at how Pardew single handedly lowered the standards of our attacking players old and new. Incredible big ball of chain.



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I just don't get how a player who can't do owt on the ball, isn't a goal threat and is often a liability with his tackling can be seen as a potentially good player by anyone. Tiote's true colours were revealed a while ago, I don't get why people want to deny it.

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