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Alan Pardew


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I know we've been through this a million times, but I still think travel fatigue and lack of preparation time between games is much more important than match tiredness. Especially for a manager like Pardew who thinks so much about the opposition.


Personally think lack of preparation is the main issue, we heard how they plan an entire weeks worth & spend most of that on defensive work. We also saw the result of that being that we had a strong season defensively in the majority of games bar a few. I dont much believe thats a coincidence myself.


He didnt deal well with Europe affecting prem games, hes not the best manager in the world. He is quite defensive & i do think he should find this upcoming season easier which is better for everyone.


Our defensive record last season was terrible, nearly the worst we've ever had. Europa we were quite strong defensively tbf but in the league we let in 71 goals, that's just shocking.


Last season yeah, when preparation was affected.

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Guest bimpy474

Can people please try and get some quotes if they are saying other managers will think this or that.  Otherwise it's your own opinion and nothing else.


Not really, I can't be bothered. I remember hearing on many occasions managers and pundits saying that Europa League makes the season harder.


I agree with this Ian, it still doesn't explain the football. You can play in Europe and still play decent stuff, yes you are more tired but that doesn't mean you have to play shit football because of it.

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Guest bimpy474

I know we've been through this a million times, but I still think travel fatigue and lack of preparation time between games is much more important than match tiredness. Especially for a manager like Pardew who thinks so much about the opposition.


Personally think lack of preparation is the main issue, we heard how they plan an entire weeks worth & spend most of that on defensive work. We also saw the result of that being that we had a strong season defensively in the majority of games bar a few. I dont much believe thats a coincidence myself.


He didnt deal well with Europe affecting prem games, hes not the best manager in the world. He is quite defensive & i do think he should find this upcoming season easier which is better for everyone.


Our defensive record last season was terrible, nearly the worst we've ever had. Europa we were quite strong defensively tbf but in the league we let in 71 goals, that's just shocking.


Last season yeah, when preparation was affected.


That's the thing though, in the 3 month break in the Europa league and after we got knocked out, our defensive performance were worse. How does that tally with preparation. It doesn't, it was the stale, lifeless football Pardew played, it really is that simple. You don't win games playing the way we did.

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Can people please try and get some quotes if they are saying other managers will think this or that.  Otherwise it's your own opinion and nothing else.



"It's very difficult in respect of the travelling.


I got into bed at about a quarter to five on Friday morning after the Besiktas game! It takes it out of the players.


Their level dropped off because of the travel and the shortage of time we had to work with them."




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Guest reefatoon

Can people please try and get some quotes if they are saying other managers will think this or that.  Otherwise it's your own opinion and nothing else.


Not really, I can't be bothered. I remember hearing on many occasions managers and pundits saying that Europa League makes the season harder.


I agree with this Ian, it still doesn't explain the football. You can play in Europe and still play decent stuff, yes you are more tired but that doesn't mean you have to play s*** football because of it.


Agree with you Ian about it being harder, I don't deny that.  It's the fact that it was pushed as a constant excuse (especially towards the end of the season) as the one and only excuse for our awful overall performance in the league.  You can see it was obviously drilled into the players too as a few of them have come out and spouted the same shit.  It's an excuse that was far too easily peddled instead of trying to rectify.

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Moyes has blamed the strain of playing so many games in Europe for some of Everton's problems, but he believes they can still qualify for the next stage of the tournament.


He said: "We have lost a couple of Europa League games, but we are still second in our group and very much in the competition. Away to AEK Athens in our next match could just about see us qualify.

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Guest reefatoon

How come sbr never lost a league game after a champions league match?


Because he was a quality manager, who never believed in negativity and always had a positive outlook on it all.

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Guest bimpy474

How come sbr never lost a league game after a champions league match?


Because he was a quality manager, who never believed in negativity and always had a positive outlook on it all.



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It's just common sense it makes things tougher, don't need quotes, don't need to be a manager, you don't need to be a player. If you're preparing two different sets of tactics for two matches in space of a few days rather than just having the usual Saturday to Saturday general routine, it's obviously going to be more difficult having the two. Especially when a lot of our players weren’t used to that format and neither was our manager. It was a learning curve for everyone, no surprises Pardew is happy to have a break from it so he can solely concentrate on the league to try and get things back on track, obviously we have League/FA cup but that’s nothing new (we’ll still go out early).

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How come sbr never lost a league game after a champions league match?


Because he was a quality manager, who never believed in negativity and always had a positive outlook on it all.




:lol: That was such a Phil Dunphy quote too.

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This season is where we find out what he's really like. He's got a squad far better than the one he started with last season. He's had a bad season to learn a few things. If there's anything about him we'll find out this year. He's got a squad more than capable of finishing top 8. Let's see if he can do it.

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This season is where we find out what he's really like. He's got a squad far better than the one he started with last season. He's had a bad season to learn a few things. If there's anything about him we'll find out this year. He's got a squad more than capable of finishing top 8. Let's see if he can do it.



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This season is where we find out what he's really like. He's got a squad far better than the one he started with last season. He's had a bad season to learn a few things. If there's anything about him we'll find out this year. He's got a squad more than capable of finishing top 8. Let's see if he can do it.


I'm skeptical. But we'll see I suppose.

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Have a read fellas. Hard to disagree with anything that is said here;




Who had heard of him?


Did we even care?


He had that word in his name…




The phrase “better the devil you know” has been thrown about a lot recently, particularly in regards to Pardew’s end of season popularity off-set by Kinnear’s unwanted presence. But in the case of our owners it does not apply, the phrase itself only appears when one isn’t happy with the current situation, it suggests settling rather than trying to better oneself. Of course settling with Shepherd wasn’t exactly where we were heading as he’d managed to jeopardise our future through the Summer of Souness before allowing Sam Allardyce to buy a series of has-beens for the princely sum of far too much. Not forgetting the secret Gibraltar offices and ludicrous salaries in the name of nepotism.


Without them however, we might not have had the beauty of the Keegan teams, the confidence of Robsons’. They helped shape the club through the Premier League era, it just leaves a sour taste when the surprise debt Mike Ashley acquired, is almost the same amount of money the Hall’s and Shepherd’s walked away with. Coincidence?


But six years on after the most lucrative television deal in the history of the game, after nearly getting relegated, we find ourselves on the eve of a season having spent money on no one – A youngster and a loanee are the only additions, both of which may never play a senior game.


The Journal newspaper ran this in March,


“The Journal understands that Newcastle are hoping to dodge the long-running “sagas” that have blighted them over the last two close seasons, and are preparing bids for young players and the three “purples” that they want to add to their squad this summer.”




“Boosted by the club’s excellent financial results he is set to put a significant chunk of the TV windfall behind efforts to return United to the top eight next year.”


You’ll find the Journal often begins stories with “The Journal understands…” but it is abundantly clear that the only thing they understand is how to maintain contact with the man who peddles Mike Ashley’s rhetoric that we are club that can not compete. It’s a pointless rag, a waste of chip wrapper.


The constant and constant suggestion that we can not compete with the top six on a financial footing was bad enough, but for our manager to suggest we can’t compete with Southampton and Swansea is a step too far. The issue is that we can’t compete because we aren’t allowed, shackled by an owner who wants minimum spend and maximum publicity.


It’s not about success. For the last three seasons we’ve been humiliated in the FA Cup by Stevenage and Brighton, twice. A humiliation that soon became disbelief as our manager blamed unprepared youth products and fictitious European slumps. The man lies, he is a liar, why does he talk about honesty so much? He recently claimed that he has never blamed the players or the fans, though his post-match interviews after Brighton and Reading respectively would argue otherwise, maybe he’s just forgetful.


The integrity of the man as a manager is close to non-existent, but what do you expect from someone who finds himself in a position he doesn’t deserve, peddling lies from the top keeps him employed.


I believe his job description is to keep the club in the Premier League…nothing else. We already know how they feel about Europe. It’s a burden that reaps no financial gain in the Europa League format, so why risk relegation again with such a nuisance as travelling to the likes of Lisbon, Brugge, and Bordeaux.


His main concern is selling the big lie, and to not get found out that he has no control over anything. He’s the Joesph Goebbels to Ashley’s Hitler if you will. The big lie involves the idea that the masses are more likely to believe a big lie than a small one, whilst never admitting that you’re wrong, pass blame onto others, and repeat.


“We can not compete”


“We can not compete”


You ********.


He has stripped us back to bystanders, he wants us numb to his actions and it’s happening. When normally anger would be my go-to feeling at the current incompetence, I now feel flat, helpless, devoid of hope and optimism. The romanticised vision of supporting clubs is that sense of belonging, to your city, to your team. It’s not ours though, it never was, but at least we weren’t constantly told we were less than what we were.


Publicity through minimal spend is Ashley’s plan. The sponsorship of Wonga is made all the more confusing after Virgin Money claimed they were not allowed to bid for the deal. Wonga as we know, has certainly caused headlines for Mike Ashley, owner of Sports Direct and Newcastle United.


Wonga were the company that would cause a much bigger PR presence than Virgin Money, even if that publicity was negative it’s better than none. The club already had a number of ways to entice such a company in, and gain “approval” from fans.


His renaming of the stadium to The Sports Direct Arena had the liars under his wing telling us that it was an advertising opportunity. Which it turned out to be, for Mike Ashley’s Sports Direct, until a much-maligned loan shark was allowed to pay to have it called what it always has been. The man got a company to pay money to have a stadium renamed to its name, a fallout from this is that arseholes will now call it “formerly the Sports Direct Arena”.


Not to mention some gates that former owner and fan Sir John Hall so kindly SOLD back to the club thanks to Wonga…Who’s idea was this? Who are we supposed to be impressed by here? You do realise we nearly got relegated last year.


As one of the top 20 clubs in Europe for income, and an attendance that features in the top 10, We can’t compete? Sod off. Newcastle United are an advertising tool for the owner of Sports Direct. He can’t make money directly from football, but indirectly his brand is mentioned almost every time our club makes headlines. A regular occurrence.


His string of ****-ups and complete mis-management seems to have had no effect on the people who still cite, ‘but he saved us’. He saved us? Mike Ashley, owner of Donnay saved Newcastle United. What a hero!!!


In his six years we have finished in the top half of the table once. He’s failed. Unless his goal was to increase the brand of Sports Direct, that have just posted record profits.


Repeat after me, “we can not compete, we can not compete, we can not compete”

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What I don't understand is how does having an unsuccessful football club boost the image of Sports Direct? If the club's being used as a branding tool for SD as suggested in that article, then wouldn't it be done much better if the club was flying?

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Moyes has blamed the strain of playing so many games in Europe for some of Everton's problems, but he believes they can still qualify for the next stage of the tournament.


He said: "We have lost a couple of Europa League games, but we are still second in our group and very much in the competition. Away to AEK Athens in our next match could just about see us qualify.


Apologies for being pedantic, but the quote you've selected doesn't really bear our the accompanying narrative does it?

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Joe's position here is to make sure the transfers come in



He seems to be making it clear that the lack of incoming transfers is not his fault (it isn't either).  Think maybe he's either playing some power games turning the fans further against JFK or that rumour we heard earlier that JFK had been brought in to shoulder the blame for zero investment this summer might be true.

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Moyes has blamed the strain of playing so many games in Europe for some of Everton's problems, but he believes they can still qualify for the next stage of the tournament.


He said: "We have lost a couple of Europa League games, but we are still second in our group and very much in the competition. Away to AEK Athens in our next match could just about see us qualify.


Apologies for being pedantic, but the quote you've selected doesn't really bear our the accompanying narrative does it?


I didn't read the quote tbh, just searched "Moyes blames Europe" and that came up. :lol:

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