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Alan Pardew


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Not an excuse in the world for playing hoofball with the squad he had. No one who sticks up for him will explain that.


Please try to explain the shite football, and what injuries and the Europa Cup had to do with hoofing it to Cisse, playing Cisse on the wing, playing Jonas every single game, picking Tiote ahead of Vurnon. Shortage of players maybe, but surely you still get the 11 you have to pass the ball. Or is Pardew excused that as well ?.


Please explain away.....


I think personnel had a lot more to do with it than any pre conceived plan.

Replacing Simpson and Williamson with Debuchy and MYM (i.e. players who are comfortable on the ball rather than players who are not) and getting Colo and Santon fit, thereby having 4 footballing defenders, gives us a much better foundation for playing it from the back and through the midfield.

Even Pardew's harshest critics must concede that he was pretty hamstrung last season in terms of back 4 selection.


What Danny Simpson who spent his entire youth career at Man Utd the world famous hoofballers. See every excuse made for him total nonsense in regards to the style of football. Now he did have injuries and more games to play, but that still doesn't excuse, explain or justify playing long ball at all.


And at the start of the season he made his mind up to play that way and stuck to it, nearly relegating us. A team that has Marv, Cabaye, Santon, Cisse, Ben Arfa, Colo, and even Tiote who of course played for the famous long ball merchants FC Twente, in it, to play long ball was just plain bad management, no more no less.


Injuries, Europa, hoofball, Set Penises = Long ball as the only option, fuck a duck it does.


So essentially you're saying that there is no difference in the ability of a team with a back four of Debuchy, Colo, MYM and Santon to play from the back, as opposed to a defence which includes any 1,2 or 3 of Williamson, Simpson, Perch or Taylor and that it was the manager's preference to play it long, rather than the players' inability to do otherwise ?

Not sure about that like.


You would think it works that way but it doesn't. Looking at how Brighton play, Watford etc. Teams with players with lesser ability than ours, but their managers want them to play football on the floor. It's about how the manager wants the team to play. Managers like that dont play hoof style because of injuries or players with lesser ability.


OK. You think Williamson, Simpson etc are as capable of playing from the back as our current back four. I don't.


When you are equal to or better than the opposition in terms of ability it's relatively easy to knock it around. When you're not it isn't.

I'm sure however they would be able to play it from the back at a lower level, against lesser players.

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Guest bimpy474


Teams in the championship can play decent football can't they? Simpson may not be premier league quality, doesn't mean he can't pass five f***ing yards on the deck like. It's a coaching thing, you don't make it to professional without the ability to be able to play simple passes on the floor. Redundant argument.


That's what i'm getting at, lesser ability doesn't mean you have to just hoof it.


Exactly. I'd argue it's easier to just play the simple ball out of defence. At the level of professional you should minimum be able to pass short to a team mate under a bit of pressure


So they only did it under instruction from Pardew, aye? :lol:


I wouldn't put it like that, but our overall tactic was to hit the front man, who has no pace, is poor in the air and cannot hold it up well, early with direct ball. So it was under instruction to an extent, our main play was get it forward early. When Krul was doing it, that had to be from Pardew, push up and get around Cisse, who never won it anyway.


The same reason Krul is now going short, Pardew's instructions are to go short. And Pardew deserves praise for it, if he gets stick for having long ball tactics, he deserves praise for getting us to play.

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Guest icemanblue

It was pretty clear that Simpson just couldn't pass a ball like, apart from THAT pass.


For all Pardew's faults him and Williamson were major factors in a lot of our aimless hoofs.


I'll give you one of these, Hans: :thup:


You can take it home with you. Well done.

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Guest bimpy474

Not an excuse in the world for playing hoofball with the squad he had. No one who sticks up for him will explain that.


Please try to explain the shite football, and what injuries and the Europa Cup had to do with hoofing it to Cisse, playing Cisse on the wing, playing Jonas every single game, picking Tiote ahead of Vurnon. Shortage of players maybe, but surely you still get the 11 you have to pass the ball. Or is Pardew excused that as well ?.


Please explain away.....


I think personnel had a lot more to do with it than any pre conceived plan.

Replacing Simpson and Williamson with Debuchy and MYM (i.e. players who are comfortable on the ball rather than players who are not) and getting Colo and Santon fit, thereby having 4 footballing defenders, gives us a much better foundation for playing it from the back and through the midfield.

Even Pardew's harshest critics must concede that he was pretty hamstrung last season in terms of back 4 selection.


What Danny Simpson who spent his entire youth career at Man Utd the world famous hoofballers. See every excuse made for him total nonsense in regards to the style of football. Now he did have injuries and more games to play, but that still doesn't excuse, explain or justify playing long ball at all.


And at the start of the season he made his mind up to play that way and stuck to it, nearly relegating us. A team that has Marv, Cabaye, Santon, Cisse, Ben Arfa, Colo, and even Tiote who of course played for the famous long ball merchants FC Twente, in it, to play long ball was just plain bad management, no more no less.


Injuries, Europa, hoofball, Set Penises = Long ball as the only option, fuck a duck it does.


So essentially you're saying that there is no difference in the ability of a team with a back four of Debuchy, Colo, MYM and Santon to play from the back, as opposed to a defence which includes any 1,2 or 3 of Williamson, Simpson, Perch or Taylor and that it was the manager's preference to play it long, rather than the players' inability to do otherwise ?

Not sure about that like.


You would think it works that way but it doesn't. Looking at how Brighton play, Watford etc. Teams with players with lesser ability than ours, but their managers want them to play football on the floor. It's about how the manager wants the team to play. Managers like that dont play hoof style because of injuries or players with lesser ability.


OK. You think Williamson, Simpson etc are as capable of playing from the back as our current back four. I don't.


When you are equal to or better than the opposition in terms of ability it's relatively easy to knock it around. When you're not it isn't.

I'm sure however they would be able to play it from the back at a lower level, against lesser players.


You still try, they wont be as good as better players but you still try to play. I must point out that i detest long ball, i truly think it's the football of a lazy, clueless and unimaginative manager. There is a place for it in certain games when you think a team has a certain weakness, but to use it as your main tactics is brainless stuff imo.

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Guest bimpy474

It was pretty clear that Simpson just couldn't pass a ball like, apart from THAT pass.


For all Pardew's faults him and Williamson were major factors in a lot of our aimless hoofs.


Yet Simpson is playing for Q.P.R who aren't using aimless hoofs. Because Arry doesn't get his team to play that way. The manager is the reason.

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Guest bimpy474

Lads, this is getting on a bit, what's your argument here? Was it solely down to Pardew, or not? Time to wrap this up.


Mainly him with his poor tactics and then a chunk goes to the players for not performing well, and then some goes to our delightful board for the poor summer transfer dealing. But Pardew is the one who got us to play the football we did.

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yeah good stuff Im glad we all agree it wasnt all his fault and he gets a last chance this season.


Well, my POV is that he's not really very good and i'd wished we'd replaced him with someone better. But, as we haven't i hope he leads us through an absolute stormer of a season and does very well with the mix'n'match squad he's been left with.

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Does anyone think that Laudrup would have played Tiote and Perch as his two central midfielders if he was manager here? I watched Swansea on Sunday and you don't get football that fluid without some very good preparation from the manager.


He would had resigned sooner or later having to deal with players like that pushed towards him.


Maybe, but I'll tell you what he wouldn't have done. He wouldn't pair a tackling midfielder with a right back to form his central midfield partnership, because that's just plain wrong. The only other manager who has done it has been Souness and that's because he was an idiot. It's these type of persistent wrong calls which make me not trust Pardew's judgement long term.

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Guest bimpy474

Does anyone think that Laudrup would have played Tiote and Perch as his two central midfielders if he was manager here? I watched Swansea on Sunday and you don't get football that fluid without some very good preparation from the manager.


He would had resigned sooner or later having to deal with players like that pushed towards him.


Maybe, but I'll tell you what he wouldn't have done. He wouldn't pair a tackling midfielder with a right back to form his central midfield partnership, because that's just plain wrong. The only other manager who has done it has been Souness and that's because he was an idiot. It's these type of persistent wrong calls which make me not trust Pardew's judgement long term.


Those decision were born out of his fear of the opposition, that is a major thing with him. I actually think if he gets over that he might actually make a decent fist of it. But imo if we get a drubbing of someone he'll go back into his shell and start worrying solely about the opposition again.


In the Villa game we played much more to our strengths than we did worrying about theirs, we can only hope it continues.

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Europe and injuries were factors, not excuses imo. He failed big time with what he still had available.


How is a factor that causes you to under perform not an excuse?


Players he had available.


A. The players regularly weren't available - that's the point.


B. The fringe players are/were nowhere near good enough.


C. I still think he under performed - but there were numerous factors.

Europe and injuries were factors, not excuses imo. He failed big time with what he still had available.


How is a factor that causes you to under perform not an excuse?


Players he had available.


A. The players regularly weren't available - that's the point.


B. The fringe players are/were nowhere near good enough.


C. I still think he under performed - but there were numerous factors.

Europe and injuries were factors, not excuses imo. He failed big time with what he still had available.


How is a factor that causes you to under perform not an excuse?


Players he had available.


A. The players regularly weren't available - that's the point.


B. The fringe players are/were nowhere near good enough.


C. I still think he under performed - but there were numerous factors.


Were our fringe players any worse than the fringe players of clubs such as Swansea, Southampton and Norwich who finished above us?


Like I say, having Krul, Ben Arfa & Colo missing for periods were undoubtably factors as to why we struggled. Even with our tactics I reckon we'd have finished comfortably with those 3 playing even just an extra 3-4 games each. But Pardew still had decent players to set us up correctly, which he failed at.

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I don't really want to harp on about Pardew's weaknesses right now, just don't want to hear blame deflected onto the players when there were a lot of things down to him. What's done is done, and we've had a decent start with some good fixtures coming up. This is a great chance for him to put last season behind him so let's see how things go.

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I don't really want to harp on about Pardew's weaknesses right now, just don't want to hear blame deflected onto the players when there were a lot of things down to him. What's done is done, and we've had a decent start with some good fixtures coming up. This is a great chance for him to put last season behind him so let's see how things go.



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Those decision were born out of his fear of the opposition, that is a major thing with him. I actually think if he gets over that he might actually make a decent fist of it. But imo if we get a drubbing of someone he'll go back into his shell and start worrying solely about the opposition again.


i do wonder if the kinnear thing hasn't changed pardew's mindset somewhat - what i mean is perhaps he was so fearful all the time because he was ultimately worried about losing his job given it's the biggest he's ever had or is likely to get


what the summer has shown is that ashley won't sack him so perhaps with the addition of the kinnear humiliation he's just thought "fuck it, i might get sacked but at least i'll get a payoff so let's play some football"


wishful thinking no doubt, we'll see

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