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Who fancies having a thoroughly fruitless protest against Pardew?

Guest firetotheworks

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Man Utd were kind of in a shit position really when the fans were unhappy. They wanted to protest but if fans said "im not going anymore" there will be literally 100's waiting to take their seat and still sell out. Hence they have FC United and green and gold scarves... a terrible fruitless protest! :lol:


Look at the massive shit storm after Keegan, the main aim was to get Ashley to sell...who is our chairman 5 years later? If we continually got 30,000 crowds in this division, regardless of pointscoring with other fans about "how loyal our support is", it would make a difference. We have already seen how crap our revenue is in our accounts compared to other teams (mackems even!). Our main income is TV and match tickets.


Tell me how a march or chanting will help? itll just get us moved around the ground like the Fat Cockney Bastard chants did last time :lol:


Ashley put the club up for sale as a result of the protests. The only buyers seemed to be a Nigerian, a bald lunatic and someone who couldn't actually afford it.

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You'd probably be best off walking round with a Pardew out banner during the game - similar to the Cockney Mafia Out banner imo.


It only takes 2/3 people to do it and it may well get people around the rest of the ground to then join in with applause/chants :dontknow:

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Man Utd were kind of in a shit position really when the fans were unhappy. They wanted to protest but if fans said "im not going anymore" there will be literally 100's waiting to take their seat and still sell out. Hence they have FC United and green and gold scarves... a terrible fruitless protest! :lol:


Look at the massive shit storm after Keegan, the main aim was to get Ashley to sell...who is our chairman 5 years later? If we continually got 30,000 crowds in this division, regardless of pointscoring with other fans about "how loyal our support is", it would make a difference. We have already seen how crap our revenue is in our accounts compared to other teams (mackems even!). Our main income is TV and match tickets.


Tell me how a march or chanting will help? itll just get us moved around the ground like the Fat Cockney Bastard chants did last time :lol:


Ashley put the club up for sale as a result of the protests. The only buyers seemed to be a Nigerian, a bald lunatic and someone who couldn't actually afford it.


Was it though? or was it just to put fans at ease knowing nobody would want to buy? He would sell it now if the price was right and he made his money back.


Seriously man, if we have another "boycoutt" banner... :lol:

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Man Utd were kind of in a shit position really when the fans were unhappy. They wanted to protest but if fans said "im not going anymore" there will be literally 100's waiting to take their seat and still sell out. Hence they have FC United and green and gold scarves... a terrible fruitless protest! :lol:


Look at the massive shit storm after Keegan, the main aim was to get Ashley to sell...who is our chairman 5 years later? If we continually got 30,000 crowds in this division, regardless of pointscoring with other fans about "how loyal our support is", it would make a difference. We have already seen how crap our revenue is in our accounts compared to other teams (mackems even!). Our main income is TV and match tickets.


Tell me how a march or chanting will help? itll just get us moved around the ground like the Fat Cockney Bastard chants did last time :lol:


Ashley put the club up for sale as a result of the protests. The only buyers seemed to be a Nigerian, a bald lunatic and someone who couldn't actually afford it.




Ah, Barry :lol:



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Would a few Pardew Out chants really be that cringe-worthy to people? Just anything that gets the point across because I can't stand the way he appears to think he's bulletproof.


Basically this is what I'm feeling. I was convinced he would be booted but he will just do a Dr.Cox


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Man Utd were kind of in a shit position really when the fans were unhappy. They wanted to protest but if fans said "im not going anymore" there will be literally 100's waiting to take their seat and still sell out. Hence they have FC United and green and gold scarves... a terrible fruitless protest! :lol:


Look at the massive shit storm after Keegan, the main aim was to get Ashley to sell...who is our chairman 5 years later? If we continually got 30,000 crowds in this division, regardless of pointscoring with other fans about "how loyal our support is", it would make a difference. We have already seen how crap our revenue is in our accounts compared to other teams (mackems even!). Our main income is TV and match tickets.


Tell me how a march or chanting will help? itll just get us moved around the ground like the Fat Cockney Bastard chants did last time :lol:


Ashley put the club up for sale as a result of the protests. The only buyers seemed to be a Nigerian, a bald lunatic and someone who couldn't actually afford it.


Baba wasn't the only one interested.

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Would a few Pardew Out chants really be that cringe-worthy to people? Just anything that gets the point across because I can't stand the way he appears to think he's bulletproof.


I'd invite everyone on here looking for protest to start the chant at the game. Raise it up the flag pole and see who salutes.


I reckon you'll be largely on your own....unless we're 3 or 4 down at that point.

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Christ I had to go on there to see when dave mentioned toontastic.

How childish is that? running to another forum to take the p*ss out of someone. It's hardly like everyone backed the idea anyway?


Maybe we should start a supporters club for self promotion and take money off fellow fans.

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A dossier. Where have we heard about one of these before... :lol:


Could maybe have HTT interview himself again. (laughs)


Dossier? It's a loose-leafed pamphlet at best


The back of a fag packet?

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Let's do it properly. I want to see self-immolation, people chaining themselves to railings, hunger strikes.


If your not on fire you don't care.

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Guest Haris Vuckic

I'll contribute £5.46 to a dossier on Ketsbaia.


Georgia manager, nutcase, got into the Champions League with a Cypriot pub team, ex Spurs player*, works with a low budget, is scary




*edit the wiki page so Ashley hires him.

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Guest bimpy474

I'll contribute £5.46 to a dossier on Ketsbaia.


Georgia manager, nutcase, got into the Champions League with a Cypriot pub team, ex Spurs player*, works with a low budget, is scary




*edit the wiki page so Ashley hires him.


Ashley supports Chelsea.

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Guest bimpy474

History of hiring/approaching ex Spurs.


Whom, Houghton and JFK. And Pardew only played a couple of games in the Intertoto Cup on a month contract.


Hmmmm think that's it.

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