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Who fancies having a thoroughly fruitless protest against Pardew?

Guest firetotheworks

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Did fans really chant "Pardew give us a wave" yesterday? I really can't understand this at all. We were hanging on for a 1:2 for the entire 2nd half. We were incredibly negative and only through QPR's incompetence did we win yesterday and yet people were cheering for Pardew? Don't get it at all.

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Guest icemanblue

It'll be embarrassing and we'll be roundly mocked.



I couldn't care less what other people think, that much should be obvious by now.




Eh? I'm not the one protesting. It'd be a contradiction if the two comments were in any way linked. I, personally, couldn't care less if I'm being accused of being spineless for not believing in something I don't believe in. Looks good if you remove the context, like. So, well done. :thup:

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The time for protest was late December/early January, but even then after an awful run, there was little opposition to Pardew.


Results haven't been too bad since then.

Are you taking the piss?

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To me, the nature of the debates on message boards seems prone to getting people wound up well beyond the norm over the smallest of issues, and certainly not a healthy place to try and temper reactions (God speed, Ian W :lol:). But much of the vitriol is clearly real and proportionate; Yes, Pardew can occasionally come across foolishly in interviews, he has given us a fuck cluster of a season to look back on, and very few would be upset if he was sacked tomorrow.


A protest would help vent some of that anger and could well even force change. At the very least it should be a damn sight more cathartic for those who really can't seem to stand our manager than impotently spewing on here.


I'm not passionate enough about Pardews demise to protest, but fair play if you are. :thup:


It strikes me as far better for people to try to get heard and voice their opinions, than to see them mildly giving up on going to matches.

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So with that in mind, who wants to put their words into action? over 350 people on here voted that they wanted Pardew out. Surely all of us can't be filled with ambivilence?


If people can come up with something meaningful then you can count on me and probably 4 others. I hate this season and will do what I can to avoid a repeat of it.

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He's hopeless and I'd like a better manager, but I don't see the point in protesting if Ashley wants to give him another year. Just makes us look daft.


Focus the energy on supporting the players on the pitch; Ashley will get rid when he feels like it.

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Nothing will happen and nothing will change.  Pretty much certain we will be having the same conversation come Sept/October. For this reason, I really cannot be bothered with football at the moment.


I would not have been against another 10 games or so if it was not for the fact we have not improved in any way, shape or form since Jan and it still the same excuses.

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It'll be embarrassing and we'll be roundly mocked.



I couldn't care less what other people think, that much should be obvious by now.




Eh? I'm not the one protesting. It'd be a contradiction if the two comments were in any way linked. I, personally, couldn't care less if I'm being accused of being spineless for not believing in something I don't believe in. Looks good if you remove the context, like. So, well done. :thup:


Oh I'm sorry, I thought they were completely contradictory.

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Guest firetotheworks

'Context' seems to be doing the rounds as a way to turn being wrong into high horsery.

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Protesting will not magically remove Pardew from office. People saying that are absolutely 100% correct.




Every journey has a first step and if you never make that first step your goal will forever remain out of reach.


A protest will raise awareness. It will help other fans who dislike Pardew to feel that voicing their concerns is an acceptable thing to do whereas currently I get the feeling that people try this but get shouted down. A protest will also make the press realise that not all is rosey, and make the club realise that not everyone is happy either.


No, it won't change anything. But it's a start. And we simply have to start.

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It's going to be interesting. Arsenal is the first game the fans can really have a go at him without it affecting our premier league status. So I'm interested to see whether they have been holding back or if the majority of matchday fans do infact want him out and it's not just the majority on here.

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Guest firetotheworks

I have nothing against anyone doing this and I'd be the last person to try and oppress another's feelings of despair.


However, I'd love it if people would concentrate some banner attention for Coloccini.


It takes effort to organise even the smallest of protests...so it would be cool if those efforts were concentrated on "Thanks You" and "Please Stay" type banners for Coloccini.


Maybe have the anti-Pardew stuff on the back so they can be used after the match?


Just saying as I feel there's going to be effort put into this :)


I'd consider it like, but in Colo's case I'm not really keen on grovelling to a captain that abandoned us. It seems like battered wife syndrome a bit.

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I can't believe how much time and effort you guys waste on all this.


Look at the Pardew thread FFS; hours of reading and typing, and who's your message getting to? Each other. I understand the community thing, but in terms of actual action, all you can think of is a few boos and a 'Pardew is Shite' banner? It's not even a Newcastle cliché, it's a football cliché. Sorry to appear patronising, but why don't you do something which just might be beneficial?


There is a small pool of people on here who possess considerable collective knowledge. There is an understanding of systems and tactics, a knowledge of World football, access to stats etc. Plus a widespread disgust at Pardew's negativity, on and off field. (IMO he should have been sacked before the Sunderland game, after he made them favourites in the pre-match presser. And now NUFC.com are quoting him as saying he doesn't care if Arsenal beat us 4-0! If true, that should be it again for me.)


Why don't you put your heads together and produce your own analysis of Pardew's time in charge, in a clear and reasoned manner, separated into sections on formations, tactics, substitutions, negativity etc., Supported by stats (number of long balls, total games played by each player in comparison with other clubs, and so forth). Good players turned to shite, that sort of stuff. Include a section on suggestions for Pardew's replacement, like that French geezer at Monte Cassino or wherever who wants to come to the prem. Show why they would be suitable for the club (style would suit our signings, youth policy, can work to a budget etc.)


Then have someone who is actually literate (nae offence, couldn't resist it  :D) type it up double spaced for easy reading and annotation, print it off and send it Special Delivery addressed personally to fat Mike, copied S D to Decca, with a brief covering letter.


In other words, as though you had been professionally engaged by the club to review Pardew's tenure and make recommendations.


Also, copy it Recorded Delivery to the local press, those national rags which have half-decent footy coverage, and of course, Sky Sports, 5Live, etc. With the document in the public domain it can be disregarded, but not completely ignored like an internet campaign. And it gets the argument across in a style which can't be shrugged off as the knee-jerk response of a few thick pissheads who need a 'reality check'.


The beauty of this is that it would require no more effort than you're already expending now on here, just a few quid postage. And who knows, it might at the very least give the 2 at the top something to think about before the forthcoming 'season review'. If it even results in Pards himself rethinking his approach it will be worth it.


With that in mind, it would need to be completed in the next week, to be shipped just after the Arsenal game.


I'm busy today, but if anyone's interested in doing this, I might come back with further thoughts.

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Guest icemanblue

'Context' seems to be doing the rounds as a way to turn being wrong into high horsery.


It'll be embarrassing and we'll be roundly mocked.



I couldn't care less what other people think, that much should be obvious by now.




Eh? I'm not the one protesting. It'd be a contradiction if the two comments were in any way linked. I, personally, couldn't care less if I'm being accused of being spineless for not believing in something I don't believe in. Looks good if you remove the context, like. So, well done. :thup:


Oh I'm sorry, I thought they were completely contradictory.


That's fine. Here are the quotes you butchered in full, for context:


I'm not disputing that he needs to go, not even a little bit. That isn't the argument here. I just can't understand how a 'protest' consisting of, at most, a couple hundred people is going to make absolutely sure that'll happen. It just won't. It'll be embarrassing and we'll be roundly mocked.


If he's going to be binned, it'll be because of everything that's gone on this year. The biggest message we'll send next Sunday will be delivered with a quarter full stadium during the 'lap of honour'.


Spine? I don't believe in it, so I won't support it. I'm not trying to dissuade anyone, you can do what you think is best. I couldn't care less what other people think, that much should be obvious by now. :lol:


I'll get back on my horse now.

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Guest firetotheworks

'Context' seems to be doing the rounds as a way to turn being wrong into high horsery.


It'll be embarrassing and we'll be roundly mocked.



I couldn't care less what other people think, that much should be obvious by now.




Eh? I'm not the one protesting. It'd be a contradiction if the two comments were in any way linked. I, personally, couldn't care less if I'm being accused of being spineless for not believing in something I don't believe in. Looks good if you remove the context, like. So, well done. :thup:


Oh I'm sorry, I thought they were completely contradictory.


That's fine. Here are the quotes you butchered in full, for context:


I'm not disputing that he needs to go, not even a little bit. That isn't the argument here. I just can't understand how a 'protest' consisting of, at most, a couple hundred people is going to make absolutely sure that'll happen. It just won't. It'll be embarrassing and we'll be roundly mocked.


If he's going to be binned, it'll be because of everything that's gone on this year. The biggest message we'll send next Sunday will be delivered with a quarter full stadium during the 'lap of honour'.


Spine? I don't believe in it, so I won't support it. I'm not trying to dissuade anyone, you can do what you think is best. I couldn't care less what other people think, that much should be obvious by now. :lol:


I'll get back on my horse now.


You've fallen off it mate. :lol: that's still a total contradiction.

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I can't believe how much time and effort you guys waste on all this.


Look at the Pardew thread FFS; hours of reading and typing, and who's your message getting to? Each other. I understand the community thing, but in terms of actual action, all you can think of is a few boos and a 'Pardew is s****' banner? It's not even a Newcastle cliché, it's a football cliché. Sorry to appear patronising, but why don't you do something which just might be beneficial?


There is a small pool of people on here who possess considerable collective knowledge. There is an understanding of systems and tactics, a knowledge of World football, access to stats etc. Plus a widespread disgust at Pardew's negativity, on and off field. (IMO he should have been sacked before the Sunderland game, after he made them favourites in the pre-match presser. And now NUFC.com are quoting him as saying he doesn't care if Arsenal beat us 4-0! If true, that should be it again for me.)


Why don't you put your heads together and produce your own analysis of Pardew's time in charge, in a clear and reasoned manner, separated into sections on formations, tactics, substitutions, negativity etc., Supported by stats (number of long balls, total games played by each player in comparison with other clubs, and so forth). Good players turned to s****, that sort of stuff. Include a section on suggestions for Pardew's replacement, like that French geezer at Monte Cassino or wherever who wants to come to the prem. Show why they would be suitable for the club (style would suit our signings, youth policy, can work to a budget etc.)


Then have someone who is actually literate (nae offence, couldn't resist it  :D) type it up double spaced for easy reading and annotation, print it off and send it Special Delivery addressed personally to fat Mike, copied S D to Decca, with a brief covering letter.


In other words, as though you had been professionally engaged by the club to review Pardew's tenure and make recommendations.


Also, copy it Recorded Delivery to the local press, those national rags which have half-decent footy coverage, and of course, Sky Sports, 5Live, etc. With the document in the public domain it can be disregarded, but not completely ignored like an internet campaign. And it gets the argument across in a style which can't be shrugged off as the knee-jerk response of a few thick pissheads who need a 'reality check'.


The beauty of this is that it would require no more effort than you're already expending now on here, just a few quid postage. And who knows, it might at the very least give the 2 at the top something to think about before the forthcoming 'season review'. If it even results in Pards himself rethinking his approach it will be worth it.


With that in mind, it would need to be completed in the next week, to be shipped just after the Arsenal game.


I'm busy today, but if anyone's interested in doing this, I might come back with further thoughts.


Thought of this the other day, much better than doing nothing. And there is quite many good points against him :lol:

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I can't believe how much time and effort you guys waste on all this.


Look at the Pardew thread FFS; hours of reading and typing, and who's your message getting to? Each other. I understand the community thing, but in terms of actual action, all you can think of is a few boos and a 'Pardew is Shite' banner? It's not even a Newcastle cliché, it's a football cliché. Sorry to appear patronising, but why don't you do something which just might be beneficial?


There is a small pool of people on here who possess considerable collective knowledge. There is an understanding of systems and tactics, a knowledge of World football, access to stats etc. Plus a widespread disgust at Pardew's negativity, on and off field. (IMO he should have been sacked before the Sunderland game, after he made them favourites in the pre-match presser. And now NUFC.com are quoting him as saying he doesn't care if Arsenal beat us 4-0! If true, that should be it again for me.)


Why don't you put your heads together and produce your own analysis of Pardew's time in charge, in a clear and reasoned manner, separated into sections on formations, tactics, substitutions, negativity etc., Supported by stats (number of long balls, total games played by each player in comparison with other clubs, and so forth). Good players turned to shite, that sort of stuff. Include a section on suggestions for Pardew's replacement, like that French geezer at Monte Cassino or wherever who wants to come to the prem. Show why they would be suitable for the club (style would suit our signings, youth policy, can work to a budget etc.)


Then have someone who is actually literate (nae offence, couldn't resist it  :D) type it up double spaced for easy reading and annotation, print it off and send it Special Delivery addressed personally to fat Mike, copied S D to Decca, with a brief covering letter.


In other words, as though you had been professionally engaged by the club to review Pardew's tenure and make recommendations.


Also, copy it Recorded Delivery to the local press, those national rags which have half-decent footy coverage, and of course, Sky Sports, 5Live, etc. With the document in the public domain it can be disregarded, but not completely ignored like an internet campaign. And it gets the argument across in a style which can't be shrugged off as the knee-jerk response of a few thick pissheads who need a 'reality check'.


The beauty of this is that it would require no more effort than you're already expending now on here, just a few quid postage. And who knows, it might at the very least give the 2 at the top something to think about before the forthcoming 'season review'. If it even results in Pards himself rethinking his approach it will be worth it.


With that in mind, it would need to be completed in the next week, to be shipped just after the Arsenal game.


I'm busy today, but if anyone's interested in doing this, I might come back with further thoughts.


to be fair, this lads got a fucking good point :lol:


we all seem to roundly acknowledge that ash and dekka either know fuck all about football and/or are being blinded by pardew's patter and perhaps 'cause they're mates


a detailed analysis of his failings as suggested, but also perhaps sent to well respected national football journalists would actually have the potential to spark a change :thup: as opposed to some embarrassing chelp that makes a 10 second spot on SSN and would just make everyone involved look like twats

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Guest firetotheworks

I can't believe how much time and effort you guys waste on all this.


Look at the Pardew thread FFS; hours of reading and typing, and who's your message getting to? Each other. I understand the community thing, but in terms of actual action, all you can think of is a few boos and a 'Pardew is s****' banner? It's not even a Newcastle cliché, it's a football cliché. Sorry to appear patronising, but why don't you do something which just might be beneficial?


There is a small pool of people on here who possess considerable collective knowledge. There is an understanding of systems and tactics, a knowledge of World football, access to stats etc. Plus a widespread disgust at Pardew's negativity, on and off field. (IMO he should have been sacked before the Sunderland game, after he made them favourites in the pre-match presser. And now NUFC.com are quoting him as saying he doesn't care if Arsenal beat us 4-0! If true, that should be it again for me.)


Why don't you put your heads together and produce your own analysis of Pardew's time in charge, in a clear and reasoned manner, separated into sections on formations, tactics, substitutions, negativity etc., Supported by stats (number of long balls, total games played by each player in comparison with other clubs, and so forth). Good players turned to s****, that sort of stuff. Include a section on suggestions for Pardew's replacement, like that French geezer at Monte Cassino or wherever who wants to come to the prem. Show why they would be suitable for the club (style would suit our signings, youth policy, can work to a budget etc.)


Then have someone who is actually literate (nae offence, couldn't resist it  :D) type it up double spaced for easy reading and annotation, print it off and send it Special Delivery addressed personally to fat Mike, copied S D to Decca, with a brief covering letter.


In other words, as though you had been professionally engaged by the club to review Pardew's tenure and make recommendations.


Also, copy it Recorded Delivery to the local press, those national rags which have half-decent footy coverage, and of course, Sky Sports, 5Live, etc. With the document in the public domain it can be disregarded, but not completely ignored like an internet campaign. And it gets the argument across in a style which can't be shrugged off as the knee-jerk response of a few thick pissheads who need a 'reality check'.


The beauty of this is that it would require no more effort than you're already expending now on here, just a few quid postage. And who knows, it might at the very least give the 2 at the top something to think about before the forthcoming 'season review'. If it even results in Pards himself rethinking his approach it will be worth it.


With that in mind, it would need to be completed in the next week, to be shipped just after the Arsenal game.


I'm busy today, but if anyone's interested in doing this, I might come back with further thoughts.


You're absolutely right. The problem is that the match is on Saturday and this is about making a clear, concise point about not wanting Pardew  in order to add pressure indirectly through coverage in the media.


We're resigned to knowing Ashley listens to nothing but the sound of our coins. A dossier of facts about Pardew seems like a well-intentioned waste of time. I wish it wasn't, because I'd much rather do something like that.

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Guest icemanblue

'Context' seems to be doing the rounds as a way to turn being wrong into high horsery.


It'll be embarrassing and we'll be roundly mocked.



I couldn't care less what other people think, that much should be obvious by now.




Eh? I'm not the one protesting. It'd be a contradiction if the two comments were in any way linked. I, personally, couldn't care less if I'm being accused of being spineless for not believing in something I don't believe in. Looks good if you remove the context, like. So, well done. :thup:


Oh I'm sorry, I thought they were completely contradictory.


That's fine. Here are the quotes you butchered in full, for context:


I'm not disputing that he needs to go, not even a little bit. That isn't the argument here. I just can't understand how a 'protest' consisting of, at most, a couple hundred people is going to make absolutely sure that'll happen. It just won't. It'll be embarrassing and we'll be roundly mocked.


If he's going to be binned, it'll be because of everything that's gone on this year. The biggest message we'll send next Sunday will be delivered with a quarter full stadium during the 'lap of honour'.


Spine? I don't believe in it, so I won't support it. I'm not trying to dissuade anyone, you can do what you think is best. I couldn't care less what other people think, that much should be obvious by now. :lol:


I'll get back on my horse now.


You've fallen off it mate. :lol: that's still a total contradiction.


I'm sure everyone wants to continue reading this shite. But, go on then, how? I'd love to know.

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