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Who fancies having a thoroughly fruitless protest against Pardew?

Guest firetotheworks

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Guest icemanblue

Aye, and you're a c***. Turn that into an idea.


:lol: careful, now.


He's two or three posts away from punching a horse, here.

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Guest icemanblue

Aye, and you're a c***. Turn that into an idea.


:lol: careful, now.


He's two or three posts away from punching a horse, here.


He won't be able to reach yours so you'll be fine :thup:


:lol: You don't have many, so I don't mind doffing my hat to a funny post. Played.

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Man Utd were kind of in a shit position really when the fans were unhappy. They wanted to protest but if fans said "im not going anymore" there will be literally 100's waiting to take their seat and still sell out. Hence they have FC United and green and gold scarves... a terrible fruitless protest! :lol:


Look at the massive shit storm after Keegan, the main aim was to get Ashley to sell...who is our chairman 5 years later? If we continually got 30,000 crowds in this division, regardless of pointscoring with other fans about "how loyal our support is", it would make a difference. We have already seen how crap our revenue is in our accounts compared to other teams (mackems even!). Our main income is TV and match tickets.


Tell me how a march or chanting will help? itll just get us moved around the ground like the Fat Cockney Bastard chants did last time :lol:

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Certain people are aching to hop in bed with Pardew again man. 1 result that dosen't even involve us and people are asking why is he hated in the Pardew thread 


We scrape the odd crap result here and there and there will be plenty to adore him.


One scraped result against the already relegated bottom team to just about stave off relegation and now we've got toontastic numpties literally popping out of the woodwork with tall horses, sarcasm and thinly veiled mockery.

All of which is, of course, utterly ridiculous




There will be wide spread adoration if Pardew stays and scrapes us to lower mid-table, such is the success of his PR and exercises in lowering expectations  .


Some fans have nearly turned into the 'self loathing jew' and are scared to act out of fear of conforming to shitty stereotypes :lol:


Well played Mike, Dekka and Pardew. I certinly underestimated you guys.



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Will have absolutely no effect and result in unnatural levels of cringe.


If people want to waste their bedsheets though, it's their prerogative. It would take a spectacularly calamitous series of events for me to abandon a pre-match pint in favour of marching to the ground like a diseased goose.

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Perhaps my memory is terrible, but last season was pretty much longball and let Demba Ba do some magic. He went cold and Cisse caught fire instead. There were 3-4 games where we played some really nice football when Ben Arfa returned, but other than that it wasn't anything to write home about. We had ref/assistant ref decisions in our favour for once and scored some wonder goals.


I just think they'll be a pocket of fans trying to protest, everyone else wondering what they're up to and not really caring. Mike Ashley won't fire Pardew and nothing will be gained other than 'GEORDIE BOUYCOTT'. If Mike Ashley does 'give in' and fires Pardew, he's seen as a weak owner who gives in to deluded Geordies.


By all means if you must, protest, but I'll have nothing to do with it. Just find it strange that we're back to protesting so quickly.


This tbh, protesting is stupid and makes us fans look like complete ***** due to the charvas/kids it attracts

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