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2014 FIFA World Cup Brasil™ - Europe vs. America

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Ecuador crowd is brilliant. The noise fantastic. I love these South American teams thus far. So much fun to watch, they are just totally going for it.


Unnecessary additional Copa America in 2016 in US. Fill your boots son, wiki says Citrus Bowl is a probable venue.

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Ecuador crowd is brilliant. The noise fantastic. I love these South American teams thus far. So much fun to watch, they are just totally going for it.


Unnecessary additional Copa America in 2016 in US. Fill your boots son, wiki says Citrus Bowl is a probable venue.


:thup: well I've been on road all week so I get excited for good matches and love seeing passion and drive out there. Some absolutely inept football at times and the shit we see from NUFC this is wonderful.


Also, I'm happy selfishly about Copa America as the Gold Cup is generally meh to me.

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Ecuador crowd is brilliant. The noise fantastic. I love these South American teams thus far. So much fun to watch, they are just totally going for it.


Unnecessary additional Copa America in 2016 in US. Fill your boots son, wiki says Citrus Bowl is a probable venue.


:thup: well I've been on road all week so I get excited for good matches and love seeing passion and drive out there. Some absolutely inept football at times and the shit we see from NUFC this is wonderful.


Also, I'm happy selfishly about Copa America as the Gold Cup is generally meh to me.


It's a one off one (Chile is hosting 2015) so I assume it's been engineered for cash knockbacks to CONMEBOL but if it's recognised you're absolutely golden. Probably get better crowds in the US, for logistical reasons, than in SA anyway.


Anyway irrelevant. Glad Ecuador have kept this group interesting.

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Ecuador crowd is brilliant. The noise fantastic. I love these South American teams thus far. So much fun to watch, they are just totally going for it.


Unnecessary additional Copa America in 2016 in US. Fill your boots son, wiki says Citrus Bowl is a probable venue.


:thup: well I've been on road all week so I get excited for good matches and love seeing passion and drive out there. Some absolutely inept football at times and the shit we see from NUFC this is wonderful.


Also, I'm happy selfishly about Copa America as the Gold Cup is generally meh to me.


Think it seems fairly obvious that the Copa America should be 16 teams and not 12 as it usually is (unless I am horribly mistaken). Thus inlcuding six teams from the CONCACAF. Would make for a more fresh and entertaining tournament I think rather than just inviting two random teams.

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Ecuador crowd is brilliant. The noise fantastic. I love these South American teams thus far. So much fun to watch, they are just totally going for it.


Unnecessary additional Copa America in 2016 in US. Fill your boots son, wiki says Citrus Bowl is a probable venue.


:thup: well I've been on road all week so I get excited for good matches and love seeing passion and drive out there. Some absolutely inept football at times and the s*** we see from NUFC this is wonderful.


Also, I'm happy selfishly about Copa America as the Gold Cup is generally meh to me.


Think it seems fairly obvious that the Copa America should be 16 teams and not 12 as it usually is (unless I am horribly mistaken). Thus inlcuding six teams from the CONCACAF. Would make for a more fresh and entertaining tournament I think rather than just inviting two random teams.


Would actually love to see it that way as well. Marry the two as clearly CONCACAF has improved massively. Purists will hate it, but look at this World Cup. Been a privilege and refreshing to enjoy football again

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Just been catching up with some of the big Sams world cup preview  :spit:




During the summer of 1990 I had become sexually involved with an alarmingly skinny, but still rather enchanting young woman called Arabella Smooth. The relationship was tempestuous, volatile and deeply erotic. A bit like Fred and Rose West, but without all the unpleasantness.


One night, during a rather theatrical bout of upright love-making, I ran towards her puny frame – plonker propelling in mid-air like some sort of adorable, moshing dolphin – and proceeded to gyrate in front of her in a salacious whirlwind of muscular, African rhythm. She looked bemused at first, but that soon dissolved into ecstasy as I feasted upon her naked body, like some sort of rampant sex hyena.


What Arabella didn’t know was the previous night I had sat down with a cool glass of Harvey’s Bristol Cream and watched Cameroon take on Colombia in the last 16 of the 1990 World Cup. During the game, an elderly man by the name of Roger Milla scored a vital goal, ran towards the corner flag and then jigged the jig of a thousand smiling African faces. It was a beautiful, instantly iconic moment, and one that I immediately knew would be re-enacted the following evening, as I made sweet, sweet love to my brittle mistress.


The World Cup has the power to do that to you. The power to make you dream. The power to transport you from the humdrum of everyday life. The power to influence your approach to intercourse.



Luis Muriel – Colombia


This boy first came to my attention back in 2009, during my time at Blackburn. Before those poultry-f*ckers screwed me over.


I travelled to Colombia with my chief scout Norman Gravy to watch this incredibly exciting young striker play in a Deportivo Cali youth game in surroundings that would honestly make a pig retch. The smells. Jesus H Christ and his untouched mum, the f*cking smells.


On a scorching day in June, I watched this 18-year-old powerhouse score no fewer than 39 goals in a 60-minute game. It was incredible. He twatted them in from all angles, reducing the opposition defence to a puddle of devastated bones and tears. Almost literally in fact; at the end of the game the big centre half actually started crying. And that’s when we noticed it. The forehead. All the foreheads.


It was at this point it became clear Deportivo were playing against a team of mentally-challenged teens. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t diminish Muriel’s achievements somewhat.


You can only beat what’s put in front of you, though. And if it’s a goalkeeper that spends the entire game trying to catch a bee, so be it.



Aleksandr Kokorin – Russia


In many ways, eastern European footballers make the perfect signings; talented, supremely confident and mentally fragile from a youth spent in brutal, grey surroundings. The one major drawback, however, is the sheer amount of shady bastards you have to deal with when trying to sign one of them.


When I was manager of Bolton I travelled to Russia to tie up a deal with an exciting young winger. The player wanted to come and the club had a price, but the boy’s advisors were causing real issues. His agent in particular was a deeply worrying character. He was constantly unshaven but never grew a full beard, which kept me awake at night, and he had a little tin of sardines on his person at all times. During an impasse in negotiations he took me out to the hotel balcony for a cigar and began to tell me a little about himself, in a way that scarred me for years to come.


    “Some men only see mother’s vagina once in whole life, my friend,” he slurred, bits of sardines flying out of his wretched mouth and onto the Soviet streets below. “Some men.”


I knew at that point that this deal really wasn’t worth pursuing. Anway, Kokorin is a good player. He’ll get goals.



Christian Atsu – Ghana


Let’s not beat about the bush here; African lads lie about their age. I once went speed-dating with Youssou N’Dour in Bristol and he changed his f*cking age with every single woman he spoke to.


“Youssou,” I said. “You’re a handsome, talented, fiercely-committed, man. Why do you feel the need to lie about your age with these… these women?” I made a dismissive hand gesture when I said “women” for some reason. The silly cow sitting in front of me was furious.


    “Big Sam,” he replied, his lilting voice caressing my ears with each edible syllable. “I will use any advantage in my repertoire. My body. My soul. My cunning. My political fury. I’ll also lie if I need to. And if Wendy from Pucklechurch only shags 24-year-olds, then I’ll be a 24-year-old.”


Christian Atsu is a talented attacking midfielder, with exceptional technique and blistering pace. He says he’s 22. I have no reason to doubt him, but I once saw him coming off a team bus listening to Shed Seven’s A Maximum High on a Discman. That’s all I’m saying.





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Just been catching up with some of the big Sams world cup preview  :spit:




During the summer of 1990 I had become sexually involved with an alarmingly skinny, but still rather enchanting young woman called Arabella Smooth. The relationship was tempestuous, volatile and deeply erotic. A bit like Fred and Rose West, but without all the unpleasantness.


One night, during a rather theatrical bout of upright love-making, I ran towards her puny frame – plonker propelling in mid-air like some sort of adorable, moshing dolphin – and proceeded to gyrate in front of her in a salacious whirlwind of muscular, African rhythm. She looked bemused at first, but that soon dissolved into ecstasy as I feasted upon her naked body, like some sort of rampant sex hyena.


What Arabella didn’t know was the previous night I had sat down with a cool glass of Harvey’s Bristol Cream and watched Cameroon take on Colombia in the last 16 of the 1990 World Cup. During the game, an elderly man by the name of Roger Milla scored a vital goal, ran towards the corner flag and then jigged the jig of a thousand smiling African faces. It was a beautiful, instantly iconic moment, and one that I immediately knew would be re-enacted the following evening, as I made sweet, sweet love to my brittle mistress.


The World Cup has the power to do that to you. The power to make you dream. The power to transport you from the humdrum of everyday life. The power to influence your approach to intercourse.



Luis Muriel – Colombia


This boy first came to my attention back in 2009, during my time at Blackburn. Before those poultry-f*ckers screwed me over.


I travelled to Colombia with my chief scout Norman Gravy to watch this incredibly exciting young striker play in a Deportivo Cali youth game in surroundings that would honestly make a pig retch. The smells. Jesus H Christ and his untouched mum, the f*cking smells.


On a scorching day in June, I watched this 18-year-old powerhouse score no fewer than 39 goals in a 60-minute game. It was incredible. He twatted them in from all angles, reducing the opposition defence to a puddle of devastated bones and tears. Almost literally in fact; at the end of the game the big centre half actually started crying. And that’s when we noticed it. The forehead. All the foreheads.


It was at this point it became clear Deportivo were playing against a team of mentally-challenged teens. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t diminish Muriel’s achievements somewhat.


You can only beat what’s put in front of you, though. And if it’s a goalkeeper that spends the entire game trying to catch a bee, so be it.



Aleksandr Kokorin – Russia


In many ways, eastern European footballers make the perfect signings; talented, supremely confident and mentally fragile from a youth spent in brutal, grey surroundings. The one major drawback, however, is the sheer amount of shady bastards you have to deal with when trying to sign one of them.


When I was manager of Bolton I travelled to Russia to tie up a deal with an exciting young winger. The player wanted to come and the club had a price, but the boy’s advisors were causing real issues. His agent in particular was a deeply worrying character. He was constantly unshaven but never grew a full beard, which kept me awake at night, and he had a little tin of sardines on his person at all times. During an impasse in negotiations he took me out to the hotel balcony for a cigar and began to tell me a little about himself, in a way that scarred me for years to come.


    “Some men only see mother’s vagina once in whole life, my friend,” he slurred, bits of sardines flying out of his wretched mouth and onto the Soviet streets below. “Some men.”


I knew at that point that this deal really wasn’t worth pursuing. Anway, Kokorin is a good player. He’ll get goals.



Christian Atsu – Ghana


Let’s not beat about the bush here; African lads lie about their age. I once went speed-dating with Youssou N’Dour in Bristol and he changed his f*cking age with every single woman he spoke to.


“Youssou,” I said. “You’re a handsome, talented, fiercely-committed, man. Why do you feel the need to lie about your age with these… these women?” I made a dismissive hand gesture when I said “women” for some reason. The silly cow sitting in front of me was furious.


    “Big Sam,” he replied, his lilting voice caressing my ears with each edible syllable. “I will use any advantage in my repertoire. My body. My soul. My cunning. My political fury. I’ll also lie if I need to. And if Wendy from Pucklechurch only shags 24-year-olds, then I’ll be a 24-year-old.”


Christian Atsu is a talented attacking midfielder, with exceptional technique and blistering pace. He says he’s 22. I have no reason to doubt him, but I once saw him coming off a team bus listening to Shed Seven’s A Maximum High on a Discman. That’s all I’m saying.






Genuinely have tears in my eyes. Genius.

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Ecuador crowd is brilliant. The noise fantastic. I love these South American teams thus far. So much fun to watch, they are just totally going for it.


Unnecessary additional Copa America in 2016 in US. Fill your boots son, wiki says Citrus Bowl is a probable venue.


:thup: well I've been on road all week so I get excited for good matches and love seeing passion and drive out there. Some absolutely inept football at times and the s*** we see from NUFC this is wonderful.


Also, I'm happy selfishly about Copa America as the Gold Cup is generally meh to me.


Think it seems fairly obvious that the Copa America should be 16 teams and not 12 as it usually is (unless I am horribly mistaken). Thus inlcuding six teams from the CONCACAF. Would make for a more fresh and entertaining tournament I think rather than just inviting two random teams.


Would actually love to see it that way as well. Marry the two as clearly CONCACAF has improved massively. Purists will hate it, but look at this World Cup. Been a privilege and refreshing to enjoy football again


:sweetjesus: 2016.

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Pleased Higuain is playing. In my friends predictor thing everyone seems to have gone for obvious top goalscorer choices (Messi,Ronaldo, Ameobi etc) whereas I went slightly left field and picked Higuain. Hope he bags a couple tonight

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Pleased Higuain is playing. In my friends predictor thing everyone seems to have gone for obvious top goalscorer choices (Messi,Ronaldo, Ameobi etc) whereas I went slightly left field and picked Higuain. Hope he bags a couple tonight


I got 25/1 for Benzema before the start....looking good

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Pleased Higuain is playing. In my friends predictor thing everyone seems to have gone for obvious top goalscorer choices (Messi,Ronaldo, Ameobi etc) whereas I went slightly left field and picked Higuain. Hope he bags a couple tonight


We did ours by a random draw and I got Fernando Torres. Five good, honest pounds down the swanny.

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