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Remy Cabella


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Tries at least, but should learn to play like a small man. Silva doesn't try to dribble past 3 people or make stepovers while standing still. Should learn to release it faster. And his crossing was poor yesterday.

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It is so idiot of Ashley to spend millions on players and give them to Pardew. It is like giving a Ferari to teenagers and tell them to learn how to drive through it.


While they have already crashed half your fleet of supercars and given away the best one to a mate down the road.

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It is so idiot of Ashley to spend millions on players and give them to Pardew. It is like giving a Ferari to teenagers and tell them to learn how to drive through it.


While they have already crashed half your fleet of supercars and given away the best one to a mate down the road.


:idiot2: :facepalm: :facepalm:


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Guest firetotheworks

Him being a 12m replacement for a fan favourite that cost nothing doesn't help. He's been shit like, no two ways about it.


The best compliment I can pay him at this stage is that he's never hid and has the worst manager and coaching going.

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Guest firetotheworks

I can't blame any of the players for being s**** under this manager. There's a good team in there somewhere.

I would have completely agreed with you this time a year ago. It doesn't feel like that now. There's nowhere near the same quality to be seen in Cabella, Janmaat, Colback and Riviere as there was in Ben Arfa, Debuchy, Cabaye and Remy.

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Guest DebuchyAndTheBeast

"Pardewed" ? I struggle to see what he has offered us since day 1. Yesterday Obertan was much better with his direct approach getting crosses in the box and giving us width.

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I'm going to defend him too much but what i will say is, our complete lack of movement means he has to hold onto the ball a lot longer than you can see is natural to him.

Given the way Pardew sets his teams out, he was a poor buy.

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I can't blame any of the players for being s**** under this manager. There's a good team in there somewhere.

I would have completely agreed with you this time a year ago. It doesn't feel like that now. There's nowhere near the same quality to be seen in Cabella, Janmaat, Colback and Riviere as there was in Ben Arfa, Debuchy, Cabaye and Remy.

Agreed big time. The 25 odd goals lost is huge. We would do well to get half from those 3's replacements by the looks of things.


Turn some of those narrow wins to draws & losses and we are whereabouts I expected us to be.

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There were people after the city game saying he was better than Ben Arfa. (Not on here)


He looked lively against City without actually producing anything, but since then he's been anonymous. But to me Ben Arfa was physically stronger, actually went past players and was a genuine goal threat.

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Agree with pretty much everything Kid Icarus is saying apart from maybe Janmaat isn't as far behind Debuchy as the other players mentioned. To compare Ben Arfa and Cabella is like comparing caviar with dogshit.


And it is way too early to write the kid off, particularly during the current shitness, but so far he looks massively out of his depth. I'm amazed Pardew put all his eggs in this basket, actually no I'm not.

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Don't know why people were ecstatic with him signing. Absolutely s***. Don't keep using the 'new player, new country, s*** manager' excuses anymore. HBA just went and did his job straight away.

:lol:  :lol:


Yeah, let's give up on every foreign player after half a dozen games because Ben Arfa scored on his debut.


Atleast give him time to settle in in a system that suits him before calling him s***, man.


Nah, not having that excuse anymore. A really quality player would stand out in a shit system, under a shit manager, with shit players around him. Not giving up on the guy all together, but will not expect exceptional things from him either. The least he should do is practice taking free kicks and corners, or not to take them. Absolute horrendous delivery and that has nothing to do with not settling in the system.

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Guest firetotheworks

Don't know why people were ecstatic with him signing. Absolutely s***. Don't keep using the 'new player, new country, s*** manager' excuses anymore. HBA just went and did his job straight away.

:lol:  :lol:


Yeah, let's give up on every foreign player after half a dozen games because Ben Arfa scored on his debut.


Atleast give him time to settle in in a system that suits him before calling him s***, man.


Nah, not having that excuse anymore. A really quality player would stand out in a s*** system, under a s*** manager, with s*** players around him. Not giving up on the guy all together, but will not expect exceptional things from him either. The least he should do is practice taking free kicks and corners, or not to take them. Absolute horrendous delivery and that has nothing to do with not settling in the system.


You mean players like Tevez and Mascherano?


I'm not saying he's been good, but I do wonder why we seems to consistently have players that can't whip in a corner or free kick. Even Cabaye was shit at corners. Weirdly Guthrie was the last player I remember us having he consistently whipped in excellent corners.

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How the f*** has Janmaat been thrown into this? Do people not remember having their knives out for Debuchy? Janmaat looks twice the player Debuchy does in attack by the way - he's a better dribbler, better crosser, and has just as canny a shot.  He's nearly scored or had a good attempt on goal in every PL match he's played in tbh.


Cabella has MUCH to lean, he's clearly got to get rid of the ball sooner or use more intelligence in the way he gets by players - he's not going to do it with pace, he's got to do with it his passing and movement - ah wait, what kind of movement do we have? There are small class players all over the PL, they've need the proper movement and system around them to create space. We don't have any of it b/c we have statues all around them.

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Guest firetotheworks

It was more that as a group of players they're not a patch on the one before them. Janmaat is the closest to that level but he's still nowhere near Debuchy, despite being similarly a bit shit at defending, but good going forward/on the ball. 

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I did think there was a period in the first half where he was starting to understand the league better. That little dribble and ball to Riviere is the sort thing he can do. Just seemed to lose whatever confidence he may have had, after half an hour or so.


His style of dribbling is interesting. His best work comes when he receives the ball at pace and then commits players or when wriggling through a crowd. It's all about drawing players in and using his footwork to get around them. However, when the onus is on him to speed the play up then he's not so good as he lacks the necessary acceleration. In a ponderous set up like ours, he's not well suited.


Ironically, I think going 4-4-2 and having a striker that can combine with him in the channels would help his game.

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