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Financially, maybe nothing we do really matters to Ashley. Maybe even going down isn't that expensive to a guy with his immense wealth. He could easily make us fairly successful and it wouldn't effect his wealth or lifestyle in the slightest. It's impossible for me to imagine what his motives are in any of this now.


He'll will run us how he wants, maybe we'll go down. It might be it doesn't matter to him either way.

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Isn't Pardew on a relatively low basic salary, around £500k? So even to pay him off in full it would cost Ashley no more than 3mil. It's absolute peanuts compared to even a slight risk of relegation. I honestly think this is just as much about Ashley wanting to shove two fingers up at the press after the humiliated him midweek


3 million is a lot to Ashley.




Its coppers compared to finishing 3/4 places higher(ie not going down)


You all know what Ashley is like with cash.

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Guest Roger Kint

Financially, maybe nothing we do really matters to Ashley. Maybe even going down isn't that expensive to a guy with his immense wealth. He could easily make us fairly successful and it wouldn't effect his wealth or lifestyle in the slightest. It's impossible for me to image what his motives are in any of this now.


He'll will run us how he wants, maybe we'll go down. It might be it doesn't matter to him either way.


Even billionaires dont enjoy losing £60m

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Financially, maybe nothing we do really matters to Ashley. Maybe even going down isn't that expensive to a guy with his immense wealth. He could easily make us fairly successful and it wouldn't effect his wealth or lifestyle in the slightest. It's impossible for me to image what his motives are in any of this now.


He'll will run us how he wants, maybe we'll go down. It might be it doesn't matter to him either way.


Even billionaires dont enjoy losing £60m


But then, he doesn't believe we'll go down? That's equally bizarre.

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Financially, maybe nothing we do really matters to Ashley. Maybe even going down isn't that expensive to a guy with his immense wealth. He could easily make us fairly successful and it wouldn't effect his wealth or lifestyle in the slightest. It's impossible for me to image what his motives are in any of this now.


He'll will run us how he wants, maybe we'll go down. It might be it doesn't matter to him either way.


Seems either the thickest billionaire ever, the most stubborn ever or just the oddest oddball we could have had the misfortune to land up with.

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I don't think he will go to the extent of gambling on us going down. He needs the worldwide PL audience to advertise his brand, and losing that would hurt him the most. He probably thinks the situation isn't that dire atm, that one or two wins or flukes would pull us out of danger.

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Dunno, maybe there's some "cheap sacking" clause in AP's contract that allows for reduced compo if the team is performing badly after XXX weeks that's not been triggered yet. I have always thought there's no way they would have given him a 8-year contract unless there were some provisions.

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Guest Roger Kint

Financially, maybe nothing we do really matters to Ashley. Maybe even going down isn't that expensive to a guy with his immense wealth. He could easily make us fairly successful and it wouldn't effect his wealth or lifestyle in the slightest. It's impossible for me to image what his motives are in any of this now.


He'll will run us how he wants, maybe we'll go down. It might be it doesn't matter to him either way.


Even billionaires dont enjoy losing £60m


But then, he doesn't believe we'll go down? That's equally bizarre.


Only thing i can think of is he wants to make the right choice and is taking his time. No way is he this stupid to think Pardew can turn anything round now. If the whole crowd turned last week instead of 'backing the team' i dare say he may have acted. It certainly rattled him given the PR drive this week. Baffled as to why he doesnt just end him

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Guest Roger Kint

Financially, maybe nothing we do really matters to Ashley. Maybe even going down isn't that expensive to a guy with his immense wealth. He could easily make us fairly successful and it wouldn't effect his wealth or lifestyle in the slightest. It's impossible for me to image what his motives are in any of this now.


He'll will run us how he wants, maybe we'll go down. It might be it doesn't matter to him either way.


Seems either the thickest billionaire ever, the most stubborn ever or just the oddest oddball we could have had the misfortune to land up with.


Evidence to support a bit of all that

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Guest firetotheworks

Are they not just hanging on until the international break? They love the international break.


This is my thinking. If he's here beyond that I'm sticking a ton on us to go down, it feels like a certainty.

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Why are they saying he's safe even if we lose to Swansea? It's fucking beyond absurd :lol:


I don't even care anymore. What the fuck is going on in Ashley's head? I know he only cares about survival, but we're diving into the Championship here. Have fun you deluded fuckwit.

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The journo that spoke to Ashley was on 606 last night, saying when they met Ashley appeared deadly serious and that he wasn't laughing or anything. Seemed perfectly happy to discuss him too.


Had TalkShite on driving back and they got Luke Edwards on who said it's now got to the point he just feels sorry for Pardle and that Ashley should just bin him and be done with it, rather than let him continue to suffer abuse. Admits he's done an appalling job and doesn't understand why we're hanging on and dragging it out.

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Ashley isn't seeing it as a choice between losing £3m to sack Pardew and losing £50m if we're relegated.


At this stage, he's seeing it as a choice between losing £3m to sack Pardew and losing nothing if Pardew walks.


The fact that he's making tens of thousands of Geordies miserable every week by continuing to employ Pardew isn't even entering his head. It'll stick in his craw to reward a man for failure too.


As others have suggested, there may be trigger points at which compensation is reduced: Bottom 3 after 10 games, for example, or league position at Christmas. I also don't doubt that failing to meet expectations at the end of the season might allow reduced compensation but of course by then we'll be screwed.


We all (me included) want Ashley to spend £3m to sack Pardew, after all it's his money not ours, but to be quite honest I can understand why he's reluctant to. I also understand why Pardew is reluctant to quit.


This just harks back to giving someone an 8 year contract being utterly ridiculous.


In short, we as fans and Newcastle as a team are going to suffer until one of these cunts blinks first. I reckon it'll be Ashley as Pardew won't quit, but he'll try to avoid firing him on full compensation if at all possible.

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Guest Roger Kint

I still dont believe it would cost that mind. After the BSA bollocks its obvious he would have loaded a 8 year contract in his favour. 1 years pay off tops imo.

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Guest firetotheworks

It’s difficult to think about who has the upper hand. One one hand there’s no way that Pardew will be able to personally go through a full season of hatred from us, let alone another 6 years. However, Ashley can’t afford for us to go down. In a way Pardew has the upper hand if he can survive the constant pressure until it gets to the point of no return.


In conclusion, we all need to continue making his life hell so he’ll feel like he has to walk.


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