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Reds 2-9 Blues - Post-match reaction frpm page 35


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I've had to leave the night out, foot is pure fucked. Class as ever boys, gutted about my appearance :lol: good drinks afterwards.


Also, absolute shocker here, Froggy is actually a decent lad. Horrendous taste confirmed though, kid likes Oasis ffs.

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Glad yous all enjoyed the beers and night and more importantly that you're sorted Rocker. You were a real trooper. Top man. It was GallowgateKev who sorted the ambulance really not me.


Anyways...I type this as I prepare to have a bath. Went to bed a scruff last night following a match, 6 mile walk and meal. Have had to hoy ice on my left leg and cannot bend it properly. Think I've fucked a tendon or some shit.

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height=400https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CFtFkTiWAAA5Dtk.jpg[/img] height=400https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CFtFkTCWoAEtpCj.jpg[/img]


Yorkie's arse & dead Rocker


Except I'm rubbish at twitter so it might just be Yorkie's arse. :lol:


Quoted to post the photos properly. Also stuck some more on Facebook before, tagged at random. Feel free to tag further or do as you please with them.


I'm sunburnt today and I had factor 30 in my bag the whole time. :lol:

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