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FIFA World Cup


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19 hours ago, TheBrownBottle said:

Yes, I was here in Sydney during the WWC.  A mens WC is a very, very different beast.  

Australia doesn’t have the stadia at all.  The NRL and AFL were acting the silly buggers last time.  I mean, I’m sure old Gladys knows a few contractors who can sort out some stadium builds - just as long as we don’t let ICAC know :)

A bid needs a minimum of sixteen 40,000+ all seater stadiums.  Australia has 10, and that’s allowing for venues wholly unsuited to football (ie cricket grounds).  

How many did Qatar have? Was it eight?

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On 07/10/2023 at 08:26, Coastie said:

How many did Qatar have? Was it eight?

Yep, for a 32 team WC.  2030 is 48.


I don’t think Qatar was suitable in any way, shape or form BTW.  But Australia most assuredly could not host a WC next month.  All of this would be compounded by the small local population, general lack of real interest in football, being a time zone nightmare for most football fans and its distance from anywhere that isn’t NZ meaning that travel to it isn’t easy wouldn’t be great, nor would the massive distance between actual cities.


This country isn’t an ideal venue for a WC - though the weather in June would at least be temperate.  



Edited by TheBrownBottle

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Did you not see the constant sold out crowds for the Women's World Cup? 


The time zone is the true reason I suspect Oz would struggle (besides general corruption) but there's no doubt we hold a world cup and it would be a fucking ripper.



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49 minutes ago, Coastie said:

Did you not see the constant sold out crowds for the Women's World Cup? 


The time zone is the true reason I suspect Oz would struggle (besides general corruption) but there's no doubt we hold a world cup and it would be a fucking ripper.



Yes, I was in some of them here in Sydney :) 

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58 minutes ago, 54 said:

Confirmed that UK and Ireland will host the 2028 Euros, and Italy and Turkey 2032.

Downside to this is that it (imo) means any redevelopment of SJP is now on hold until after that. Unless they can start very soon. 

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On 10/10/2023 at 22:19, Bizza said:


Another Euros yet won't FIFA give us a World Cup. Wew.


Hang on till 1862, which is close to the 200th anniversary of the FA. It would be a smart move to include Ireland, because they're more popular than we Brits.

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In my heed, World Cups need to be held in warm countries with a strong football heritage, preferably where the stadiums have running tracks, and the TV reception is slightly fuzzy.


Spain / Portugal / Morocco is a good fit for this (apart from the fuzzy TV bit).


England / the British Isles - not so much.  

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I agree. I always thought world cups should have a "summer party" atmosphere. I even hate that a lot of games are played when it's dark nowadays, play in the freaking sunshine!


Spain is like the perfect country to host and it's incredible they have essentially never hosted a euro. It's also why I personally hate big tournaments in countries like France and Germany (and by extension the UK)...they have everything you could ask for facility/infrastructure/etc wise but it's just a bit...to sterile and urban and not summery enough.


Growing up when you thought world cup you pictured mexico 70 and 86 and spain 82...that's sort of the ideal. From 1990 until and including 2010, world cups for me were lacking something environment/atmosphere wise. 1990 dreadful stadiums, 94 usa which always a bit weird/off, 1998 france very meh and crap stadiums back then, 2002 fucking Korea and all their bullshit plus lots of shit stadiums, 2006 in germany utterly forgettable world cup for me and 2010 in SA vuvuzelas and shit boring football.


Even with world cups in russia and Qatar which people moaned about a lot and were very skeptical about, me included, I found recent world cups much more fun both on and off the pitch (the isolated qatar leading to 10s of thousands of fans from poorer countries being brought in that would otherwise not be there resulted in fantastic atmosphere in the stands)

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I've absolutely no idea what the infrastructure is like and nor do I have much of a clue about their footballing heritage beyond the performance of their national team and a few household names, but the idea of a World Cup in Morocco seems incredibly fun. As such - if they have to share the tournament between confederations - Morocco + Iberia feels like a very sensible shout logistics-wise/carbon-wise, given the lack of distance there compared to, say, somewhere like Paraguay and Spain. 


Oh, wait...

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South American qualifying is going to be a mad farce :lol:


Bit Berber for the lads too...

ⴰⵙⴷⴰⵡ ⵙⴳ ⵚⴱⴰⵏⵢⴰ – ⴱⵕⵟⵇⵇⵉⵣ – ⵍⵎⵖⵔⵉⴱ 2030


Shoehorned in but think it's class it'll kick off in Uruguay as well. Hopefully they'll mark it themselves with one of their players only having one arm. Assume the one game in ArgParUru will be a home game for them?

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4 hours ago, TheBrownBottle said:

In my heed, World Cups need to be held in warm countries with a strong football heritage, preferably where the stadiums have running tracks, and the TV reception is slightly fuzzy.


Spain / Portugal / Morocco is a good fit for this (apart from the fuzzy TV bit).


England / the British Isles - not so much.  


There's literally one stadium in Spain and Portugal that had a running track that would qualify for a WC stadium now and it's the one in Seville.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The Australian FA has confirmed it will not bid for the 2034 men’s World Cup, leaving the way clear for Saudi Arabia as the only bidder

Earlier this month Fifa confirmed only bids from countries from the Asian Football Confederation and the Oceania Football Confederation will be considered for the 2034 finals.

Within an hour, Saudi Arabia announced it would be bidding to host the tournament in 2034 for the first time. The deadline for prospective hosts to submit confirmations of interest is today.


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59 minutes ago, TheBrownBottle said:

This whole confederation rotation horseshit isn’t likely to come to an end, but it should.


Bloated world cups played in completely inappropriate places.  I’m losing all interest with international football


It is a world cup, it should be shared across the world no matter what you think of countries like Saudi. 



Edited by El Prontonise

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