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FIFA World Cup


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I never really got the big deal over this, FIFA have a very understandable policy designed to keep political fucknuttery out of football, and it's up to countries whether they obey the rule or take a fine. If it's really as important as so many think it is to wear the poppy then you take the fine and move on.

problem for me anyway this time around is the precedent had already been set in 2011 (?) when they were allowed to wear armbands with it, so why is one instance okay and not the other?

As for Ireland and the Easter Rising thing I just find it funny that if that MP hadn't have pointed it FIFA would have never noticed.

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I never really got the big deal over this, FIFA have a very understandable policy designed to keep political fucknuttery out of football, and it's up to countries whether they obey the rule or take a fine. If it's really as important as so many think it is to wear the poppy then you take the fine and move on.

problem for me anyway this time around is the precedent had already been set in 2011 (?) when they were allowed to wear armbands with it, so why is one instance okay and not the other?

As for Ireland and the Easter Rising thing I just find it funny that if that MP hadn't have pointed it FIFA would have never noticed.



After a day of extraordinary interventions, including both Prince William and Prime Minister David Cameron writing to Fifa asking that the players’ shirts be embroidered with poppies, world football’s governing body relented on its previously unshakeable stance.


Up until then Fifa had made clear, despite protestations from the FA, that it considered placing a poppy on a player’s shirt as contravening its rules banning political, religious and commercial messages.


It is understood that despite the high-level interventions - the Duke of Cambridge is also president of the FA and wrote in that capacity - it was a discussion between Conservative MP Chris Heaton-Harris and Fifa general secretary Jérôme Valcke that helped broker a deal.


Heaton-Harris is a relatively new MP, elected to the Daventry seat last year, and was previously a member of the European Parliament, where he struck up an acquaintance with Valcke, who has been handling the issue for Fifa.


Heaton-Harris was previously president of the Sports Intergroup, a group of 40 MEPs who have an interest in sport. It is believed it was his suggestion to allow the poppies on the armbands with Valcke then authorising the move.


Probably took a bung tbh.

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[emoji38] That's not how fines work.


In normal circumstances I agree but have been fined by one of the most corrupt organisations ever I think we have a right to know where the money is going

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Further ruining the World Cup from 2026 seems to be high on the agenda in the next couple of days. Quite a lot of journo's reporting they reckon it'll be 48 teams and potentially loads of penalty shootouts if games are draws.

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Brilliant! Every single shit team, which there will be loads of, will play 11 in defense, never venture past the halfway line and still have a chance to win the group games on penalties. Can't wait for this!

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Everyone is doing their best to make me hate football. What a s*** idea! What's next? So many stadiums required it's never allocated to a country anymore and it's about 20 stadiums spread across the world making it virtually impossible for a decent atmosphere?

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