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Rafael Benitez

Jesse Pinkman

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This place isn't half as much fun when we don't have a hate figure/simpleton as manager


Well the Pardew thread is still there and it's not going anywhere soon. It really does feel like the best of both worlds right now. Only slightly sullied by Allardyce ditching sunderland inside of 12 months.

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Guest reefatoon

Just had to pull over in total axcitement to pop this on. Just seen the main man, Rafa Benitez and one of his coaches (the little fella) randomly standing outside of a car at the top end of station Road in Wallsend next to the coast road. Slowed right down,  so the little one could give him a wave, found myself waving as excitedly as the bairn was. He smiled and waved back. I'm f***ing giddy now.

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Guest reefatoon

Well just drove past again and Rafa was not there anymore,  but the coach was still there leaning on his car, definitely waiting for someone. Unfortunately  I couldn't hang around to see who turned up. That's the most exciting thing I have seen in Wallsend now since spotting two old fellas playing footy with a cover from a zebra crossing beacon.

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A mackem at the weekend was saying Moyes was our first choice after sacking McClaren, but he turned us down so we went for Rafa instead. Also said that Moyes would have kept us up, sending them down.


I replied that even if that was all true, I'd take relegation with Rafa any day of the week over premier league with Moyes. It's hard to believe that one man could turn virtually  every aspect  of our club around in such a short space of time, despite getting relegated.

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Radio Juan:


Rafa phone-in tonight


Newcastle Manager Rafa Benitez is the special guest on BBC Radio Newcastle's Total Sport programme this evening between 6pm and 7pm.


He'll be taking calls and chatting to Mick Lowes - to get on the wireless, call 0191 232 6565 from 5.30pm.




Tomorrow isn't it? .com says its on Wednesday

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Radio Juan:


Rafa phone-in tonight


Newcastle Manager Rafa Benitez is the special guest on BBC Radio Newcastle's Total Sport programme this evening between 6pm and 7pm.


He'll be taking calls and chatting to Mick Lowes - to get on the wireless, call 0191 232 6565 from 5.30pm.




Tomorrow isn't it? .com says its on Wednesday


Aye Wednesday evening 6pm-7pm. Looking forward to it.

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Guest reefatoon

I am going to call in and see if he remembers waving to me yesterday. Clearly feel like we are best friends now. God damn, what a day yesterday was.

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