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Do NUFC Need To Change Away Ticket Criteria?

Crumpy Gunt

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Aye can't really argue with the system too much. As someone who lives away, be canny if they allowed members to get tickets at the same time as season ticket holders. Would then be much more inclined to stump up for a membership and use my own account instead of constantly using others. Appreciate that probably wouldn't sit well with ST holders though which is fair enough.

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It's a joke. I, like many others, won't even contemplate going to an away game. I appreciate it's rewarding loyalty which is fine but perhaps every now and then open up the allocation to members


Wigan already down to zero points. Not sure what the allocation is but i'd think there's a good chance it goes to members.


4,800. It'll definitely go to members and quite probably general sale with it being midweek and less than 2 weeks to Xmas. These are the type of games people need to attend to build up their loyalty points total.

It's also live on SKY.


There's nowt wrong with the points system wehave, the people with loads of points have them for a good reason.


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does anyone know how many of season ticket holders have 100+ points,  doubt it's much more than 1200.


Might get a reasonable idea from what Burton drops to. 1600 allocation and obviously with it being a new ground will be very popular.

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ST holders should always get priority over someone paying £30 a year for a membership.


Membership should be scrapped TBH, its stupid.


Not many advantages for members really although I suppose if you go to 10+ home games a season it pays for itself.

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Didn't there used to be an away season ticket scheme or don't some clubs have a similar set up? 




Yes there is an away season ticket but you have to have a lot of loyalty points and it is for supporters who go to every away game so you can't pick and choose your games.



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There's a set of fans with well over 100 points that buy a ticket every game, and if they don't attend sell on to family, friends, friends of friends etc. It means unless I go to all the midweek away games this year, which personally I find very hard to make because of work commitments, I am going to find it very hard to accumulate points (I have 1 point, I went to Preston away which was on a sat but had a huge allocation)


I don't think it's fair at all.


As I've explained, even this season there's the opportunity to earn around a dozen loyalty points. No system is totally fair, and there's always some people out there who will abuse it, but the current way of rewarding the fans who spend the most time and money travelling the length of the Country is still the fairest.


You've been to one away game. One of our more local ones with a Saturday 3pm kick off and therefore you have one point. That shouldn't give you priority over someone who travels week in week out, doing the likes of Norwich away on a Wednesday night etc.


Noticeably these complaints have only came about this season which begs the question, why didn't these moaners pipe up about it last season or the one before that? The answer is that they didn't bother going back then because we weren't winning. If they had done they would have quite a few loyalty points behind them now.


I've been whinging about this for years! Last season when Man City went to members I bought a £30 membership on top of the £40+ quid ticket especially to go see us get embarrassed by Aguero and to my dismay, because I wasn't a ST holder last season, I didn't even get points for that. How is that fair!?


There's a set of fans with well over 100 points that buy a ticket every game, and if they don't attend sell on to family, friends, friends of friends etc. It means unless I go to all the midweek away games this year, which personally I find very hard to make because of work commitments, I am going to find it very hard to accumulate points (I have 1 point, I went to Preston away which was on a sat but had a huge allocation)


I don't think it's fair at all.


Technically there's nothing to stop you buying a ticket for every game that goes to zero and if you don't attend, selling it on to family, friends, friends of friends etc.


Fair enough we don't really want to be encouraging that, but if you feel you are somehow being stitched-up by an unfair system, maybe you need to play the game?


FWIW, I don't think the number of fans is that buy a ticket for every game but don't go to that many is particularly high.

I don't think it's high either. Once someone gets 100+ points they are more or less guaranteed a ticket so there's no need to apply just to build up points. The only gain is to do someone a favour by getting them a ticket.


I went to Benfica a few years ago and the only way I got a ticket was through a friend of a friend of a friend with over 100 points. A lad from my work is going to Brighton away, already booked flights as he knows someone with over 100 points. I believe it happens alot.


There's a set of fans with well over 100 points that buy a ticket every game, and if they don't attend sell on to family, friends, friends of friends etc. It means unless I go to all the midweek away games this year, which personally I find very hard to make because of work commitments, I am going to find it very hard to accumulate points (I have 1 point, I went to Preston away which was on a sat but had a huge allocation)


I don't think it's fair at all.


Technically there's nothing to stop you buying a ticket for every game that goes to zero and if you don't attend, selling it on to family, friends, friends of friends etc.


Fair enough we don't really want to be encouraging that, but if you feel you are somehow being stitched-up by an unfair system, maybe you need to play the game?


FWIW, I don't think the number of fans is that buy a ticket for every game but don't go to that many is particularly high.


As you said yourself thats just making a mockery of the system... I suspect people will be doing this. Unfortunately I don't know people that I could do this and sell an odd ticket too

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A lad from my work is going to Brighton away, already booked flights as he knows someone with over 100 points. I believe it happens alot.





Not the best of ideas that mind as if either team win their FA Cup 3rd Round match then it will be postponed!


Membership should be free but the system is perfectly fine as it is because as has been mentioned, bar Sunderland away each season and Bournemouth last season, every away match has dropped to zero points.

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It's the 4th round on the 28th, but aye, I hope the lad's flights are refundable.



I very much doubt they will be. Crazy booking up this early for Brighton when it's odds on that the fixture will be moved.


Seems fairly daft that they've scheduled Championship games that weekend. How many are actually going to take place? 2-3 at the most i'd reckon.

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It's the 4th round on the 28th, but aye, I hope the lad's flights are refundable.



I very much doubt they will be. Crazy booking up this early for Brighton when it's odds on that the fixture will be moved.


Seems fairly daft that they've scheduled Championship games that weekend. How many are actually going to take place? 2-3 at the most i'd reckon.


There was 3 took place on 4th round day last season. Like you say, pointless scheduling Championship games for that weekend.



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  • 1 year later...

I don't get why some criticise the points system. Fans who put the effort, time and money in to do their trips to clubs far away, midweek away games over seasons gone by in which Newcastle United away from home have been largely absolutely dire, should get first dip on the closer and/or more attractive matches. Whilst me saying that can be a bit hypocritical as I have in the past and probably will in the future ask for tickets on here for matches my meagre 6 loyalty points can't get, it's as fair a system there can be.


I would however slightly change the policy in allowing points to be earned for cup tickets bought home and away.

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Some interesting stats in this piece:




Based on those figures, we only have 24,062 ST holders? That can’t be right surely?


Unless there are 10,000+ fans with 0 points, which I’d be surprised at.


I asked that and apparently it relates to fans that have at least 1 point (that could probably be made clearer in the piece), so yeah, it seems we have somewhere between 10k - 15k fans with 0 points. Perhaps not that surprising when you think about how many families there are in Level 7 that probably wouldn't ever consider an away game.

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There’s not much wrong with the system IMO.  Yes it’s annnoying if you’re in the sitaution where you’ve got 50+ points and have been to a lot of games in the last couple of years but still can’t get a ticket for the derby, but if you keep going it won’t be long until you can get to every game you want to.  Plus if you travel to enough away games and get to know the regular away-dayers, then you manage to build up a little network of people who will be able to get their hands on tickets for certain games. 

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Do you keep loyalty points even if you don't keep going to games? If not, they could go into a hypothetical pot and rewarded to fans next in line.


As long as you keep your season ticket, you keep your points. Which is perhaps where those who would argue against the current system would say it's unfair, you might not have been to an away game for 5 years but if we draw Sunderland in the cup, you could still get first dibs due to your points from previous years. Obviously on the flip side, if you've racked up all the games, however long ago, why shouldn't you get first dibs on such a game.


Like everyone says, no system is perfect, but I think the majority accept ours is pretty fair. That's not to say it shouldn't be looked at and potential changes discussed every now and again.

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