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Hull City vs Newcastle United - 29/11/16 @ 7:45pm - No UK TV


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Even in this league he's been nothing more than average at best.


We fell to pieces when he came on for the last 15 mins against Villa. I'd still put him in ahead of Colback but clearly Shelvey and Hayden is our best central midfield pairing.




You just seem to change your mind on this issue a lot and act like it's been your view for longer than 5 minutes, that's all m8


Have you changed your mind on who is our best central defensive partnership this season m8?


A simple yes or no will suffice?


Well no, not really. 


It'll take a lot more than what we've seen to convince me Colback is the better option or gets better performances out of Shelvey.  From what I've seen of Colback this year it's the same old s*** with him hiding regularly, giving the ball away loads, and shock horror not getting found out for it quite as much because we're at a lower level.  Hayden has been the better of the 2, and I've seen absolutely nothing to suggest Shelvey prefers playing alongside Colback, and neither had you since about 3 days ago.


Who was your preferred centre half pairing before we kicked off at Fulham and who is your preferred centre half pairing now?


:lol: What the f*** you on about?


I'm saying people can change their mind and react to what they are watching. Read through the Ciaran Clark thread for proof of that. At the start of the season nobody would have had him in their starting XI, now just about everybody would.



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Hayden and Shelvey started the game together at QPR which was our biggest win and most dominant performance of the season.  Bit weird.


Mitrovic started as well. Maybe we should play him ahead of Gayle going by your logic?


Shelvey ran the game with Hayden in the team, your "point" was that he is ineffective alongside Hayden compared to alongside Colback.  It's bollocks basically, and reactionary bollocks based on a rare defeat.


You're basing this on 1 match where the opposition were worse than dreadful and their manager lost his job not long after. Our results have been better this season with Colback/Shelvey than Hayden/Shelvey.


Anyway this is the wrong thread to be discussing this. My opinion is still the same and that is that there's little to choose between the two but i'd give Colback the edge because, in my opinion, Shelvey looks better alongside him.


Going forward, should we get promoted I'd expect Colback to be moved on and Hayden to be retained because I think Hayden will improve whereas I know Colback can't quite cut it at that level.


You still haven't said why you think Shelvey looks better alongside Colback. What is it about Colback's game which brings out the best in Shelvey?

I'm only really playing devil's advocate and haven't seen us play enough to have a strong opinion on it but it could be that Hayden tries more risky passes on the ball, instead of Colback who is aware of his limitations and will just give Shelvey the ball most of the time


Does Hayden try more risky passes though? Can't say I noticed it previously, I thought he was pretty good in possession on the whole.

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Hayden and Shelvey started the game together at QPR which was our biggest win and most dominant performance of the season.  Bit weird.


Mitrovic started as well. Maybe we should play him ahead of Gayle going by your logic?


Shelvey ran the game with Hayden in the team, your "point" was that he is ineffective alongside Hayden compared to alongside Colback.  It's bollocks basically, and reactionary bollocks based on a rare defeat.


You're basing this on 1 match where the opposition were worse than dreadful and their manager lost his job not long after. Our results have been better this season with Colback/Shelvey than Hayden/Shelvey.


Anyway this is the wrong thread to be discussing this. My opinion is still the same and that is that there's little to choose between the two but i'd give Colback the edge because, in my opinion, Shelvey looks better alongside him.


Going forward, should we get promoted I'd expect Colback to be moved on and Hayden to be retained because I think Hayden will improve whereas I know Colback can't quite cut it at that level.


You still haven't said why you think Shelvey looks better alongside Colback. What is it about Colback's game which brings out the best in Shelvey?

I'm only really playing devil's advocate and haven't seen us play enough to have a strong opinion on it but it could be that Hayden tries more risky passes on the ball, instead of Colback who is aware of his limitations and will just give Shelvey the ball most of the time


Does Hayden try more risky passes though? Can't say I noticed it previously, I thought he was pretty good in possession on the whole.

He is good in possession and is certainly a much more talented passer than Colback but what I mean is that he is more likely to try to create something himself or even just play a lofted ball out to the flanks while Colback will usually just give the ball to the person closest to him which would be Shelvey a lot of the time. Could be wrong as I've only seen us about 4 or 5 times this season

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Hayden and Shelvey started the game together at QPR which was our biggest win and most dominant performance of the season.  Bit weird.


Mitrovic started as well. Maybe we should play him ahead of Gayle going by your logic?


Shelvey ran the game with Hayden in the team, your "point" was that he is ineffective alongside Hayden compared to alongside Colback.  It's bollocks basically, and reactionary bollocks based on a rare defeat.


You're basing this on 1 match where the opposition were worse than dreadful and their manager lost his job not long after. Our results have been better this season with Colback/Shelvey than Hayden/Shelvey.


Anyway this is the wrong thread to be discussing this. My opinion is still the same and that is that there's little to choose between the two but i'd give Colback the edge because, in my opinion, Shelvey looks better alongside him.


Going forward, should we get promoted I'd expect Colback to be moved on and Hayden to be retained because I think Hayden will improve whereas I know Colback can't quite cut it at that level.


You still haven't said why you think Shelvey looks better alongside Colback. What is it about Colback's game which brings out the best in Shelvey?

I'm only really playing devil's advocate and haven't seen us play enough to have a strong opinion on it but it could be that Hayden tries more risky passes on the ball, instead of Colback who is aware of his limitations and will just give Shelvey the ball most of the time


Does Hayden try more risky passes though? Can't say I noticed it previously, I thought he was pretty good in possession on the whole.

He is good in possession and is certainly a much more talented passer than Colback but what I mean is that he is more likely to try to create something himself or even just play a lofted ball out to the flanks while Colback will usually just give the ball to the person closest to him which would be Shelvey a lot of the time. Could be wrong as I've only seen us about 4 or 5 times this season


The only positive I can think of for Colback is he knows he's incredibly slow, and that means he won't venture far up the pitch. If you are lining up defensively then I suppose you know he won't be caught up the pitch. Any time he's caught in space he ends up hauling the man down because he can't keep pace with him. But in a game where you just need a defensive midfielder to provide a screen in front of the back four and pass it simple, he could do it at this level.


But then again so could Hayden, I still think Colback only gets preferred when Rafa wants to keep Hayden fresh.

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According to Whoscored Colback has the better pass completion rate but Hayden has more assists and key passes.


Hayden also makes more tackles than anyone else in our squad and beats Colback in interceptions. They're level on blocks.


Offensively, Hayden scores more goals and completes more successful dribbles. He's also played way more minutes than Colback despite him not being first choice, which is a little odd.


(based on league stats)

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Hayden and Shelvey started the game together at QPR which was our biggest win and most dominant performance of the season.  Bit weird.


Mitrovic started as well. Maybe we should play him ahead of Gayle going by your logic?


Shelvey ran the game with Hayden in the team, your "point" was that he is ineffective alongside Hayden compared to alongside Colback.  It's bollocks basically, and reactionary bollocks based on a rare defeat.


You're basing this on 1 match where the opposition were worse than dreadful and their manager lost his job not long after. Our results have been better this season with Colback/Shelvey than Hayden/Shelvey.


Anyway this is the wrong thread to be discussing this. My opinion is still the same and that is that there's little to choose between the two but i'd give Colback the edge because, in my opinion, Shelvey looks better alongside him.


Going forward, should we get promoted I'd expect Colback to be moved on and Hayden to be retained because I think Hayden will improve whereas I know Colback can't quite cut it at that level.


You still haven't said why you think Shelvey looks better alongside Colback. What is it about Colback's game which brings out the best in Shelvey?

I'm only really playing devil's advocate and haven't seen us play enough to have a strong opinion on it but it could be that Hayden tries more risky passes on the ball, instead of Colback who is aware of his limitations and will just give Shelvey the ball most of the time


Does Hayden try more risky passes though? Can't say I noticed it previously, I thought he was pretty good in possession on the whole.

He is good in possession and is certainly a much more talented passer than Colback but what I mean is that he is more likely to try to create something himself or even just play a lofted ball out to the flanks while Colback will usually just give the ball to the person closest to him which would be Shelvey a lot of the time. Could be wrong as I've only seen us about 4 or 5 times this season


The only positive I can think of for Colback is he knows he's incredibly slow, and that means he won't venture far up the pitch. If you are lining up defensively then I suppose you know he won't be caught up the pitch. Any time he's caught in space he ends up hauling the man down because he can't keep pace with him. But in a game where you just need a defensive midfielder to provide a screen in front of the back four and pass it simple, he could do it at this level.


But then again so could Hayden, I still think Colback only gets preferred when Rafa wants to keep Hayden fresh.


Colback ventured far enough up the pitch the be heavily involved in our 2nd goal at Leeds last week.

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Hayden and Shelvey started the game together at QPR which was our biggest win and most dominant performance of the season.  Bit weird.


Mitrovic started as well. Maybe we should play him ahead of Gayle going by your logic?


Shelvey ran the game with Hayden in the team, your "point" was that he is ineffective alongside Hayden compared to alongside Colback.  It's bollocks basically, and reactionary bollocks based on a rare defeat.


You're basing this on 1 match where the opposition were worse than dreadful and their manager lost his job not long after. Our results have been better this season with Colback/Shelvey than Hayden/Shelvey.


Anyway this is the wrong thread to be discussing this. My opinion is still the same and that is that there's little to choose between the two but i'd give Colback the edge because, in my opinion, Shelvey looks better alongside him.


Going forward, should we get promoted I'd expect Colback to be moved on and Hayden to be retained because I think Hayden will improve whereas I know Colback can't quite cut it at that level.


You still haven't said why you think Shelvey looks better alongside Colback. What is it about Colback's game which brings out the best in Shelvey?

I'm only really playing devil's advocate and haven't seen us play enough to have a strong opinion on it but it could be that Hayden tries more risky passes on the ball, instead of Colback who is aware of his limitations and will just give Shelvey the ball most of the time


Does Hayden try more risky passes though? Can't say I noticed it previously, I thought he was pretty good in possession on the whole.

He is good in possession and is certainly a much more talented passer than Colback but what I mean is that he is more likely to try to create something himself or even just play a lofted ball out to the flanks while Colback will usually just give the ball to the person closest to him which would be Shelvey a lot of the time. Could be wrong as I've only seen us about 4 or 5 times this season


The only positive I can think of for Colback is he knows he's incredibly slow, and that means he won't venture far up the pitch. If you are lining up defensively then I suppose you know he won't be caught up the pitch. Any time he's caught in space he ends up hauling the man down because he can't keep pace with him. But in a game where you just need a defensive midfielder to provide a screen in front of the back four and pass it simple, he could do it at this level.


But then again so could Hayden, I still think Colback only gets preferred when Rafa wants to keep Hayden fresh.


Colback ventured far enough up the pitch the be heavily involved in our 2nd goal at Leeds last week.


You say this as if he played a Xavi through ball to set up a chance when all he did was play a pretty simple pass to Anita about 25 yards out, which Hayden or any other midfielder could do. It was the link up between Anita and Ayoze which was the main reason we got into a great position to score.


To say we should give him credit for being involved in both goals is pretty strange, especially when one of them was a really poor cross and a goalkeeping error was the reason it wasn't a terrible piece of play by Colback. And the other was a simple pass outside the box

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Hayden and Shelvey started the game together at QPR which was our biggest win and most dominant performance of the season.  Bit weird.


Mitrovic started as well. Maybe we should play him ahead of Gayle going by your logic?


Shelvey ran the game with Hayden in the team, your "point" was that he is ineffective alongside Hayden compared to alongside Colback.  It's bollocks basically, and reactionary bollocks based on a rare defeat.


You're basing this on 1 match where the opposition were worse than dreadful and their manager lost his job not long after. Our results have been better this season with Colback/Shelvey than Hayden/Shelvey.


Anyway this is the wrong thread to be discussing this. My opinion is still the same and that is that there's little to choose between the two but i'd give Colback the edge because, in my opinion, Shelvey looks better alongside him.


Going forward, should we get promoted I'd expect Colback to be moved on and Hayden to be retained because I think Hayden will improve whereas I know Colback can't quite cut it at that level.


You still haven't said why you think Shelvey looks better alongside Colback. What is it about Colback's game which brings out the best in Shelvey?

I'm only really playing devil's advocate and haven't seen us play enough to have a strong opinion on it but it could be that Hayden tries more risky passes on the ball, instead of Colback who is aware of his limitations and will just give Shelvey the ball most of the time


Does Hayden try more risky passes though? Can't say I noticed it previously, I thought he was pretty good in possession on the whole.

He is good in possession and is certainly a much more talented passer than Colback but what I mean is that he is more likely to try to create something himself or even just play a lofted ball out to the flanks while Colback will usually just give the ball to the person closest to him which would be Shelvey a lot of the time. Could be wrong as I've only seen us about 4 or 5 times this season


The only positive I can think of for Colback is he knows he's incredibly slow, and that means he won't venture far up the pitch. If you are lining up defensively then I suppose you know he won't be caught up the pitch. Any time he's caught in space he ends up hauling the man down because he can't keep pace with him. But in a game where you just need a defensive midfielder to provide a screen in front of the back four and pass it simple, he could do it at this level.


But then again so could Hayden, I still think Colback only gets preferred when Rafa wants to keep Hayden fresh.


Colback ventured far enough up the pitch the be heavily involved in our 2nd goal at Leeds last week.


Just as well we scored then, if the ball had gone to the opposition he'd have ended up pulling the man down and getting booked.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Colback? He shouldn't even be at the club he's that fucking crap. I'd rather play Darlow alongside Shelvey than Colback. The little ginger twit!

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Hayden is a more box to box midfielder in my eyes, whereas Colback just sits and lets Shelvey do all that so playing Colback with Shelvey obviously makes more sense.


I like Hayden mind and I think he'll become a good player for us alongside Shelvey in time.

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Out of interest, who are people wanting to play in the attacking roles if we do go 4-2-3-1 or  4-4-1-1?


Atsu, Perez & Diame have done very little to nothing to convince whilst Ritchie is being questioned by some.


Gouffran & Gayle, along with Lascelles & Shelvey would be the first names on my teamsheet for tomorrow.

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Hayden is a more box to box midfielder in my eyes, whereas Colback just sits and lets Shelvey do all that so playing Colback with Shelvey obviously makes more sense.


I like Hayden mind and I think he'll become a good player for us alongside Shelvey in time.


Totally agree.

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Out of interest, who are people wanting to play in the attacking roles if we do go 4-2-3-1 or  4-4-1-1?


Atsu, Perez & Diame have done very little to nothing to convince whilst Ritchie is being questioned by some.


Gouffran & Gayle, along with Lascelles & Shelvey would be the first names on my teamsheet for tomorrow.


I think the number 10 is probably our most difficult position at the moment we just don't have the player for it.


I would perhaps like to see us try a winger there, possibly and controversially Gouffran given that he was once a striker, so maybe something interesting to try.


All considered unless Perez or Diame improve notably we need to either find a better player or change our system before next season.

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Personally I would like to see us keep up with the times and go with the latest 343 wing backs craze. Our players suit that better than our current formation imo.


Dummett ain't no wing back.


Lazaar/Gamez with Dummett as DCL

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Colback? He shouldn't even be at the club he's that f***ing crap. I'd rather play Darlow alongside Shelvey than Colback. The little ginger twit!



Its comments like the original one that remind me why i wasn't shocked that the best some fans could come up with to replace Wiji in the Rafa song was putting the words 'fuck off' before his name.

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Personally I would like to see us keep up with the times and go with the latest 343 wing backs craze. Our players suit that better than our current formation imo.


Dummett ain't no wing back.


Lazaar/Gamez with Dummett as DCL


That's Clark's position all day long though.

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Out of interest, who are people wanting to play in the attacking roles if we do go 4-2-3-1 or  4-4-1-1?


Atsu, Perez & Diame have done very little to nothing to convince whilst Ritchie is being questioned by some.


Gouffran & Gayle, along with Lascelles & Shelvey would be the first names on my teamsheet for tomorrow.


We don't have one. Which is why I was sounding like a broken record about needing to sign one in the summer

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