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Reading 0-0 Newcastle United - 07/03/17 - Post-match reaction from page 8(!)


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I think he considers Diame and Perez in rotation for #10, so Colback is the only option in CM. I literally can't believe he thinks Colback is an acceptable footballer. Also, Rafa is all about the unit so one shit part can sometimes be tolerated if fixing it would create other issues. If that makes any sense.

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Guest neesy111

I think he considers Diame and Perez in rotation for #10, so Colback is the only option in CM. I literally can't believe he thinks Colback is an acceptable footballer. Also, Rafa is all about the unit so one shit part can sometimes be tolerated if fixing it would create other issues. If that makes any sense.

Diame and perez are terrible number 10's tbh.  I've seen absolutely nothing from both that show they know how to play there.

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Guest ElCid

Sorry but you're never going to create much with Perez, gouffran and ginger c*** playing. Could tell what the result would be before a ball was kicked. Baffles me how those 3 consistently get a game. An away draw is never a bad result but I'm always a big believer you play your best team possible and we didn't tonight.



Can't complain when we utilise our squad when we have 3 games in 7 days. If nothing else at least we learn a little bit more about which players can step up and which ones can't.


So why do gouffran, Perez and colback keep getting games then when they fail to step up nearly every time. Colback must be sucking Rafa off cos it's the only reason he can fail to see what a totally abysmal player he is


Hayden is injured therefore Colback gets more game time, Perez gets the odd game and Gouffran while ineffective offensively puts in a shift but Atsu has played more recently anyway.


Benitez doesnt have any other options a lot of the time given the players we have and the rigours of this league. I'd rather see players rotated and avoid injury. The proof is in the pudding anyway......look at the table, we're top.


Hear what you saying and can say fair enough to some you said but cant agree on Colback or gouffran points and never will. Hopefully if we go up then both will be at other clubs in the summer because I would be majorly concerned if either were part of next seasons squad.



Gouffran is "functional" and has done well this season. I dont rate Colback either but clearly Benitez thinks he can do a job as he chooses to start him over Diame in the same position. Neither player should be playing for us next season if we go up.


You will never change my opinion that both offer virtually nothing especially Colback and I think both are detrimental to th team. Hopefully you're right on your last point though and the indication that Rafa was trying to buy players for those two positions in January suggests this.

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Guest ElCid

I think he considers Diame and Perez in rotation for #10, so Colback is the only option in CM. I literally can't believe he thinks Colback is an acceptable footballer. Also, Rafa is all about the unit so one s*** part can sometimes be tolerated if fixing it would create other issues. If that makes any sense.

Diame and perez are terrible number 10's tbh.  I've seen absolutely nothing from both that show they know how to play there.


Agree and I think Diame would be better in midfield.

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Strange match, we were slowly but surely knocking on the door first half then the quality took a nosedive second half and it was scrappy as fuck with both teams just hoofing it, miscontrolling the ball, a few chaotic richochets nearly ending in goals etc. Was entertaining enough but the quality on show was pretty dire overall, pleased enough with a point.

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I think he considers Diame and Perez in rotation for #10, so Colback is the only option in CM. I literally can't believe he thinks Colback is an acceptable footballer. Also, Rafa is all about the unit so one s*** part can sometimes be tolerated if fixing it would create other issues. If that makes any sense.

Diame and perez are terrible number 10's tbh.  I've seen absolutely nothing from both that show they know how to play there.


Agree and I think Diame would be better in midfield.


I also agree, I'm just saying that's how they fit into our squad at the moment.

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We really are the worst team to get promoted.

What about the teams who finish below us and go up?


I don't give a shit about other teams. Mind, that was two bang average teams slugging it out to be the most boring tonight.

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Guest neesy111

We've already scored 6 more goals than the Middlesbrough side that got promoted last season, with 10 games left.

That means fuck all tbh considering how antichrist they are at scoring goals.  Their fans were saying the same last season.

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We've already scored 6 more goals than the Middlesbrough side that got promoted last season, with 10 games left.

That means fuck all tbh considering how antichrist they are at scoring goals.  Their fans were saying the same last season.


Was just a point in relation to Crumpy's ridiculous assertion.


We're only on 3 less than Burnley scored in total too fwiw.

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Started well, pretty good first half and we were unlucky not to go in with at least a 1 goal lead. Couple of deflections, Ritchie hitting the post and Shelvey almost scored with a great strike.


Second half we looked tired and out of ideas in the attacking front. Defensively we were good all night other than Gamez who looks like a headless chicken at times. Reading had a couple of chances but the majority were all long distance efforts.


Overall I'd say a draw was probably the fair result. Great to get 7 points from the last three and it's been a brilliant week. No need for any negative comments from tonight.

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We really are the worst team to get promoted.

What about the teams who finish below us and go up?


I don't give a s*** about other teams. Mind, that was two bang average teams slugging it out to be the most boring tonight.


All you do is post boring, crappy and negative posts man. Shoo

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If this was the "lull" after those last two games then it came at the right time and brought a useful result with it. :thup:


This was the game to drop two points in out of the three. 7/9 from those games is an excellent effort.

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We really are the worst team to get promoted.

What about the teams who finish below us and go up?


I don't give a s*** about other teams. Mind, that was two bang average teams slugging it out to be the most boring tonight.


All you do is post boring, crappy and negative posts man. Shoo

Some post boring , crappy and positive posts. I like to think I post boring, crappy and realistic posts. No doubt many think I'm wrong.
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If this was the "lull" after those last two games then it came at the right time and brought a useful result with it. :thup:


This was the game to drop two points in out of the three. 7/9 from those games is an excellent effort.

Because aswell as winning points from, we also stopped the teams directly behind us from picking up points ?
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We really are the worst team to get promoted.

What about the teams who finish below us and go up?


I don't give a s*** about other teams. Mind, that was two bang average teams slugging it out to be the most boring tonight.


All you do is post boring, crappy and negative posts man. Shoo

Some post boring , crappy and positive posts. I like to think I post boring, crappy and realistic posts. No doubt many think I'm wrong.


You're right.

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