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The other games today 2017/18


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Overall it's probably the best goal, because of the team play before it, plus his run etc. And then obviously the unique finish. Just think others were way more intended, if that makes sense.

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:lol: :lol: :lol:


The SMB's defending for that first. Keown said they were like ants and they were  :lol:

Back in numbers but no organisation. Schoolboy stuff.


Terry's twattery and Costa being a dick, as per...

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:lol: :lol: :lol:


The SMB's defending for that first. Keown said they were like ants and they were  :lol:

Back in numbers but no organisation. Schoolboy stuff.


Terry's twattery and Costa being a dick, as per...

Got to be 20 players in the box for that goal :lol:

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:lol: :lol: :lol:


The SMB's defending for that first. Keown said they were like ants and they were  :lol:

Back in numbers but no organisation. Schoolboy stuff.


Terry's twattery and Costa being a dick, as per...

Got to be 20 players in the box for that goal :lol:


...and they were still all 5 yards away from the goalscorer :lol:

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When you look at City's attacking power you wonder how the f*** they haven't come much closer to winning the league. Got to go down as a failure for Guardiola.


Their defence I would say. Also from the very few matches I have seen, they seem quite mentally weak in the sense they let teams off the hook when they are on top and every chance they concede seem to effect them mentally.


When you translate that to Chelsea and Spurs, the opposite is true. They don't hesitate to put you away and they don't let conceding chances effect them.


With all that said though they should have been more competitive.

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Why did Batshuayi not get more playing time this season. He looks like a handful.



Wasn't played when Costa was out for some strange reason.


Yeah, exactly. A lot of times they went with Hazard upfront.

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Guest firetotheworks

Can or Carroll for me. Can's is easily the most difficult technique of the lot imo. It's not often that you see an overhead kick blastie with the ball coming in towards the goal. Incredible timing and execution.


Carroll's is the best to look at though.

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I used to like Ian Wright but in the last year or two everything I have seen him on he comes across as a bit of an oaf.


Big Al wasn't impressed with the guard of honour. :cool:

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Why did Batshuayi not get more playing time this season. He looks like a handful.



Wasn't played when Costa was out for some strange reason.


Yeah, exactly. A lot of times they went with Hazard upfront.


Not to mention Costa has done his usual 2nd half of the season disappearing act, there's definitely been some games where giving Batshauyi a chance was probably fair enough.

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Guest firetotheworks

I don't think I've ever been more wrong about a player than with Harry Kane. Fuck me, what a striker he is.

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