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Various: Mike Ashley in talks with Sheikh Khaled bin Zayed Al Nehayan

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For people who don't want to go on The Sun's site, here are the bits that aren't all about curries:



Amanda Staveley and Newcastle owner Mike Ashley hold first deal talks at London curry house

Ashley wants to sell and Staveley’s PCP Capital Partners are keen, although she will not meet his £400m valuation



By David Coverdale

7th December 2017, 10:30 pm  Updated: 7th December 2017, 10:34 pm



MIKE ASHLEY and would-be Newcastle owner Amanda Staveley have had their first face-to-face talks – in a London curry house.


Sports Direct tycoon Ashley is looking to sell the Toon and Staveley’s PCP Capital Partners are the front-runners to buy the club.


It is unlikely that any deal will be done in time for the new owners to give Newcastle boss Rafa Benitez cash to spend in the January transfer window.


But the meeting in an affordable Indian restaurant – which was set up by media mogul Richard Desmond – ended with hugs and smiles, as our exclusive pictures show.


SunSport understands Staveley and Ashley found a common ground during the dinner on Wednesday night and there is a willingness to continue negotiations.


Their mutual friend Desmond joined them for food at Paradise in Hampstead, as did Ashley’s wife Laura.


Our photos show the newspaper and magazine owner, wearing a navy coat and jeans, appearing to punch the air in celebration as he says goodbye to Staveley.


And Desmond repeats the gesture when waving off Ashley, who is in his trademark white shirt and jeans and is driven away by Linda in their 4×4.


Our pictures reflect the positive and friendly mood the meeting was said to be conducted in, with Ashley and Staveley both leaving in high spirits.


And these revelations also dismiss the suggestion from some quarters that Ashley had no interest in talking to Staveley, or that she was not serious about buying Newcastle.


Ashley first revealed he was putting the Magpies on the market on October 16 and he stated that he wanted to sell by Christmas.


Staveley, who attended the Toon’s game with Liverpool on October 1, signed a non-disclosure agreement with the club a few days after Ashley’s announcement.


After doing her due diligence, she made a bid to buy Newcastle last month.


One offer was of a one-off payment of £250million.


Another was of a deal totalling nearer £300m, but involving staged payments and a number of clauses, including compensation if the Toon were to go on to be relegated.


Yet Ashley values Newcastle at closer to £400m so was waiting for Staveley, who runs financial firm PCP Capital Partners, to come back with a bigger bid.


Fans feared that had resulted in a stand-off and the takeover would collapse.


But as our exclusive snaps show, talks are very much on, and both parties are confident middle ground can be reached and a deal can be struck.


The prospect of Staveley taking control of Newcastle before the end of the January transfer window, however, is now all but over.


Negotiations have taken longer than she had hoped, partly due to complications arising from other parties having signed non-disclosure agreements with the Toon earlier in the autumn.


Even after a fee has been agreed, the Premier League requires 30 days to do due diligence and ratify the deal, checking proof of funds and conducting an owners and directors test.


But SunSport understands Staveley has not been put off by that timeframe and is keen to buy Newcastle even if she cannot affect next month’s window.


Of course, the delay does mean manager Rafa Benitez will now be relying on Ashley for any money to spend on signings in January.


The Spaniard is desperate to strengthen his squad with the Toon currently sitting just five points clear of the relegation zone, with only one win from their last ten games.


But Ashley is unlikely to want to splash any cash when his ten-year reign at St James’ Park could be about to be over.


SunSport understands the sportswear magnate delayed a planned trip to America to meet Staveley in London on Wednesday.


Ashley regularly dines at Paradise, which is just a 20-minute drive from his family home in the leafy village of Totteridge in North London.


It is a low-key restaurant, with the cheapest curry costing just £6.45 – 50p less than a chicken curry at the sports bar at St James’ Park.


But it is not uncommon for Ashley to do business in such public settings, as highlighted by the recent court case over his meeting with investment banker Jeffrey Blue in a London pub.


Ashley knows newspaper and magazine owner Desmond through another mutual friend, Dr Keith Harris, an investment banker who tried to help him sell Newcastle in 2008.


While Staveley is a long-time acquaintance of Desmond and was pictured with him in June 2016 at the summer party of PR firm Bell Pottinger.


She would be the face of Newcastle if a takeover is successful, but is using investors from Dubai and Saudi Arabia to help fund the deal via her PCP Capital Partners company.


I know i'm the last person who should be saying this, but what a horrendously formatted article man :lol: Makes Ryder look good.

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Those pics look like a deal's been done, to me. Not sure if it's the deal we all want, like.


Or at least significant progress has been made.


To me, and granted I may be reading too much into it, her having a new bottle of whatever is like a 'let me buy you a little something as a thanks' which is kind of a thing with big agreements personally agreed. She could buy a bottle anywhere...so to me that's a gift.


:thup: I want to believe..

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Frustrating how literally no one knows anything at all for definite.


One minute the deal is pretty much off and next minute Ashley and Stavely are going for an Indians and leaving the restaurant all smiles.

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Guest Howaythetoon

I’m of the opinion that know one knows jack other than AS, MA and their people and I don’t mean Charnley and his ilk either.

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Staveley (2 weeks ago): I’m thinking of a figure between £250m-£300m for the club, let me know within 2 weeks.


Staveley (last night): Mike, I’ve not heard anything back from you about my offer, want to discuss it over a curry?


Ashley: Here Amanda, hurry up, I’m sat here waiting to order, starving here.

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Meeting personally in such a public open place is f***ing encouraging.  That means both sides did want to make the deal and they want to give another party the impression that such discussion is "friendly" rather than as bold as newspaper suggests. 


In addition, the key element for this take over, in fact, has to be solved by Amanda and Mike personally.  That's the potential loss of relegation. In short, both sides want the other parties to take the loss, which actually in such a situation (middle of season) this should be shared among them. But this isn't easy and things can go very negative as paper suggests. However, surprisingly, and fortunately, both sides were able to arrange such a curry and solve this out themselves.  f***ing awesome.


Things never look as bright as now.  f***ing hell.

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Deals of this size take time. Due Diligence takes time. Especially when you have investment banks on either side. It would not be entirely unsurprising for it to be extremely quiet during a diligence period as they examine the books, assets, contracts, etc. I’m still optimistic



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Good to see the journos have no fucking clue what is going on. That meeting coming out of the blue and suddenly all these journos coming out with their own story and tidbits about what happened in the meeting. I like the way PCP have done this 'keeping the lid shut' of this whole deal away from the media and journos. They're not going around selling their stories. Not sure if Fat Mike is doing it the same way but sensing that the 'leak' of the first bid could have come from his side to invite other interested parties to come in.


And that bit about the deal not getting done until February, couldn't they come to some kind of agreement that Ashley or a 'loan' party could have to invest or at least help Rafa in some way in January or else PCP can pull out of any pre-agreed details? I can only see it being delayed until February due to the Premier League needing to ratify the deal and with the holidays coming up, it just won't be completed in January.

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There's no picture of the two parties together, could just have been a random coincidence that they were at the same restaurant as each other.

p*ss take, surely? :lol:


Yeah but the wierdo middle man is confusing the situation, someone obviously leaked their meeting to the press, otherwise why would a photographer just be there. If this guy owns a paper or two why is the Sun running with the story and not one of his own.  Unless this isn't the real story and exclusive will drop soon .....


It's a public place, in London. Don't you have any idea how the paparazzi work? :lol:


Yeah the paparazzi is just hanging outside a high class curry shop whose most expensive dish is a massive 15 pounds. They were probably hoping to catch Will and Kate, but happily settled for this story. Clearly tipped off, probably by the guy in the shot himself, who conveniently hung around the doorway long enough chatting to Amanda for the photographers to get a good snap. Like I said this is not the real story, one of his shit rags will break it in the next couple of days no doubt.

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Geez christ, are people on this board so f***ing think they can't see what's obvious ?


I will try to spell it out. These two meet, this Desmond guy or whoever he is gets them together, he owns a paper or two. There is a story here, he could just run it himself right now, he's there at the meet, so knows what's going on. Instead he thinks, I can stoke the fire a little before releasing my story. I'll call one of my free lance photographers I know, tell them where this is going down and be ready. Lets make sure I'm predominantly snapped in the shot. A few days later I'll give an exclusive to one of my rags, spilling the beans.


I honestly despair that I had to write all that out, the whole freakin world is about spin and how to maximise publicity ffs, this is a staged sideshow, the first pump ffs!! Something is coming soon, lets hope the fist pump was well founded and he's not a Mackem !!

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Or maybe someone either working in the restaurant or dining there tipped off the press.  Notice how it's only pictures of them coming out and not going in so the paparazzi guy probably wasn't there when they arrived.  In fact it's probably a good way for the owner or manager of the restaurant to get some decent free publicity, they even stuck the menu in the article :lol:

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