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The other games today 2018/19


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Guest firetotheworks

What happened with Vardy btw? Deserved red card? Haven't seen anything aside from as a -1 on Fantasy Football.

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Gottta feel for Moses. Guarenteed started under Conte and now on the bench.


They don't play 3 at the back anymore and so he's not useful anymore really.


Can't really play right back, and he's terrible as an all out forward player now.


Think he's done at Chelsea now. Surprised he's even on the bench.

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Emery fucked up that 2nd half, sitting back all half with no real way of getting out was just asking to lose.




Yeah, Arsenal now have no one that runs with pace other than Aubameyang, and so that strategy is not going to work for them.


In hindsight they probably would have been better off keeping both Walcott and Ox.


They lack pace and running ability so badly now.

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